Assessment and registration of study attainments and publication of exam results
Last modified: 27.02.2024
PrintAccording to the Education Regulations (2§) a study attainment refers to a course completed by the student.
The teacher in charge shall be responsible for the assessment of the study attainment. If there are several implementations of the course, the teacher who was responsible for the implementation shall be responsible for the assessment. (Education Regulations 33 §)
The assessment of a study attainment shall be based on the course description confirmed in the curriculum. Learning outcomes must be set for each course. The assessment of learning shall focus on the learning outcomes specified in the curriculum, and the grade shall be given on the basis of the assessment scale laid down in the curriculum. (Education Regulations 33 §)
If a student has retaken a study attainment and received different grades for the same study attainment, the highest grade shall be the one recorded. (Education Regulations 33 §)
Scales and grades used in the assessment of study attainments
The numerical scale 0–5 shall be used in the assessment of study attainments, including Bachelor’s and Master’s theses and theses written for a minor subject. Grades have the following meaning: 5 = excellent, 4 = very good, 3 = good, 2 = satisfactory, 1 = sufficient and 0 = fail. Study attainments may be graded on a scale of Pass – Fail. The minimum requirements for passing shall be laid down in the curriculum. (Education Regulations 32 §)
Approved licentiate theses and doctoral dissertations shall be evaluated as pass with distinction, pass, or fail. (Education Regulations 32 §)
The scale for evaluating the proficiency in the second national language shall be fail, satisfactory or good, as laid down in the Act on the Knowledge of Languages Required of Personnel in Public Bodies (424/2003) and the Government Decree on the Demonstration of Proficiency in the Finnish and Swedish Languages in Civil Service (481/2003). (Education Regulations 32 §)
Publication and registration of study attainment results
The date of an exam or the date on which a study attainment was submitted for examination shall be the completion date of the study attainment. The completion date of theses (excluding the Bachelor’s thesis) shall be the date of the decision on grading the thesis. If a study attainment has several parts, the date of the final part shall be the completion date of the study attainment. (Education Regulations 40 §)
Course assessment results shall be published no later than three (3) weeks after the completion of the course by entering the grades in the university’s student and study register. For a special reason, the teacher in charge of the course may extend the deadline for one (1) week. Students who have enrolled in teaching must be immediately informed of the extension and its grounds. The dean or the head responsible for education of the department or the school that is in charge of teaching may extend the deadline for publishing the results on the basis of particularly weighty reasons. Students who have enrolled in teaching must be immediately informed of the extension and its grounds. (Education Regulations 34 §)
The deadline for publishing the results of electronic examinations shall be calculated from the 15th day of the month in which the examination was taken if the examination was taken before the 15th day. The deadline for publishing the results of examinations that took place on or after the 15th day of the month shall be calculated from the first day of the following month. (Education Regulations 34 §)
Information on both passed and failed study attainments shall be entered in the student and study register. The distribution of grades and the number of failed attempts can be seen on the electronic platform. A student shall receive a notification of the study attainment once it is recorded in the student and study register to the e-mail address provided by the university. (Education Regulations 34 §)
The deadlines do not include periods during which teaching is not provided in accordance with the decision of the Vice Rector for Education, nor the period between 15 June and 15 August. (Education Regulations 34 §)