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12191 Studies Photonics

Photonics, Joensuu

Courses in Photonics in 2021-22, Joensuu campus

Photonics courses lectured in English in academic year 2021-2022 are listed below. The prerequisite for participating in these Master's level studies is having completed at least three years of university studies in Physics, Optics, Photonics or Physical and Engineering Sciences.

Course code Course Lecturer Teaching schedule (period) Timing ECTS
3312063 Communication Skills Markku Kuittinen 1-2 1st year 4
3312005 Master’s Thesis Seminar in Physics Markku Kuittinen 4 2nd year 2
3312055 Photonics and Optics Fundamentals Pasi Vahimaa 1 1st year 4
3312008 Physical Optics Matthieu Roussey 2 1st year 4
3312021 Material Physics Pasi Vahimaa 3 1st year 4
3312016 Quantum Physics Pasi Vahimaa 2 1st year 4
3312032 Advanced Measurements and Laboratory Practice Pertti Pääkkönen 1 1st year 2
3312032 Laboratory Practice 1 Various 2-4 1st year 9
3312032 Laboratory Practice 2 Various Autumn semester 2nd year 3
3312032 Laboratory Practice 3 Various Autumn semester 2nd year 3
3312071 Graphical programming for setup control Viatcheslav Vanyukov 1 2nd year 2
3312060 Micro- and nanophotonics Jari Turunen 4 1st year 4
3312064 Optical Design: geometrical optics Jari Turunen 3 1st year 4
3312027 Optical Design: numerical modelling Pertti Pääkkönen 2 2nd year 4-5
3312020 Light and Matter Yuri Svirko 4 1st year 4
3312059 Quantum Optics Ari Friberg / Tommi Hakala 1 2nd year 4
3312056 Nonlinear Optics Yuri Svirko 2 2nd year 4
3312058 Laser Physics Tero Setälä 1 2nd year 4
3312062 Color Science Martti Mäkinen 1 & 3 1st year 4
3312073 Applications of Photonics Jyrki Saarinen 2 2nd year 4
3312025 Display Technology Markku Kuittinen 4 2nd year 5
3312048 Components for optical telecommunications Matthieu Roussey 4 1st year 4
3310306 Numerical Methods in Photonics Kimmo Saastamoinen 1 1st year 2
3312057 Mathematical methods for Photonics Markku Kuittinen 1 1st year 4
3312052 Data and Error Analysis in Natural Sciences Hannu Laamanen 2 1st year 2
3312078 Basics of Signal and Image Processing Hannu Laamanen 3 5
3313005 Advanced Biomedical Optics Pertti Silfsten spring term 4

Concerning all courses of the Department of physics and Mathematics, they can be arranged by the decision of the lecturer as hybrid- or remote teaching. Then, for exams, the remote supervision arrangements of exams (see, section 2) can be taken on use.

Registering for courses is done through WebOodi. The official assessment scale of the University of Eastern Finland is from 1 to 5 (5 being the highest). Some courses may be graded as Pass or Fail, in which case no numerical grade will be given. In a written examination students normally have to obtain a minimum of 50% of the raw points to gain a Pass from a course.

Grade Definition ECTS scale
5 Excellent A
4 Very good B
3 Good C
2 Satisfactory D
1 Sufficient E
Pass Course completed successfully C

UEF Academic matters

Contact person for international student exchange: Noora Heikkilä (email:

The person responsible of the study subject (physics, photonics) is prof. Markku Kuittinen (email: