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Health Care for Students [page]

Four different health care sectors Finnish student health service, FSHS Fnnish Student Health Service (opens in a new tab) (Ylioppilaiden terveydenhuoltosäätiö, YTHS) provides all Bachelor’s and Master’s degree students of the University of Eastern Finland, with preventive health care, medical care, mental health care, and dental care. Please note that FSHS offers NO emergency or […]

Information security guide [page]

Student’s information security in a nutshell You are responsible for all activities carried out under your user ID. Apart from your personal data, also remember to protect other people’s information that is in your possession. Never tell your password to anyone else. Choose a password that is easy for you to remember but impossible for […]

Self-study facilities [page]

The self-study facilities are available for quiet studying and group work. The university’s guidelines relating to safety and hygiene must be followed in all facilities. Access badge Access to the 24/7 self study facilities is with an access badge only. You can apply the Access badge by using this online form. If you already have […]

Information skills courses [page]

Information skills courses and support can be found on the University library’s website: Information skills courses (opens in a new tab) Information retrieval skills guides and instructions (opens in a new tab) Open learning materials on information skills (opens in a new tab)

Campus pastors [page]

What is a campus pastor? Campus pastors are assigned by the Church on campuses for students and staff. They act in the university community as experts in communality and the growth, changes, and learning of personal life. Activities of the campus pastor The campus pastors offer individual guidance by offering verbal aid for personal growth […]

Welcome to start your studies at UEF! [page]

We wish to make the start of your studies with us as smooth as possible. This is why we offer an orientation programme for all the new international students at the beginning of each semester. The programme includes a lot of practical information and tips on how to get things rolling. We hope all our […]

Practical training [page]

Practical training during studies is a great opportunity for students to apply their theoretical knowledge in practice, improve their professional skills, narrow down their career choices, and make direct contact with potential employers. Having work experience in your own discipline, no matter how brief the period of employment, gives you an advantage over others in […]

Europe: Erasmus+ [page]

Erasmus+ is the most extensive European student exchange programme funded by the EU. This page contains more information on the programme, along with a list of host universities by academic departments. University of Eastern Finland also has bilateral agreements with some European universities. In addition, the Nordic Countries are available through the Nordplus programme. You […]

JOO – flexible study right studies [page]

The national agreement on flexible study rights (JOO) came into effect on 1 August 2004. According to the agreement, the undergraduate and postgraduate students of all the Finnish universities have the opportunity to include in their degree minor subject studies from the offering of other Finnish universities regardless of the university in which they have […]

Student Union membership fees [page]

ISYY, the Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland (opens in a new tab), looks after the students’ rights and interests. ISYY operates on both the Joensuu and Kuopio campus. On this page you can find information on the following subjects: Bachelor’s and master’s degree students’ fees Under the student union act, all bachelor’s […]