In the names of teaching facilities, the letters refer to the building and the first number refers to the floor. The rooms on each floor are in numerical order. For example, room AG106 is located on the Joensuu campus in the Agora building on the first floor. Auditoriums are usually numbered from 100 upwards, e.g., SN200 and SN201 are auditoriums that are located on the Kuopio campus in the Snellmania building on the second floor.
Teaching facilities are mainly at the students’ disposal during times that they are not being used for teaching. Reservations for the rooms are marked on a schedule outside the door. You can also check the reservation status from Peppi, Tuudo and Lukkarikone.
Joensuu campus
- AG Agora, Yliopistokatu 4 M
- AT Agora theology section, Yliopistokatu 4
- AU Aurora, Yliopistokatu 2
- BOR Borealis, Yliopistokatu 7
- C Carelia, Yliopistokatu 4
- E Educa, Tulliportinkatu 1
- F Futura, Yliopistokatu 7
- M Metria, Yliopistokatu 7
- MET Luke, Yliopistokatu 6
- N Natura, Yliopistokatu 7
- TB/TD Joensuu Science Park, Länsikatu 15
- TK Tulliportin koulu school, Tulliportinkatu 1
With the exception of main building Carelia’s halls that are numbered C1 and C2.
Kuopio campus
- BT Bioteknia, Neulaniementie 2
- CA Canthia, Yliopistonrinne 3
- E KPY Novapolis E, Microkatu 1
- F KPY Novapolis F, Microkatu 1
- MD Mediteknia, Yliopistonrinne 3
- MS Medistudia, Yliopistonrinne 3
- ME Melania, Yliopistonranta 8
- SN Snellmania, Yliopistonranta 8
- TT Tietoteknia, Savilahdentie 6