Refine your search

18699 More instructions and FAQ

More instructions and Frequently Asked Questions

How to optimise your job search? (video, 1:45, opens in a new window)

The HAKA sign-in does not work with my UEF credentials. If your password contains Nordic characters, such as Ä or Ö, they may not work. Change your password in the UEF system and try anew.

I cannot see any jobs in Finland or jobs for academic students/graduates. Check that you have chosen at least one course/programme in your profile settings.

I cannot see all internships, even if choose the contract type internships. Employers may advertise internships as fixed-term or full-time positions or summer jobs. Tick these as well in your search.

Job search results do not give jobs in my study field. In the JobTeaser portal, employers do not target their job offers by study fields, but by job category. The job categories are not ideal for multidisciplinary universities. Rather choose several categories instead of just one. Or, choose none. You can always edit your search criteria. If the industry of the offered position does not matter to you, you can leave that field empty. The selection might restrict the opportunities that are offered to you too much. For example, there is administration, computing, HR, communications and marketing in all industries.

I have already graduated and cannot change my e-mail in the UEF system. Contact the career services:

There are more or different jobs in another university’s than UEF’s JobTeaser. All universities have their own JobTeaser platforms and some employers like to target their job ads to the schools in their geographical district.