In accordance with the provisions of the Universities Act (558/2009), the language of instruction and degrees at the University of Eastern Finland is Finnish. The university may also decide on the use of another language as the language of instruction and degrees, including study attainments.
This regulation stipulates the languages of degrees and instruction of the university, as well as
the language of completion of a course and the language of the thesis.
The regulation applies to Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programmes at the University of Eastern Finland, with the exception of degree programmes in languages and language and communication studies. In international degree programmes, the language of study,
instruction and degrees is English.
Part 1
The Faculty Council may decide on the use of a language other than Finnish in connection with the approval of the curriculum, taking into account the implementation of educational responsibility (Education Regulations, Section 26).
The language of the degree is the language in which the degree programme is implemented, also indicated in the curriculum of the degree programme. The majority of the compulsory part of a degree programme must be provided in the language of the degree. The compulsory part refers to basic, intermediate and advanced studies of a major or similar, or equivalent studies. ‘The majority’ means more than 50 % of the total amount of credits in the degree programme. As a rule, teaching on the courses of the compulsory part of a degree must be organised entirely in the language of the degree. An exception can be made in individual cases for pedagogical reasons.
Example: Most of the degree programmes at the University of Eastern Finland are conducted in Finnish. The university also offers degree programmes where the language of degrees is English.
Example: In a degree programme conducted in Finnish, all other studies except for basic and intermediate studies can be provided in English. Less than 50 % of basic and intermediate studies can be provided in English.
Example: As a rule, the courses of the Finnish-language part of the degree programmes are taught in Finnish. In these degree programmes, students are always entitled to instruction in Finnish for the majority of their basic, intermediate and advanced studies.
Part 2
Each course has a language of instruction, and the language of instruction of the course is the one in which most of the teaching is provided (Education Regulations, Section 26). The course description shall indicate the language of instruction (Education Regulations, Section 19). If the language of instruction is other than Finnish, the course description shall indicate in which language the student can take the exam or complete another attainment related to the course (Education Regulations, Section 19). One or more languages may be used in teaching.
Example: The language of instruction is confirmed in the curriculum.
Example: When the language of instruction of a course is Finnish according to the curriculum, teaching (e.g. lecture, seminar) can be arranged in English for a maximum of less than 50 % of the student’s total workload on the course.
Part 3
The course assignments, exam questions (or equivalent) and answers are given in the language of instruction of the course, in which case it is also the language of completion of the course.
The language of the course refers to the language in which students complete their assignments on the course (e.g. learning assignments, reports, exam, learning diaries, etc.). In a degree programme conducted in Finnish, the student has the right to use Finnish or another language in accordance with the curriculum for both written and oral attainments (Education Regulations, Section 26).
Example: In a degree programme conducted in Finnish, the student always has the right to use Finnish in study attainments (such as learning assignments).
Part 4
The study material for courses is selected primarily on the basis of pedagogical consideration, taking into account the possibility to utilise the latest research data on a course. Regardless
of the language of instruction and completion of a course, material may also be offered in
other languages approved by the university. Decisions on study material and the language used
are made in connection with the approval of curricula, or in another process approved by the university related to the organisation of teaching.
Example: The language of instruction and completion is typically Finnish or English. Study material in German, for example, can be confirmed in the curriculum.
Part 5
At the discretion of the university, teaching can also be offered in language versions using, for example, recordings, subtitles or interpretation.
Part 6
As a rule, the thesis included in the Bachelor’s or Master’s degree is written in the language of the degree of the degree programme or the language specified in the curriculum. Decisions on the right to use another language in the thesis shall be made by the head responsible for education of the department/school/institute/unit. (Education Regulations, Section 26).
Academic Rector’s decision (pdf in Intra, requires registration)