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22210 Essentials of Studying

Completing courses

Teaching methods

Academic freedom is one of the basic values of the Finnish university system. It emphasises independent study and opens up many possibilities to students. In most cases, students can basically choose what to study and when to study. Some lectures, for example, may not be compulsory.  However, the practical sessions are usually always obligatory. Academic freedom goes hand in hand with academic responsibility – it is up to students themselves to plan, schedule and complete their studies.


Courses can last for one semester or they may start and finish at any time of the semester. Some courses are intensive with up to six hours of lectures and/or laboratory exercises per day. The other courses are less intensive with only a couple of hours a week. So the duration of a course may vary from a few days to several months depending on the field of study and the courses taken. Usually no courses are organized during the summer months (June–August). However, some practical training may be possible during that time. UEF also organises Summer School in August.

Course descriptions describe the teaching methods and specify what a student must do in order to earn credits from a course. The course requirements are often listed in the course descriptions. Courses may include lectures and/or small-group teaching, written assignments, examinations, practical exercises, classroom discussions, group work, on-line discussions/exercises, lab work/reports, course diaries, term papers, oral presentations, or a combination of these.

In most study fields the courses form larger modules at 3 levels: basic/introductory studies, subject/intermediate studies and advanced studies. Course descriptions and timetables of the courses (as soon as they have been confirmed by the Faculty, usually timetables are available at the beginning of the semester) can be found in Peppi.

Please make sure you always attend the first meeting of the course because the first meeting is always the best possibility to ask about the course requirements, the credits and grading and everything else concerning the course. Ask questions to make sure that everything is clear to you.

Study tours, excursions and field courses

In some study programmes study tours, excursions, and field courses offer an opportunity for the students to visit and experience various sites in the nearby area, other locations around Finland, the Baltic States and even Russia. Fieldwork usually involves gaining practical experience through field exercises, some formal lectures, and group work. Additional costs may apply to field courses, excursions, and study tours. The contact persons for these courses can provide more information and answer questions.


Most courses offered in English are lecture courses. Course participants are generally assessed by written work in the form of reports, research essays or examinations. Some courses may have a range of credits possible to earn based on a combination of course options. For some courses, especially those in which reading assignments in English substitute lectures given in Finnish, students may be required to pass an examination on the required course literature.

Lectures usually begin a quarter past the hour (e.g. 8:15) excluding some group teaching and exams. In Finland these fifteen minutes are called “an academic quarter”. A lecture lasts for 45 minutes, but double lectures are very common (2 x 45 minutes). Attendance at lectures is usually optional, but often essential for passing the course successfully. Therefore, attending lectures is highly recommended. Most of the teaching is carried out in lecture form although in many fields practical training, laboratory work, exercises or group work play a central role. In these cases, attendance is mostly compulsory. Please make sure you know the requirements for each course, including which parts are compulsory and which are optional.

Course literature

Course literature is often specified in the course description. This literature is usually available to be borrowed from and/or read only in the University Library. In some cases students may obtain assigned literature from the office of the faculty organising the course. The number of copies of course literature available is limited so you may have to make a reservation. If a student wishes to purchase textbooks published abroad, it is recommended that he or she do so before arriving in Finland since prices, especially for imported textbooks, are higher. Some reading materials are distributed during courses. Questions about specific course literature should be directed to the contact person of the course.

Independent study

Some courses can also be completed as independent study. In the case of independent study, reading assignments are given in English and students complete work under the supervision of an instructor. Independent studies in some subjects can be  completed by taking examinations on specified books.  Examinations based on reading assignments are organised on general examination days scheduled by the faculty responsible for the course. The schedules for the examination dates for specific independent study courses are available from the faculty arranging the courses and in most cases on Peppi. Some independent study courses have multiple examination dates each semester or year; others may be scheduled for only one day a year. Confirm the schedule in Peppi or from your International Academic Coordinator.

Office hours

Please note, that members of the university staff have often allocated office hours during which you can visit them. You can also make an appointment either by phone or email. You can search for the contact information and office hours of any staff member in UEF Connect.

Electronic exams

General info

Exam Introduction (video)

University of Eastern Finland uses EXAM for electronic exams. You can take an exam during the examination period (defined by the lecturer) when it suits you the best. You can take exams in Kuopio and Joensuu campuses.

You can also take your examination in another university’s EXAM room as an exam visit. See where you can take your exams (opens in a new tab). Read the instruction for EXAM visit in English carefully before enrolling for an EXAM.

Good To Know

Exam rooms have video surveillance. Always have your student ID card, personal ID or driver’s license with you at the Exam, as we might check your identity during the exam. If you don’t have any of the mentioned cards, the supervisor will instruct you. You may also take a water bottle with you, but make sure it has no labels.

Other notions:

  • Login to the computer with your UEF username and password (visitors with a visitor ID).
  • If you leave the Exam room before you have completed the examination, you are not allowed to return and continue the examination.
  • You may not take anything extra to the exam rooms (watch, phone, coat, notes).
    • You can leave them to the lockers outside the exam room.
  • If you are unsure about any technical aspects of the examination, you should take the examination when Oppari is open.
  • There is absolute silence in the Exam rooms and you will not be able to discuss there.
  • Please come to the Exam without perfumes and fragrances.
  • You can retake the exam once the examiner has graded your exam.
  • For more informatoin:

Negliance of the rules may lead to a failed grade.

EXAM rooms and how to get in them

You can get into the EXAM rooms without an access badge if you are taking the exam during the following times. Otherwise, visit Oppari for an access badge.


During the semesters (1.9.-31.5.)

  • Natura N112 (F-door): Mon-Thu 07.00-18.00 and Fri 07.00-16.00
  • Carelia 162a: Mon-Fri 08.00-18.00 and Sat 10.00-14.00

During the summer (1.6.-31.8.)

  • Natura N112 (F-door):  Mon-Fri 07.00-16.00
  • Carelia 162a: Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri 08.00-16.00 and Wed 08.00-18.00


During the semesters (1.9.-31.5.)

  • Canthia CA205: Mon-Fri 08.00-18.00 pm and ja Sat 10.00-14.00
  • Mediteknia 1029: Mon-Fri 07.45-16.00

During the summer (1.6.-31.8.)

  • Canthia CA205: Mon-Fri 10.00-14.00
  • Mediteknia 1029: Mon-Fri 07.45-16.00

You can take your exam in the evenings, on the weekends and on public holidays in Mediteknia (Kuopio) and in Natura (Joensuu) 6.00-5.00. Remember to get yourself an access badge if you exam is outside the times above, or you are taking the exam on a public holiday. The badge works on the door that is located around the corner opposite of the building having the logo of Kuopion Energia.

In Mediteknia, please use the coat rack that is in the same hallway as the exam room. The doors in Mediteknia main lobby are open 7.30-16.00. If you leave your coat in the main lobby, no access badge will work on the doors.

Taking an exam in the evenings, on the weekends and on public holidays

In order to take an exam in the evenings, on the weekends and on public holidays, you will need an access badge. You have two options:

  1. Use your personal access badge, which you can apply with this form. Select the language in the upper right corner. The badge gives you the opportunity to utilize the extended opening hours and you don't have to get yourself a one-time badge every time you want to take an exam outside the opening hours.
  2. Collect a one-time access badge from Oppari before your exam. Check Oppari’s service hours for picking up an access badge.

The badges work for Mediteknia (MD 1029, Kuopio) and Natura (N112, Joensuu). Please note, that EXAM visitors will not be granted any type of access badges and are adviced to take the exams during the opening hours of Oppari.

Taking an exam at UEF as a visitor

Exam visit means that you are taking your own university’s examination in another university’s Exam room. Exam visits can only be done during the opening hours of Oppari.

Before your exam, please make sure that the login credentials of your own university work, as you will go through HAKA-identification in the exam browser. You will login to the computer with a day ID which you can get from Oppari.


The following software is available to students on Exam computers: MS Word (without the spell check function), MS Excel, MS PowerPoint, MS Paint, a PDF reader, MicroDicom DICOM Viewer, GeoGebra, TI-Nspire CX Premium Teacher Software, Matlab and a calculator.

Individual study arrangements

Special examination facilities are at the disposal of students, who have the right to individual study arrangements.  Access to these Exam rooms is always through Oppari.

Joensuu campus: Carelia 162, 1st floor

Kuopio Campus: Canthia CA206, 2nd floor


Procedural instructions for taking an electronic exam including the deadlines for grading (in Finnish) (pdf)
Guide to EXAM for students

For exam registrations and reservations see: Exam service (opens in a new tab)
See also Heimo: Exam instructions to teachers (opens in a new tab, login required)

Further information: