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17081 Information channels

KAMU: Handbook of doctoral education

Kamu is handbook that contains instructions for all phases of your doctoral studies.

Viva Engage: News

Viva Engage (formely Yammer) is UEF's private social network through which news and information are delivered. Doctoral School and all Doctoral Programmes have their own Yammer groups to which you should join in order to keep yourself updated on the activities and other important information related to your doctoral studies. You can also join other interesting Yammer groups e.g. the your department's group or research funding group.

You can find Yammer in Heimo, which you can access by logging with UEF credentials.

Peppi: Information about studies

Peppi is a student information system, where you can browse course catalogs and find information about contents and schedules of the courses and register for the courses. You can also plan your studies and acquire transcripts of academic record.

More information on Peppi and a userquide, see Peppi Handbook in Heimo (requires UEF login).

Heimo: Information bank, e-working environment and eServices

Heimo is a digital working environment of the University of Eastern Finland, which you can access via UEF login. It contains a feed of internal news and an information bank (entitled Services) where you can browse for information with keywords. See, for example, Support for Research page.

Heimo also contains E-services (e.g. for rrequesting software support or for applying for a doctoral degree). It also gives you an access to tools you need in your everyday work including applications and tools available in the O365 environment and UEF’s own systems (e.g. Moodle) regardless of your location and device, as long as you have an access to the internet and a browser.

Learn more about different digital tools in section Tools for doctoral reseacrhers.

Mepco: Personel information

Mepco is a Personnel Information System Services where employment contracts and information, as well as grant researcher agreements, are stored.

If you are employed by the UEF, you can review your employment information and salary slips in Mepco. You can also report changes in your address and other such data, fill in applications for leave and absence notifications etc., as well as fill in the forms related to assessment discussions in accordance with the salary system for universities and to performance appraisal discussions.

UEF Connect: Expert search service

UEFConnect is a search engine service into the expertise UEF has to offer, through which you can increase your researcher visibility. All UEF researchers and other experts have a personal profile in the service. UEFConnect also offers an arena for research groups to introduce themselves. The profiles can be linked to funding applications, for example.

Your name and title will be automatically imported to the service if you are employed by the UEF or you have concluded a grant researcher agreement in Mepco. Your contact information will be imported from HelpNet and your scientific publications from UEF CRIS. In addition, you can upload your CV and insert information about your work duties, research projects and potential teaching or societal activities. You can also link your other social media profiles to the service. The service is very search engine friendly.

If your UEFConnect profile does not appear automatically, the additional and/or extension of access rights can be applied for you by the department.

More information about UEFConnect, and instructions for editing your profile can be found in Heimo (requires UEF login).

UEF CRIS: Research database

UEF CRIS (Current Research Information System) is a database containing information about publications, expert tasks, research and education projects and international mobility periods of the university members.

You are expected to submit the information on the publications in UEF CRIS system as soon as they have been published. Other publications, projects, expert tasks and international mobility periods should also be stored into the UEF CRIS by you or in the way as has been agreed in the unit.

More information and instructions related to UEF CRIS can be found in Heimo (requires UEF login).​​

Doctoral School webpage: External communication

Information, e.g., on the upcoming doctoral defenses will be published on UEF Doctoral School webpage.