Effective from 1 January 2025
Studies Required for the Doctoral Degree
The doctoral studies comprise at least 30 ECTS, of studies in research and professional skills as well as a doctoral dissertation. Information about the study requirements and the curriculum can be found in the Peppi: study guide for doctoral researchers at the Philosophical Faculty.
If a doctoral student has previously completed a licentiate degree in his/her current subject or a neighbouring discipline or a doctorate in a neighbouring discipline, studies in research and professional skills are, in most cases, not required. If necessary, the student may be expected to complete supplementary studies as specified in the curriculum of the doctoral programme.
Change of the Target Degree or Major Subject
Doctoral researchers can apply for a change of major subject or target degree within the doctoral programme and faculty using a separate form. The application must be accompanied by a new research plan, supervisors' consents and certificates of previous studies. When processing the application, it is checked whether the applicant's background studies are suitable for the new major. The applicant must have completed 30 ECTS credits of studies in the major subject of the doctoral degree or an applicable related subject. Changes to the right to study are granted by decision of the Dean. If a doctoral researcher is granted a completely new right to study, e.g. when the field of study changes, the old right to study is terminated by the same decision. If the organizational unit of the right to study changes within the faculty, this is also recorded in the dean's decision. If a doctoral researcher wishes to change faculty, he or she must apply for the right to study again. In that case, the old right to study will be terminated when the new one begins. Apply for a change of the target degree or the major subject within the doctoral programme with this form.
Information about the study requirements and the curriculum can be found in the webpages of the Doctoral programme. A personal study plan (PSP) is made using the doctoral study plan form.
Degree requirements and structure
The degrees available in the Doctoral Programme in Clinical Research are Doctor of Medical Science, Doctor of Odontology, Licentiate of Philosophy, Doctor of Philosophy, Licentiate of Philosophy (Pharmacy), Doctor of Philosophy (Pharmacy), Licentiate of Health Sciences and Doctor of Health Sciences.
If you need to change the target degree, the doctoral programme, or the major, you can do it by filling in the following forms.
- Form for changing the target degree (docx)
- Form for changing the doctoral programme or the major (docx)
Degree structure and study requirements
In order to get the post graduate degree, studies defined in the degree structure (transferable skills studies and studies in the discipline and field of research) and an approved thesis are required. You must obtain altogether 30 ECTS of which
- 5- 15 ECTS Transferable skills studies, and
- 15-25 ECTS Studies in the discipline and field of research
The balance of transferable skills courses and discipline and field of research doctoral studies shall be determined jointly by the student and the supervisors at the time when the personal doctoral study plan is being prepared and depends on the student's educational background and research plan.
Personal study plan
Courses for compiling the study plan can be found in curriculum in Peppi. The personal study plan has to be submitted to the Faculty of health Sciences within 3 months from the admission date by electronic form.
Following postgraduate courses are recommended for the students of Doctoral Programme in Clinical Research:
- Introduction to Clinical Research, 1 ECTS (4416902)
- Basic Course of Clinical Research Practices, 5 ECTS (4416935)
- Introduction to Research Ethics Evaluation, 2 ECTS (TL00BV81)
- Research Ethics, 1 ECTS (1145003)
Courses in discipline and field of research
Subject specific and studies in supporting disciplines must cover information relevant for the research project in question. The amount of studies in different fields included in the studies depends on the research topic and the student’s postgraduate study aims. However, the scope of subject-related postgraduate studies must be sufficiently wide.
Curriculum of the doctoral programme is found in Peppi
All credit registration requests, with the exception of doctoral courses organised by UEF, are registered using the Webropol form.
Studies to be included in doctoral degree:
Doctoral courses organised by UEF
Other courses organised by UEF and courses organised by other universities in Finland and abroad (e.g. NorDoc network) in accordance with the suitability
Seminars and education days, maximum 5 ECTS .
For training days, a report and programme approved by the supervisor must be attached. The report may consist of several separate events.
One presentation (1 ECTS) may be included in the total (5 ECTS).
• Duration 20 h 1 ECTS
• Duration 40 h 2 ECTS
• Own presentation 1 ECTS
- Duration 20 h 1 ECTS
- Duration 40 h 2 ECTS
- Own scientific presentation 1 ECTS
Scientific congresses with PhD researcher’s own presentation, maximum 8 ECTS.
- Duration 2 days 1 ECTS
- Duration 3—4 days 2 ECTS
Working in research institutes or equivalent during PhD studies, maximum 5 ECTS
A report approved by the main supervisor must be drawn up on the work.
Working should take place outside the organisation where the PhD study right has been registered or PhD research is conducted. If a PhD researcher is an employee in a company, she/he cannot get ECTS for working in the same company.
Work or research visit to a research institute in Finland, excluding collection of data for your doctoral dissertation 1 op/ 2 weeks + report writing
Work or research visit to an international research institute, excluding collection of data for your doctoral dissertation 1 op/week + report writing
For scientific articles of at least JUFO1 class related to the own study field but not included in the doctoral dissertation or other module of study, maximum 1/10 of the degree’s total credits
First, second or last writing position
- International Peer-Reviewed Original Article and Review Article 3 ECTS
- National Peer-Reviewed Original Article and Review Article 2 ECTS
Other Author Place
- International Peer-Reviewed Original Article and Review Article 2 ECTS
- National Peer-Reviewed Original Article and Review Article 1 ECTS
Book exams, maximum 1/5 of the degree's total credits
100 pages equals 1.5 ECTS
Specialist qualification in Medicine or in Odontology (no more than one) which is completed in Finland or approved by Valvira and related to doctoral research 8 ECTS
Language Studies
All language courses organised by the doctoral school can be included in the transferable skills studies.
Maximum number of language studies is 1/4 of the degree.
Only those language studies which are considered essential for the purpose of conducting research (e.g. interpretation of the data) or are used in the university (in the Faculty of Health Sciences, these are Finnish and English) could be included in the degree. If other languages than Finnish or English are included, the main supervisor's statement of the need for a language course should be included.
Additional additions
ECTS are not granted for teaching, for the teaching obligation is part of the university work. However, the doctoral degree may include University Pedagogics studies as transferable skills studies up to 5 ECTS.
No credits are granted for teaching, supervising theses, conducting studies in the Armed Forces, serving as a student member in institutions, in other institutions or acting in an expert role.
Courses of the co-operative networks
You can also include courses offered by NorDoc- network in your doctoral studies.
Transferable Skills Studies
More information about transferable skills courses can be found the curriculum of Doctoral School in Peppi.
Degree requirements and structure
The degrees available in the Doctoral Programme in Drug Research are Licentiate of Philosophy (Pharmacy), Doctor of Philosophy (Pharmacy), Licentiate of Philosophy, Doctor of Philosophy, Doctor of Odontology, Doctor of Medical Science Licentiate of Health Sciences and Doctor of Health Sciences.
If you need to change the target degree, the doctoral programme, or the major, you can do it by filling in the following forms.
- Form for changing the target degree (docx)
- Form for changing the doctoral programme or the major (docx)
Degree structure and study requirements
In order to get the post graduate degree, studies defined in the degree structure (transferable skills studies and studies in the discipline and field of research) and an approved thesis are required.
You must obtain altogether 30 ECTS of which
- 5- 10 ECTS Transferable skills studies, and
- 20-25 ECTS Studies in the discipline and field of research
The balance of transferable skills courses and discipline and field of research doctoral studies shall be determined jointly by the student and the supervisors at the time when the personal doctoral study plan is being prepared and depends on the student's educational background and research plan.
Personal study plan
The personal study plan has to be submitted to the Faculty of Health Sciences within 3 months from the admission date by electronic form. Courses for compiling the study plan can be found in curriculum in Peppi.
Research Ethics, 1 ECTS (1145003) is mandatory course for all doctoral researchers who are granted the study right for doctoral studies in the Doctoral Programme in Drug Research on 1.8.2024 or after.
Following post graduate courses are recommended for the students of Doctoral Programme in Drug research:
- Entrance examination (5 ECTS), 4212111, to be completed within six months after granting of the PhD study right
- Defense of the research plan (3 ECTS), 4212112, must be completed by the end of the third year of studies
- Instructions (word document)
- Evaluation form for the board members (word document)
Courses in discipline and field of research
Subject specific and studies in supporting disciplines must cover information relevant for the research project in question. The amount of studies in different fields included in the studies depends on the research topic and the student’s postgraduate study aims. However, the scope of subject-related postgraduate studies must be sufficiently wide.
Curriculum of the doctoral programme is found in Peppi.
All credit registration requests, with the exception of doctoral courses organised by UEF, are registered using the Webropol form.
Studies to be included in doctoral degree:
Doctoral courses organised by UEF
Other courses organised by UEF and courses organised by other universities in Finland and abroad (e.g. NorDoc network) in accordance with the suitability
Seminars and education days, maximum 5 ECTS .
For training days, a report and programme approved by the supervisor must be attached. The report may consist of several separate events.
One presentation (1 ECTS) may be included in the total (5 ECTS).
- Duration 20 h 1 ECTS
- Duration 40 h 2 ECTS
- Own scientific presentation 1 ECTS
Scientific congresses with PhD researcher’s own presentation, maximum 8 ECTS.
- Duration 2 days 1 ECTS
- Duration 3—4 days 2 ECTS
Working in research institutes or equivalent during PhD studies, maximum 5 ECTS
A report approved by the main supervisor must be drawn up on the work.
Working should take place outside the organisation where the PhD study right has been registered or PhD research is conducted. If a PhD researcher is an employee in a company, she/he cannot get ECTS for working in the same company.
Work or research visit to a research institute in Finland, excluding collection of data for your doctoral dissertation 1 op/ 2 weeks + report writing
Work or research visit to an international research institute, excluding collection of data for your doctoral dissertation 1 op/week + report writing
For scientific articles of at least JUFO1 class related to the own study field but not included in the doctoral dissertation or other module of study, maximum 1/10 of the degree’s total credits
First, second or last writing position
- International Peer-Reviewed Original Article and Review Article 3 ECTS
- National Peer-Reviewed Original Article and Review Article 2 ECTS
Other Author Place
- International Peer-Reviewed Original Article and Review Article 2 ECTS
- National Peer-Reviewed Original Article and Review Article 1 ECTS
Book exams, maximum 1/5 of the degree's total credits
100 pages equals 1.5 ECTS
Specialist qualification in Medicine or in Odontology (no more than one), which is completed in Finland or approved by Valvira and related to doctoral research, 8 ECTS
Language Studies
All language courses organised by the doctoral school can be included in the transferable skills studies.
Maximum number of language studies is 1/4 of the degree.
Only those language studies which are considered essential for the purpose of conducting research (e.g. interpretation of the data) or are used in the university (in the Faculty of Health Sciences, these are Finnish and English) could be included in the degree. If other languages than Finnish or English are included, the main supervisor's statement of the need for a language course should be included.
Additional additions
ECTS are not granted for teaching, for the teaching obligation is part of the university work. However, the doctoral degree may include University Pedagogics studies as transferable skills studies up to 5 ECTS.
No credits are granted for teaching, supervising theses, conducting studies in the Armed Forces, serving as a student member in institutions, in other institutions or acting in an expert role.
Courses of the co-operative networks
You can also include
in the doctoral studies.
Transferable Skills Studies
More information about transferable skills courses can be found the curriculum of Doctoral School in Peppi.
Degree requirements
The following degrees are available in the Doctoral Programme in Molecular Medicine: Licentiate of Philosophy (Pharmacy), Doctor of Philosophy (Pharmacy), Licentiate of Philosophy, Doctor of Philosophy, Doctor of Odontology, Doctor of Medical Science, Licentiate of Health Sciences and Doctor of Health Sciences.
If you need to change the target degree, the doctoral programme, or the major, you can do it by filling in the following forms.
- Form for changing the target degree (docx)
- Form for changing the doctoral programme or the major (docx)
Degree structure and study requirements
In order to get the post graduate degree, studies defined in the degree structure (transferable skills studies and studies in the discipline and field of research) and an approved thesis are required.
You must obtain altogether 30 ECTS of which
- 5- 15 ECTS Transferable skills studies, and
- 15-25 ECTS Studies in the discipline and field of research
Research Ethics, 1 ECTS (1145003) is mandatory course for all doctoral researchers who are granted the study right for doctoral studies in the Doctoral Programme in Molecular Medicine on 1.8.2024 or after.
Personal study plan
The personal study plan has to be submitted to the Faculty of Health Sciences within 3 months from the admission date by electronic form. The balance of transferable skills courses and discipline and field of research doctoral studies shall be determined jointly by the doctoral researcher and the supervisors at the time when the personal study plan is being prepared and depends on the doctoral researchers educational background and research plan.
Courses in discipline and field of research
Subject specific and studies in supporting disciplines must cover information relevant for the research project in question. The amount of studies in different fields included in the studies depends on the research topic and the student’s postgraduate study aims. However, the scope of subject-related postgraduate studies must be sufficiently wide.
Curriculum of the doctoral programme is found in Peppi.
All credit registration requests, with the exception of doctoral courses organised by UEF, are registered using the Webropol form.
Studies to be included in doctoral degree:
Doctoral courses organised by UEF
Other courses organised by UEF and courses organised by other universities in Finland and abroad (e.g. NorDoc network) in accordance with the suitability
Seminars and education days, maximum 5 ECTS .
For training days, a report and programme approved by the supervisor must be attached. The report may consist of several separate events.
One presentation (1 ECTS) may be included in the total (5 ECTS).
- Duration 20 h 1 ECTS
- Duration 40 h 2 ECTS
- Own scientific presentation 1 ECTS
Scientific congresses with PhD researcher’s own presentation, maximum 8 ECTS.
- Duration 2 days 1 ECTS
- Duration 3—4 days 2 ECTS
Working in research institutes or equivalent during PhD studies, maximum 5 ECTS
A report approved by the main supervisor must be drawn up on the work.
Working should take place outside the organisation where the PhD study right has been registered or PhD research is conducted. If a PhD researcher is an employee in a company, she/he cannot get ECTS for working in the same company.
Work or research visit to a research institute in Finland, excluding collection of data for your doctoral dissertation 1 op/ 2 weeks + report writing
Work or research visit to an international research institute, excluding collection of data for your doctoral dissertation 1 op/week + report writing
For scientific articles of at least JUFO1 class related to the own study field but not included in the doctoral dissertation or other module of study, maximum 1/10 of the degree’s total credits
First, second or last writing position
- International Peer-Reviewed Original Article and Review Article 3 ECTS
- National Peer-Reviewed Original Article and Review Article 2 ECTS
Other Author Place
- International Peer-Reviewed Original Article and Review Article 2 ECTS
- National Peer-Reviewed Original Article and Review Article 1 ECTS
Book exams, maximum 1/5 of the degree's total credits
100 pages equals 1.5 ECTS
Specialist qualification in Medicine or in Odontology (no more than one), which is completed in Finland or approved by Valvira and related to doctoral research, 8 ECTS
Language Studies
All language courses organised by the doctoral school can be included in the transferable skills studies.
Maximum number of language studies is 1/4 of the degree.
Only those language studies which are considered essential for the purpose of conducting research (e.g. interpretation of the data) or are used in the university (in the Faculty of Health Sciences, these are Finnish and English) could be included in the degree. If other languages than Finnish or English are included, the main supervisor's statement of the need for a language course should be included.
Additional additions
ECTS are not granted for teaching, for the teaching obligation is part of the university work. However, the doctoral degree may include University Pedagogics studies as transferable skills studies up to 5 ECTS.
No credits are granted for teaching, supervising theses, conducting studies in the Armed Forces, serving as a student member in institutions, in other institutions or acting in an expert role.
Courses of the co-operative networks
You can also include courses offered by NorDoc- network in your doctoral studies.
Transferable Skills Studies
More information about transferable skills courses can be found the curriculum of Doctoral School in Peppi.
Degree requirements and structure
The following degrees are available through the Doctoral Programme in Health Sciences: Licentiate of Philosophy, Doctor of Philosophy, Licentiate of Philosophy (Pharmacy), Doctor of Philosophy (Pharmacy), Licentiate of Health Sciences and Doctor of Health Sciences, Doctor of Medical Science and Doctor of Odontology.
If you need to change the target degree, the doctoral programme, or the major, you can do it by filling in the following forms.
- Form for changing the target degree (docx)
- Form for changing the doctoral programme or the major (docx)
Degree structure and study requirements
In order to get the post graduate degree, studies defined in the degree structure (transferable skills studies and studies in the discipline and field of research) and an approved thesis are required.
From August 1 2023 onwards, the scope of studies of all target degrees in the Doctoral Programme in Health Sciences has been changed to 30 ECTS. Doctoral students who obtained the right to doctoral studies before 1 August 2023 can complete their degree according to the old structure (40 ECTS) or switch to the new 30 ECTS structure. Please note, that if you want to change to the new structure (30 ECTS), you will have to complete the four (4) compulsory courses of the new structure. If you wish to move to the new structure, please submit an updated personal study plan. In addition, Doctoral Programme in Health Sciences has decided that all those who have been granted the study right for doctoral studies before 1 August, 2015 must complete their degree according to either the 2015-2016 curriculum structure or the current curriculum structure.
If you complete your degree according to the structure of 30 ECTS, you must complete your studies as follows:
- 5- 15 ECTS Transferable skills studies, and
- 15-25 ECTS Studies in the discipline and field of research
If you complete your degree according to the structure of 40 ECTS, you must complete studies as follows:
- 5- 15 ECTS Transferable skills studies, and
- 25-35 ECTS Studies in the discipline and field of research
The balance of transferable skills courses and discipline and field of research doctoral studies shall be determined jointly by the student and the supervisors at the time when the personal doctoral study plan is being prepared and depends on the student's educational background and research plan.
Personal study plan
The personal post graduate study plan has to be submitted to the Faculty of Health Sciences within 3 months of the admission date by electronic form. Courses for compiling the study plan can be found in curriculum in Peppi.
Following courses are obligatory for the students of Doctoral programme in Health sciences:
Transferable skills studies:
Studies in the discipline and field of research:
Courses in discipline and field of research
Subject specific and studies in supporting disciplines must cover information relevant for the research project in question. The amount of studies in different fields included in the studies depends on the research topic and the student’s postgraduate study aims. However, the scope of subject-related postgraduate studies must be sufficiently wide.
Curriculum of the doctoral programme is found in Peppi.
All credit registration requests, with the exception of doctoral courses organised by UEF, are registered using the Webropol form.
Studies to be included in doctoral degree:
Doctoral courses organised by UEF
Other courses organised by UEF and courses organised by other universities in Finland and abroad (e.g. NorDoc network) in accordance with the suitability
Seminars and education days, maximum 5 ECTS .
For training days, a report and programme approved by the supervisor must be attached. The report may consist of several separate events.
One presentation (1 ECTS) may be included in the total (5 ECTS).
- Duration 20 h 1 ECTS
- Duration 40 h 2 ECTS
- Own scientific presentation 1 ECTS
Scientific congresses with PhD researcher’s own presentation, maximum 8 ECTS.
- Duration 2 days 1 ECTS
- Duration 3—4 days 2 ECTS
Working in research institutes or equivalent during PhD studies, maximum 5 ECTS
A report approved by the main supervisor must be drawn up on the work.
Working should take place outside the organisation where the PhD study right has been registered or PhD research is conducted. If a PhD researcher is an employee in a company, she/he cannot get ECTS for working in the same company.
Work or research visit to a research institute in Finland, excluding collection of data for your doctoral dissertation 1 op/ 2 weeks + report writing
Work or research visit to an international research institute, excluding collection of data for your doctoral dissertation 1 op/week + report writing
For scientific articles of at least JUFO1 class related to the own study field but not included in the doctoral dissertation or other module of study, maximum 1/10 of the degree’s total credits
First, second or last writing position
- International Peer-Reviewed Original Article and Review Article 3 ECTS
- National Peer-Reviewed Original Article and Review Article 2 ECTS
Other Author Place
- International Peer-Reviewed Original Article and Review Article 2 ECTS
- National Peer-Reviewed Original Article and Review Article 1 ECTS
Book exams, maximum 1/5 of the degree's total credits
100 pages equals 1.5 ECTS
Specialist qualification in Medicine or in Odontology (no more than one), which is completed in Finland or approved by Valvira and related to doctoral research, 8 ECTS
Language Studies
All language courses organised by the doctoral school can be included in the transferable skills studies.
Maximum number of language studies is 1/4 of the degree.
Only those language studies which are considered essential for the purpose of conducting research (e.g. interpretation of the data) or are used in the university (in the Faculty of Health Sciences, these are Finnish and English) could be included in the degree. If other languages than Finnish or English are included, the main supervisor's statement of the need for a language course should be included.
Additional additions
ECTS are not granted for teaching, for the teaching obligation is part of the university work. However, the doctoral degree may include University Pedagogics studies as transferable skills studies up to 5 ECTS.
No credits are granted for teaching, supervising theses, conducting studies in the Armed Forces, serving as a student member in institutions, in other institutions or acting in an expert role.
Courses of the co-operative networks
You can also include
in your doctoral studies.
Transferable Skills Studies
More information about transferable skills courses can be found the curriculum of Doctoral School in Peppi.
Studies required for the doctoral degree
The doctoral studies comprise at least 30 ECTS, of studies in research and professional skills as well as a doctoral dissertation. Information about the study requirements and the curriculum can be found in the Peppi.
If a doctoral researcher has previously completed a licentiate degree in their current subject or a neighbouring discipline or a doctorate in a neighbouring discipline, studies in research and professional skills are, in most cases, not required. If necessary, the they may be expected to complete supplementary studies as specified in the curriculum of the doctoral programme.
Choice and change of the target degree
The degree is chosen by the student either when applying for or during doctoral studies (change of the target degree). It is possible to change the degree; however, at the latest, before submitting a doctoral dissertation for pre-examination.
Apply for change of the target degree with the form available in Kamu: Form for changing the target degree (docx)
Change of the major within a doctoral programme
A doctoral researcher can change their major within a doctoral programme using a separate form. A new research plan, commitments of supervisors and certificates of previous studies must be attached to the application. The new study right will be granted on the decision of the Dean and, under the same decision, the old study right will be revoked.
Apply for change of the doctoral programme or the major with the form available in Kamu: Form for changing the doctoral programme or the major (docx)