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Search Results: erasmus-traineeship

Application periods for outgoing exchange [page]

This page is about the outgoing exchange application periods at the University of Eastern Finland. These application periods are a part of the first stage of the exchange application process: the student’s application to the UEF. The second stage of the application process, the student’s application to the host university, is a completely separate process […]

Calls for applications for student exchange [page]

Application period for YUFE exchanges 15-30 September 2024 The autumn call for applications for YUFE exchanges will open in September, 15-30 Sept 2024. During the application period, bachelor, master and doctoral students at the University of Eastern Finland may apply for student exchange at YUFE Alliance partner universities for the spring semester 2025. Students may […]

International traineeship support from UEF faculties [page]

For traineeships based in Europe, Erasmus+ funding is primarily used for student grants. Erasmus+ traineeship grant is applied from International Mobility Services. If you have any questions related to Erasmus+ traineeship, please contact For traineeships outside of the EU and Erasmus+ programme, students may apply for traineeship support from their own faculty and department. […]