Tarkenna hakuasi

12041 Sivuaine: International Business and Sales Management

International Business and Sales Management (25 op / ects)

In our programme we emphasise three core themes: internationalization, business-to-business sales, and cross-cultural communication. The content of the programme rests on the latest theoretical findings and case exercises, group work and collaboration between peer students, staff and B2B companies.

Opiskeluoikeus / Study right

Vain kauppatieteiden opiskelijoille tarjolla oleva sivuaine.

Restricted access – only for UEF Business School students.

Lisätietoa / Further information

Lue lisää kauppatieteiden sivuaineista WebOodissa.

More information on the WebOodi.

Vastuuyksikkö: Kauppatieteiden laitos, Kuopion kampus

Responsible unit: UEF Business School, Kuopio Campus