Plagiarism detection
The doctoral dissertation must be checked with the plagiarism detection tool before submitting it to pre-examination. In the case of an article-based dissertation, only unpublished parts (Abstract and manuscripts of scientific articles) will be checked. Plagiarism detection will be carried out with Turnitin, which is integrated in online learning environment eLearn.
- Supervisor delivers the name of the eLearn course to the doctoral researcher.
- The doctoral researcher uploads the manuscript of the dissertation to Turnitin assignment as a single file (.doc or .docx)
- The doctoral researcher informs the supervisor when the report is ready.
- The supervisor reviews the plagiarism detection report and discusses it with the doctoral researcher if necessary.
The doctoral researcher may independently check the previous versions of the dissertation and the manuscripts of the scientific articles in Student Turnitin.
Turnitin Guide for Students (in eLearn Moodle, requires login).
If suitable eLearn course is not available, it can be created in the following way:
- When doing it for the first time, the course creator must accept the terms and conditions by logging in Turnitin-system using HAKA login.
- Order the course template in eLearn Moodle from the Dashboard, on the right side, from the Important Links -block.
- When the course has been added on eLearn environment, the Turnitin assignment will be added by clicking "Add an activity or resource".