At the University of Eastern Finland, teaching in the autumn semester 2021 is prepared to be organised without any restrictions on physical attendance, facility capacities or group sizes. The well-being of teachers and students plays an important role in the planning of next autumn’s teaching.
However, it is likely that the coronavirus pandemic hasn’t fully subsided by the autumn. This is why teachers are asked to prepare for the following possible changes when planning their next autumn’s courses:
- the curricula should include the possibility to switch to online teaching also on courses where in-person teaching is preferred,
- online, blended and hybrid modes of teaching should primarily be used on courses where this pedagogically justified,
- specific attention should be paid to first- and second-years students in order to foster their commitment to the academic community and to their studies, and
- online teaching should be preferred over in-person teaching on courses that would be difficult to re-design, should the circumstances change (e.g., facilities and groups of mass lectures).
The curricula for the academic year 2021–2022 are to be confirmed no later than 31 March 2021. The syllabuses for the autumn semester will be confirmed by 15 June 2021, and detailed teaching information will be published in WebOodi no later than 31 July 2021. The syllabuses for the spring semester will be confirmed, and detailed teaching information published in WebOodi, no later than 30 September 2021.
Teaching in the summer 2021 is organised in accordance with the decisions pertaining to the spring semester.
The situation is re-evaluated monthly on the basis of the recommendations and orders given by the Regional State Administrative Agency.