Tarkenna hakuasi

7076 FILO Erasmus

Soveltava kasvatustiede ja opettajankoulutus / Applied Education and Teacher Training

Alankomaat - The Netherlands

Hogeschool Rotterdam (new tab) 2 3
Saxion University of Applied Sciences (new tab) 1

Belgia - Belgium

Artevelde University of Applied Sciences (new tab) 1
Thomas More University of Applied Sciences (new tab) 1 (available only for one semester)

Espanja - Spain

Universidad de Alcalá (new tab) 1 2 3 (CEFR level B1 in Spanish required)
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (new tab) 1
Universidad de Huelva (new tab) 2 3 (Check the language requirements for master level courses. Student may take bachelor level courses taught in English)
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (new tab) 1 (CEFR level B1 in Spanish required)
Universidad Complutense de Madrid (new tab) 1 2 (CEFR level B1 in Spanish required)
Universidad de Granada (new tab) 1 (CEFR level B1 in Spanish recommended)

Irlanti - Republic of Ireland

National University of Ireland Maynooth (new tab) 2


Bath Spa University (new tab) 1 2 (one semester only)

Italia - Italy

Università degli Studi di Padova (new tab) 1 2

Itävalta - Austria

University of Vienna (new tab) 1 2
Pädagogische Hochschule Salzburg (new tab) 1 2
Pädagogische Hochscule Kärnten (new tab) 1 2
Kirchliche Pädagogische Hochschule Wien/Krems (new tab) 1

Kreikka - Greece

National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (new tab) 1 2
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (new tab) 1 2


University of Latvia (new tab) 1 2

Liettua - Lithuania

Vytautas Magnus University (new tab) 1 2

Portugali - Portugal

Universidade de Aveiro (new tab) 1 2 (Language of tuition Portuguese, exams available in English)

Puola - Poland

University of Bialystok (new tab) 1
University of Warsaw (new tab) 1 2

Ranska - France

Université de Toulouse – Jean Jaurès (new tab) 1 2 (CEFR level B1 in French is required)

Ruotsi - Sweden

Linköping University (new tab) 1

Saksa - Germany

Europa-Universität Flensburg (new tab) 1, 2 (check availability of English-taught courses)
Freiburg University of Education (new tab) 1
Universität Hildesheim (new tab) 1 2 3
Universität zu Köln (new tab) 1 (CEFR level B1 in German required)
Universität Greifswald (new tab) 1 2 3 (CEFR level B1 in German required)
Universität Regensburg (new tab) 1 2 (CEFR level B2 for German-taught courses)
Universität Vechta (new tab) 1 2

Tanska - Denmark

University College Copenhagen (new tab) 1 (available only for one semester)

Tsekki - Czech Republic

Charles University (new tab) 1 2 3
Palacky University Olomouc (new tab) 1 2 3

Unkari - Hungary

Eszterhazy Karoly Catholic University (new tab) 1 2

Turkki - Türkiye

Dokuz Eylül University (new tab) 1 2
Gazi University (new tab) 1 2 3
MEF University (new tab) 1
Yeditepe University (new tab)1

Viro - Estonia

Tallinn University (new tab) 1 | Education
Tallinn University (new tab) 1 2 | Education (teacher of foreign languages), Music and arts

Kasvatus- ja aikuiskasvatustiede, Ohjaus / Education and Adult Education, Career Counselling

Alankomaat - The Netherlands

Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam (new tab) 1

Espanja - Spain

Universidad de Extremadura (new tab) 1 (check availability of English-taught courses, CEFR level B1 in Spanish recommended)
Universidad de Castilla- La Mancha (new tab) 1 2 (check availability of English-taught courses, CEFR level B1 in Spanish recommended)
University of Barcelona (new tab) 1 2 (CEFR level B1 in Spanish required)


Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (new tab) 1 2

Saksa - Germany

Universität Duisburg-Essen (new tab) 1 2
Pädagogische Hochschule Ludwigsburg (new tab) 1 2
Freiburg University of Education (new tab) 1 2
Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg (new tab) 1 2 (CEFR level B1 for German-taught courses)
Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg (new tab) 1 2 3 (check availability of English-taught courses, CEFR level B1 in German recommended)

Erityispedagogiikka / Special Education

Liettua - Lithuania

Lithuanian Sports University (new tab) 1 2

Saksa - Germany

Justus-Liebig-Universität Giessen (new tab) 1 2 (CEFR level B1 in German)
Leibniz Universität Hannover (new tab) 1 2 (CEFR level B1 in German required)

Suomen kieli ja kulttuuritieteet, Logopedia / Finnish Language and Cultural Research, Logopedics

Kroatia - Croatia

University of Zagreb (new tab) 1 2 (Logopedics: Faculty of Education and Rehabilitation Sciences)


University of Latvia (new tab) 1 2 3​

Puola - Poland

University of Gdansk (new tab) 1 2​
University of Lodz (new tab) 2 3
University of Warsaw (new tab) 1 2 3

Ranska - France

Université de Caen (new tab) 1 2 3 (check availability of English-taught courses, intermediate knowledge of French needed)

Saksa - Germany

Hochschule Darmstadt (new tab) 1 2
RHTW Aachen (new tab) 1 2 (CEFR level B2 in German required; Department for Logopedics: Faculty of Medicine)
Universität Greifswald (new tab) 1 2 3 (English or German, languages have to be discussed with departments)
Universität zu Köln (new tab) 1 2 3
University of Bremen (new tab) 1 2 3 (CEFR level B2 in German for German-taught courses, check the availability of English-taught courses)


University of Ljubljana (new tab) 1 2 3

Tsekki - Czech

Charles University (new tab) 1 2 3 | Faculty of Arts, Department of Germanic Studies (Finnish Language and Literature)

Unkari - Hungary

University of Pannonia (new tab) 1 2 3

Viro - Estonia

Tallinn University (new tab) 1 2 3
University of Tartu (new tab) 1 2 3

Vieraat kielet ja käännöstiede / Foreign Languages and Translation Studies

Alankomaat - The Netherlands

University of Groningen (new tab) 1 2 (available only for one semester)

Belgia - Belgium

Université Libre de Bruxelles (new tab) 2
Universiteit Gent (new tab) 1 2 3 (study area "literature and linguistics: modern languages" is available only for one semester)

Espanja - Spain

Universidad del Pais Vasco (new tab) 1 2 (CEFR level B1 in Spanish required)
Universidad de la Laguna (new tab) 1 (CEFR level B1 in Spanish required, available only for one semester)
Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (new tab) 1 (CEFR level B1 in Spanish recommended, check the availability of English taught courses)
Universitat Jaume I (new tab) 1 (CEFR level B1 in Spanish recommended)
Universidad de Zaragoza (new tab) 1 2 (check availability of English-taught courses, CEFR level B2 in Spanish)
Universitat Rovira I Virgili (new tab) 1 2 (check availability of English-taught courses, CEFR level B1 in Spanish recommended)
Universidad de Sevilla (new tab) 1
Universidad de Málaga (new tab) 1 3 (CEFR level B1 in Spanish required)

Italia - Italy

Università degli Studi di Genova (new tab) 1
Università degli Studi di Firenze (new tab) 1 2 (language of tuition Italian, CEFR B1 in Italian required)
Università degli Studi di Udine (new tab) 1 2 3
Università degli Studi di Napoli "L'Orientale" (new tab) 1 2 (NB! Language of tuition Italian, CEFR B1 recommended)

Itävalta - Austria

Universität Wien (new tab) 2 (only for students majoring in German, CEFR level B1 in German required!)

Kreikka - Greece

Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (new tab) 1 2
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (new tab) 1 2
Ionian University (new tab) 1 2 (available only for one semester)


Daugavpils University (new tab) 1 2
University of Latvia (new tab) 2

Liettua - Lithuania

Vilnius University (new tab) 1 2

Portugali - Portugal

Universidade de Coimbra (new tab) 1 2 (Language of tuition mainly Portuguese, exams available in English; check the availability of English taught courses)
Universidade de Minho (new tab) 1 2 3 (Language of tuition mainly Portuguese, exams available in English; check the availability of English taught courses)

Puola - Poland

UMCS - Maria Curie-Sklodowska University (new tab) 1 2
Nicholas Copernicus University (new tab) 1 2
University of Silesia (new tab) 1 2

Ranska - France

Université d'Angers (new tab)  1 2 (CEFR B2 in French recommended)
Université de Caen (new tab) 1 2 (check availability of English-taught courses, intermediate knowledge of French needed)
Université Clermont Auvergne (new tab) 1
Université Paris Nanterre (new tab) 1 2
Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3 (new tab) 1 2 3
Université Perpignan via Domitia (new tab) 1 2 3
Université Catholique de L’ouest (new tab) 1 2

Saksa - Germany

Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg (new tab) 2 3 (CEFR B2 or higher required, C1 for German department classes)
Berliner Hochschule für Technik (new tab) 1 2 (Language of tuition mainly German, CEFR B1 recommended)
Bielefeld University (new tab) 1 2 (Language of tuition mainly German, CEFR level B1 in German needed)
Technische Hochshule Köln (new tab) 3 (Language of tuition mainly German)
Universität Duisburg-Essen (new tab) 1 2
Universität Greifswald (new tab) 1 2 3 (CEFR level B1 in German required)
Universität Potsdam (new tab) 1 2
Universität Hildesheim (new tab) 1 2
Universität Münster (new tab) 1 (check availability of English-taught courses)
Universität des Saarlandes (new tab) 1 2 (main language of instruction German, CEFR B1 recommended)
Universität Tübingen (new tab) 1 2
University of Bremen (new tab) 1 2 (check availability of English-taught courses)
Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg (new tab) 1 2 (CEFR level B1 for German-taught courses)


University of Ljubljana (new tab) 2 3 (available only for one semester)

Tsekki - Czech Republic

Masaryk University in Brno (new tab) 1 2
Charles University (new tab) 1 2 3 (Faculty of Arts, Department of Germanic Studies)

Turkki - Türkiye

Hasan Kalyoncu University (new tab) 1 2

Unkari - Hungary

University of Debrecen (new tab) 1 2

Viro - Estonia

University of Tartu (new tab) 1 2

Teologia / Theology
Psykologia / Psychology

Alankomaat - The Netherlands

​​Universiteit Twente (new tab) 1 2​
Universiteit Maastricht (new tab) 1 2


University of Latvia (new tab) 1 2

Liettua - Lithuania

Vytautas Magnus University (new tab) 1 2

Portugali - Portugal

Instituto Superior de Maia (new tab) 1 2 3 (CEFR level B1 on Portuguese needed)

Puola - Poland

Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw (new tab) 1 2

Ranska - France

Université de Caen (new tab) 1 2 (intermediate knowledge of French needed)
Université Paris Nanterre (new tab) 1 2 (intermediate knowledge of French needed)

Saksa - Germany

Universität zu Köln (new tab) 1 2 (courses in German only, CEFR level B2 in German required)
Universität zu Lübeck (new tab) 1 2
Universität Konstanz (new tab) 1 2
Heinrich-Heine Universität Düsseldorf (new tab) 1 2 3 (Check the language requirements)

Tsekki - Czech Republic

Charles University (new tab) 1 2 3 (Faculty of Education, Department of Psychology)

Turkki - Türkiye

Mehmet Akif Ersoy University (new tab) 1 2 (check the availability of courses taught in English!)