The next walk-in vaccination event will be held at Kuopio-halli (address Opistotie 4) on Wednesday, 29 September 2021, at 8–15 and on Thursday, 30 September 2021, at 8–15. First and second doses of vaccine are available, as well as third doses for those with a weakened immune system. The vaccine available is Moderna and/or Pfizer-BionTech. Please remember to have your ID and, if you are a student, also your study certificate/student card with you.
In addition to the walk-in vaccination event, it is possible to get vaccinated by booking an appointment either on the phone or via an online booking system. At the moment, vaccination appointments are well available. Information on available appointments, and instructions on how to book one, is available on the website of the City of Kuopio in the address