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27232 Documents from Peppi

Documents from Peppi

Check the validity of a digitally signed document in Atomi Validator (opens in a new tab)


Check the validity of a digitally signed document in Adobe Acrobat Reader DC.

Atomi uses the certificate provided by Digital and Population Data Services Agency (DVV) to sign digital documents. Adobe Acrobat Reader DC can verify the validity of certificates by the DVV, but the software does not recognize the DVV’s certificate before you trust all root certificates in the Windows Certificate Store. Do this by following the instructions below.

1. Open Adobe Acrobat Reader DC

2. Go to Edit (Muokkaa) and click on Preferences (Oletusarvot).

Picture of where you click Preferences

3. Choose Signatures (Allekirjoitukset) and then click on More (Lisää…) where it says Verification, control how and when signatures are verified (Varmennus, määritä miten ja milloin allekirjoitukset varmennetaan).

Picture of where you click Signatures

4. Tick both boxes under the heading Windows Integration (Windows-sulautus ) and click OK.

Adobe Varmenne 3 Ruksit

Close Adobe Reader and open the document again. Adobe now shows all digitally signed documents with DVV’s certificate as valid.

Picture of a valid digitally signed document.