Faculty of Health Sciences' instructions for publishing the dissertation
Last modified: 12.02.2025
PrintPreparing your dissertation for printing
You are responsible for preparing the dissertation for publication, and the layout in practice. It is recommended to use the layout template (docx) from the beginning of the dissertation writing process. The new style sheet needs to be used in doctoral dissertations as of 1 January 2021. The document opens first in the browser (you must be signed with UEF account). Save the file to yourself. After that you can edit it.
An article-based dissertation is published in full only if the original article publishers have given their written consent to republish the articles in the university’s publication series. Otherwise only the conclusion will be published. As an author, you are responsible for acquiring copyrights and publication rights for the articles and other materials in the dissertation. Permission for reprinting is applied from the original publisher of the article(s). Publishers may have a form for applying permission; otherwise, you can use the template for applying preprint permissions. Permission for electronic publishing should be included to the application.
A paragraph dissertation requires permission to modify a published article (including technical modifications) in addition to permission for reprinting.
The permission for reprinting must be announced on a separate page at the beginning of each article, in the table of contents and after other possible indexes. E.g. ’Printed with the kind permission of [publisher’s name]’
Publishing your dissertation
After your faculty has given you permission to defend the dissertation, you may publish it. However, it must be published at least 7 days before the public examination. It is up to you to make sure that the dissertation is available for viewing at the University Library by the deadline. It is not necessary to have the dissertation printed.
The publication permission is applied for from the publication series’ editor. In the appointment with an editor, a publication contract is signed. The number of copies in the first edition is defined in the contract. The contract will be sent to Publishing Services of the UEF Library: electronic.publications@uef.fi. The Library will thereafter send an electronic signature request via UEF Sign. In case of article-based dissertation, please, deliver also the copies of possible republishing permits to the UEF Library. The time span between having publication permission and dissertation day should be long enough (at least six weeks) to ensure adequate time for editing and printing process.
The doctoral dissertation is usually published in both printed and electronic format. A separate e-publication contract is not needed. It will be possible to delay e-publishing if necessary due to copyright reasons. The electronic dissertations are published in the eRepo-service of the UEF Library.
Dissertations in Health Sciences are published in in the Faculty of Health Sciences series (Publications of the University of Eastern Finland. Dissertations in Health Sciences). The editor decides on the layout according to the Faculty style sheet and publishing instructions.
Editors and Distribution of work by units
- Department of Nursing Science and Institute of Dentistry: Päivi Kankkunen
A.I. Virtanen Institute for Molecular Science and Institute of Biomedicine: Tarja Malm - Institute of Clinical Medicine and Institute of Public Heath and Clinical Nutrition: Jari Halonen, Ville Männistö and Toni Rikkonen
- School of Pharmacy: Veli-Pekka Ranta
Once the editor has received the dissertation manuscript and the documents associated with the publishing agreement, the editor checks that
- the language used in the dissertation manuscript is flawless (the language has been revised if needed)
- the dissertation manuscript is formatted in compliance with the layout model of the series and that it follows the faculty’s publishing instructions
- the necessary permissions for reprinting / reusing possible articles in the dissertation have been obtained.
ISBN code and printing
You must request an ISBN code for the dissertation from by using the ISBN request form. Deliver the printing house with the manuscript of the dissertation and the texts and pictures to be printed on the covers. You must also review the proof, which can be obtained in an electronic format (e.g. as a pdf) from the printing house. The verified proof will be printed in its final size and layout.
If the costs are covered by the Faculty of Health Sciences the compensation is available only when printing is ordered from printing house that University has an agreement with (Punamusta). The thesis can be printed at any printing service when costs are covered by you.
Dissertation printing cost compensation
Faculty of Health Sciences compensates dissertation printing costs of
- The copies for the opponent and the custos
- The copies to be delivered to members of the university (e.g. professors representing the doctoral candidate’s subject. An electronic copy will be delivered to the Rector and to the Dean.
- The copies to be put on display at and archived by the UEF Library (4 copies >> PunaMusta will mail these to the campus library in Snellmania)
- The legal deposit copies for the National Library of Finland (6 copies >> PunaMusta will mail these to the National Library)
- Other possible copies (decided by the doctoral student)
Compensation is available only when printing is ordered from printing house that University has an agreement with (PunaMusta). If you use other printing house than PunaMusta, if you pay for printing yourself. In this case, you must also take care of the distribution of dissertation yourself. Ordering instructions for doctoral dissertations can be found in UEF intra (requires UEF login).
As agreed between printing house PunaMusta and Faculty, the defendant should announce when ordering the printing, that an invoice of max. 400€ including VAT, can be sent directly to the Faculty. In case the printing costs are less than 400€, the one invoice can be sent to the Faculty. As a reference, the name of the defendant, date of defense, and code 2940000, should be mentioned in the invoice. You must yourself take care of the costs exceeding 400€.
Distribution of the dissertation
You are responsible for the distribution of the dissertation unless otherwise agreed. You must take care of that the printing house delivers a printed copy of dissertation to campus library to be available for public 7 days before the public examination. If you use PunaMusta they will take care of the copies to be put on display at and archived by the UEF Library. If you use other printing house than PunaMusta, you must take care of the distribution of dissertation yourself.
The University’s agreed printing house will forward the electronic dissertation to the library. If printing is executed in other than University’s agreed printing house, you should remind a printing house about this task. An electronic version will be distributed as an e-mail attachment to: electronic.publications[at]uef.fi.
Copies of the dissertation are sent to the Opponent and the Custos well before the public examination. It has been the custom to send the dissertation to the Rector of the home campus, the Dean of the Faculty and the Professor of the subject. The Rector and the Dean wish to receive either a link to the UEF e-repository or an electronic (PDF) dissertation. The Dean is also delighted to discuss the topic of the dissertation with you, and you can book the appointment by contacting the Executive Assistant Sari Koskelo (sari.koskelo[at]uef.fi).
The library is responsible for selling the dissertation and determines the price.