Tarkenna hakuasi

12014 Sivuaine: Basic Studies in International Law

Basic Studies in International Law (25 op / ects)

Basic Studies in International Law (25 ects) consist of two obligatory courses. Besides the two obligatory courses, students are free to choose how they compile the courses for the basic studies (25 ects). Basic Studies in International Law are a suitable minor for example for students studying European Law as their major. Also, Basic Studies in International Law can be recommended for students who wish to add an international perspective into their studies or students who are interested in international placements or career after graduation.

  • 5311093 Public International Law 5 ects
  • 5311014 Seminar on International Dispute Settlement 5 ects
  • 5311115 International Energy Law and Policy 5 ects
  • 5311720 International Environmental Law I 5 ects
  • 5311721 Climate Change Law and Policy 5 ects
  • 5311722 Seminar on International and European International Law 5 ects

Opiskeluoikeus / Study right

Vapaa sivuaineoikeus.

Free choice of minor.

Lisätietoa / Further information

Lisätietoa opinnoista löydät oikeustieteiden sivuaineoppaasta WebOodissa.

More information on the WebOodi.

Vastuuyksikkö: Oikeustieteiden laitos, Joensuun kampus

Responsible unit: UEF Law School, Joensuu Campus