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FAQ: Frequently asked questions about student exchange [page]

This page covers frequently asked questions about student exchange. Questions have been grouped as follows: Why is student exchange a good idea? Studying abroad often gives a new and broader perspective to your own field of study and offers the chance to take courses not provided by your home university. The exchange period will improve […]

Student Tutoring for International Students [page]

All incoming exchange students and Bachelor’s and Master’s degree students will be provided with a student tutor who helps the new students with practical matters and adjusting into the Finnish student life and culture. The call for the tutors for the Autumn Semester 2024 was closed 18 Feb. The tutor should be -a degree student […]

Erasmus partners of Philosophical Faculty [page]

ACADEMIC YEAR 2023-2024 (Level of studies: 1 = Bachelor’s level studies, 2 = Master’s level studies, 3 = Doctoral level studies) Updated 23 August 2023 NB! The links open up in a new tab. NB 2! NB! If you have an employment contract with UEF (for example as a 10 % grant researcher), you are […]

Europe: Erasmus+ [page]

Erasmus+ is the most extensive European student exchange programme funded by the EU. This page contains more information on the programme, along with a list of host universities by academic departments. University of Eastern Finland also has bilateral agreements with some European universities. In addition, the Nordic Countries are available through the Nordplus programme. You […]

Summer studies [page]

During the summer months you can write essays and follow online courses. Additionally, you can work on your thesis, do practical training or other project work that is included in your study plan. Please note that completing a course may require more than merely sitting an exam. Check the course descriptions in Peppi for further […]

JOO – flexible study right studies [page]

The forms of teaching cooperation between universities are increasingly diverse, in addition, there are a number of cross-institutional study agreements between Finnish higher education institutions at present. These increase the possibilities to choose studies from other universities. As a result, the Finnish universities have jointly decided to withdraw from the JOO flexible study right agreement […]

Minor subject studies in the UEF [page]

In our university, the main principle of minor subject studies is that the studies are offered to the student across faculty borders. However, there are restrictions to admittance, proficiency tests or entrance examinations in some subjects or study programmes that apply to students. These include studies in languages, psychology, medicine, pharmacy, teacher training (including the […]

Registration as being absent [page]

Each student must register as being present or absent for each one of their active study rights in the Oili registration service annually within the registration period. NOTE! Remember to register as being present or absent for each one of your active study rights! You can find the registration instructions here: Registration instructions for new […]

Suspending the studies [page]

The Unemployment Security Act’s provisions on the right to unemployment benefits if university studies are suspended for a minimum of one year have been repealed by the new Unemployment Security Act (1290/2002, Finlex database) that entered into force on 1 January 2013. The university does not issue suspension certificates to students for unemployment benefit applications […]

Studies at the University of Eastern Finland after graduation – alumni study right (formerly continued study right) [page]

Students that have completed their Bachelor’s degree, Master’s degree or postgraduate degree at the University of Eastern Finland have the right to complement their studies after graduation with the alumni study right. Students entitled to the alumni study right: Students who have completed a Master’s degree on 1.8.2019 or thereafter. Students who have completed a […]