The keeping of the university’s student information system Peppi and its information content are governed by the Universities Act, the Universities Decree, the Decree on University Degrees, and the University of Eastern Finland Degree Regulations.
The processing of personal data in the student information system, including disclosure of information, is governed by the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (2016/679, GDPR) and the Act on the Openness of Government Activities (Laki viranomaisten toiminnan julkisuudesta 621/1999).
Disclosing information to authorities
The university is obliged by law to disclose personal data from the student information system to various authorities on a regular basis (e.g. Statistics Finland, Ministry of Education and Culture, Finnish Student Health Service, Social Security Institution of Finland). The university also discloses personal data to the university’s own units for the purposes of monitoring of studies and planning of teaching. The Student Union shall receive the information of its members.
Disclosing information for research purposes
Information may also be disclosed for the purposes of scientific or historical research. In these cases, the student information disclosure request needs to be accompanied by a brief research plan or other description of the use of the information.
Personal data disclosed for research purposes need to be destroyed, archived or altered so that the data subjects cannot be identified after the personal data in question is no longer needed for research purposes.
Concealed information
In order to mark their information concealed, a student needs to have a non-disclosure for personal safety reasons from the Finnish Digital and Population Data Services Agency (the link open to a new tab).
Please note, that if you have a non-disclosure, even the teachers can’t see your information in the student register.
Student information disclosure request
The person writing the study / thesis, association, organisation or other party requesting student information needs to fill out the Student information disclosure request (DOCX, opens up in a new tab). Application forms are also available at Student and Learning Services at both campuses. The application form should be filled out and returned to persons to be contacted in matters relating to information disclosure (see below).
The processing time of information disclosure applications is 1–3 weeks.
The university adheres to the principles of good register-keeping and requires that parties requesting student information have a relevant relationship to the group on which data is requested.
Persons to be contacted in matters relating to information disclosure
Anne Litja
Tel. +358 40 3553 308
Tarja Pakarinen
Tel. +358 50 4080 223
Student and Learning Services:
Joensuu Campus
Street address: Yliopistokatu 2, Aurora building, entrance A, ground floor
Postal address: University of Eastern Finland, Student and Learning Services, Joensuu Campus, P. O. Box 111, FI-80101 Joensuu, Finland
Kuopio Campus
Street address: Yliopistonranta 1 B, Canthia
Postal address: University of Eastern Finland, Student and Learning Services, Kuopio Campus, P.O. Box 1627, FI-70211 Kuopio, Finland