Due to the exceptional circumstanses, we are opening a book picking service for UEF staff members and students, who already have a library card. The service starts from 14.5. and is valid until further notice. UEF Libraries are closed from customers.
We pick the books from shelf based on reservations made 14.5. or after. The service is intented only for material you absolutely need for your studies and research. Unfortunately National repository library books, legal deposit copes and reading room copies are not available during the service. Interlibrary services are also closed until further notice. Please notice, that this is an exceptional arrangement and our customers need to follow given instructions.
1. Check the availability of the book from UEF Primo. You can have max. five (5) books at a time.
2. Make a reservation in UEF Primo. Make sure, you have chosen the right edition and so on. We pick the books from shelf based on reservations made 14.5. or after. In case you have earlier reservations on books you absolutely need, contact library[at]uef.fi.
3. If the book or article is available in electronic format, a printed version will not be delivered.
4. The books will be ready for pick-up within a week from order. We will notify you by email, when your order is ready to be picked up from the campus.
5. It is crucial that you follow the given pick-up time, since the order will be canceled, if you don’t pick it up on the given day.
6. Pick up the books your ordered from Joensuu Olola (Carelia-building) / from Kuopio, Snellmania-buildings lobby. It is crucial to avoid any contact with other people.
7. The books are on the shelf by your name. They have been borrowed for you and you can see them in your loans in UEF Primo.
8. Notice, that this is an exception and the Libraries are closed due the Coronavirus pandemic.
9. As usual, the customer is responsible for the borrowed material, as told in the Library’s Terms of use.
10. Thank you for co-operation! If needed, contact library@uef.fi