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22048 Studying at University of Eastern Finland


Registration instructions

Registration instructions for new bachelor’s and master’s degree students

These registration instructions are for new bachelor’s and master’s degree students starting their studies at UEF. If you are an exchange student, here you can find the registration instructions for exchange students.

The academic year at the University of Eastern Finland officially begins on 1 August and ends on 31 July. The autumn semester courses will begin from 2 September 2024 and the spring semester courses from 7 January 2025.


Read all of the instructions on this page carefully. On this page you can find information on the following subjects:

New bachelor’s and master’s degree students’ registration period

As a first year bachelor’s or master’s degree student, you must register as being present for the whole academic year, unless you have legal grounds for registering as absent. See chapter below: Registration as being absent as a new degree student.

If your acceptance at the University of Eastern Finland was conditional (e.g., tuition fee, degree certificate), you must meet the condition for your acceptance before your registration can be completed. Additionally, you must sign and return your Student agreement before you can register. If you have questions regarding this, please contact your programme coordinator.

The registration period starts on 1 June. Online registration ends on 23 August and registration in person on campus ends on 15 September.

For students whose study right starts in the spring semester, the registration period ends 15 January. You can register either remotely or in person at the Student and Learning Services’ customer service desk.

Registration as being present as a new degree student

If you are obligated to pay tuition (only citizens outside the EU/EEA/Switzerland studying in English), you must pay the tuition fee before you can register as being present. Here you can find further information on tuition fees.


To register as present, you must pay the Student Union membership fee and fill out the registration form.

You can register as present either online or in person on campus.

Register online

  • Log into My Studyinfo with the same confirmation link that you used to confirm your study place. Proceed to register in the Oili registration service. Register as present (i.e. attending). The registration period in the Oili registration service is open from 1 June to 23 August.
  • Pay the Student Union membership fee online through the Oili registration service.
  • Fill out the online registration form (opens in a new tab).
    • If you are unable to fill out the online form, please contact the Student and Learning Services’ customer service (contact information at the bottom of the page), and we will send you the registration form as a word document.
  • After you have submitted the registration form, you will receive an invitation to be strongly identified by the UEF Digital Services. Follow the instructions to get you UEF account working. NOTE! Don’t worry if you do not receive the invitation immediately after sending the registration form. It might take several days or some weeks before we are able to handle your registration and send you the invitation.


Register in person on campus

  • If you cannot register online and your study right starts in the autumn semester, you can register in person at the Student and Learning Services’ customer service desk (contact information at the bottom of the page) no later than 15 September.
  • If your study right starts in the spring semester and you want to register in person at the Student and Learning Services’ customer service desk (contact information at the bottom of the page), you must do so by 15 January.
  • Pay the Student Union membership fee. You can find the payment instructions in the chapter ‘Student Union membership for new bachelor’s and master’s degree students’ below. Bring the receipt for the payment to the Student and Learning Services’ customer service desk (contact information at the bottom of the page).
  • Fill out the registration form in person at the Student and Learning Services’ customer service desk.
  • Bring your ID to the Student and Learning Services’ customer service desk (contact information at the bottom of the page).

Registration as being absent as a new degree student

Students registering as being absent will not take any courses or sit any exams during the semester/academic year in question.  Students who have registered as being absent will not pay the Student Union membership fee and thus are not entitled to any student benefits. Students registering as being absent must register within the registration period. First-year students may only register as being absent if they have a statutory reason for registering as being absent.

To register as being absent:

  1. Log into My Studyinfo with the same confirmation link that you used to confirm your study place.
  2. Proceed to register in the Oili registration service.
  3. If you are unable to register in the Oili registration service, you can register as being absent by contacting the Student and Learning Services’ customer service by email (contact information at the bottom of the page).

Statutory reasons for registering as being absent

According to the Universities Act, a first-year degree student may only register as absent for the academic year if they have one of the following statutory reasons:

  1. service under the Conscription Act (1438/2007), Non-Military Service Act (1446/2007), or Act on Women’s Voluntary Military Service (194/1995);
  2. the student requires leave from their studies in order to take care of their child following birth or adoption;
  3. the student cannot begin studies due to being incapacitated by personal illness or injury. (In this case, it should be made clear that this entails incapacity for the entire semester or academic year.)

If you register as absent, you must prove the legal grounds for your absence. Documents proving that you have a statutory reason for absence must be sent via email or postal mail to the Student and Learning Services’ customer service (contact information below) by 30 September for the autumn semester and 31 January for the spring semester.

NOTE! If you do not have one of the three reasons defined in the Universities Act as stated above, you must register as being present for your first year. You must register as being present even if you cannot travel to Finland and start your studies. In these cases, registration will be done remotely by sending the required documents (a copy of passport, registration form, and the receipt for the Student Union membership fee payment) to Student and Learning Services’ customer service (contact information below).

If you fail to register or you register as absent without a statutory reason

  • If you do not register for the academic year within the registration period as being present or absent, you will lose your right to study.
  • If you register as being absent for your first year but do not prove you have a statutory reason for registering as absent by the deadline, you will lose your right to study.
  • If you register as being absent for your first year but do not have a statutory reason for registering as absent, you will lose your right to study.

If you lose your study right and later wish to start your studies, you must apply for having your study right reinstated. To have your study right reinstated, you must pay a handling fee (35 euros) and fill out a form. Here you can find the instructions for having your study right reinstated.

Student Union membership is mandatory for bachelor’s and master’s degree students

Student Union (ISYY) membership is mandatory for bachelor’s and master’s degree students who register as being present. Information on ISYY membership benefits (opens in a new tab).

The Student Union membership fee is 73 € for the full academic year / 38 € for the autumn semester / 39 € for the spring semester.

  • If you register online through the Oili registration service, you pay the Student Union membership fee with a credit card upon registration.


  • If you register in person on campus, you can pay the fee in advance into the Student Union bank account using the payment details below or with a credit card or cash at the Student Union offices (opens in a new tab). Please note that the 50 € banknote is the largest banknote they accept.

NOTE! You are responsible for any possible transfer fees or service fees your bank may charge!

Payment details:

Recipient: Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland
Recipient’s address: Yliopistonranta 15, FI-70211 Kuopio, Finland
Bank name: Osuuspankki/OP Bank/Pohjola Bank Pl
Bank address: Koskikatu 9, FI-80100 Joensuu, Finland
IBAN: FI37 5770 0520 2461 63
Message: Student’s name and date of birth (dd/mm/yyyy)
Fee: 73 € (full academic year) / 38 € (autumn semester only) / 39 € (spring semester only)

Activating your UEF user account for the university’s information systems

All UEF students must have a UEF user account. The user account is needed to log in to the university’s electronic information systems, to use your UEF email account and to sign up for courses and exams electronically.

Here you can find the instructions for receiving a UEF username.

Here you can find further information on activating your UEF account (opens in a new tab).

NOTE! Your UEF account will only start working when:

  • you have registered as present
  • your study right has started
  • you have activated the account
  • you have been strongly identified and
  • you have registered as an MFA user.

If you have any questions regarding activating your account, please contact the Digital Services (opens in a new tab).

Remember to pay the healthcare fee for students in higher education

All bachelor’s and master’s degree students who are registered as being present in a Finnish institute of higher learning are entitled to use the services of the Finnish Student Health Service (FSHS) (opens in a new tab) and must pay the healthcare fee for students in higher education (opens in a new tab) to Kela (the Social Insurance Institution of Finland) by the due date.

You will not be exempted from paying the fee even if you, e.g., do not use the services of the FSHS, do not receive student financial aid or are studying abroad. You must pay the fee even if you are studying remotely and are not based in Finland.

However, you do not have to pay the healthcare fee if you have social security coverage from another EU/EEA country, from Switzerland, or from Great Britain and Northern Ireland. In this case, you must still contact Kela. Despite not paying the fee, you can use the FSHS’s services.

Visit the Kela website for information on how to proceed if you have social security coverage in another EU/EEA country or in Great Britain and Northern Ireland (opens in a new tab).

Kela will not send you a bill for the student healthcare fee. You must pay the fee on your own initiative in the Kela e-service for each academic term. Find out how to pay the student healthcare fee (opens in a new tab) on the Kela website.

The due date for paying the student healthcare fee is determined based on the date on which you register as present, i.e., attending.

On the Kela website you can find information on the healthcare fee and the due dates as well as the payment instructions (opens in a new tab).

Apply for a Finnish personal identity code

International students staying in Finland for longer than three months should obtain a Finnish personal identity code (henkilötunnus in Finnish). You need it for, e.g., opening a bank account, and to use the services of the Finnish Student Health Service (FSHS) (opens in a new tab). The personal identity code will also help with identification when you are in contact with different Finnish authorities.

Students from non-EU/ETA countries can apply for the Finnish Personal Identity Code when applying for the residence permit (opens in a new tab). It is highly recommended you do it early!

If you do not apply for the Finnish personal identity code when applying for residence permit, in order to get it later, you have to visit the local Digital and Population Data Services Agency offices (opens in a new tab) during the first three months of your stay. Ask to be registered in the Finnish Population Information System – this means that you are issued a personal identity code and your postal address in Joensuu/Kuopio is registered.

After receiving the identity code, it is very important that you inform the Student and Learning Services’ customer service (contact information at the bottom of the page) about it. Until the identity code has been saved in the student register, you will not be able to, e.g., use the FSHS online services. To save the ID code in the student register:

  • You can visit our office and present the identity card or another document that displays the identity code.
  • If you are unable to visit our office in person, and wish to handle the matter via email, please contact the Student and Learning Services’ customer service and request instructions for sending the identity code in an encrypted email message. Wait for instructions before sending the identity code.

How to get a student card

Students who have paid the Student Union (ISYY) membership fee may order a student card. For information on ordering your student card, see Student card and the term sticker (opens in a new tab).

Before you receive your student card, you can get a meal discount at the campus restaurants with a certificate of study. You can request a study certificate from the Student and Learning Services’ customer service (contact information below).

Student and Learning Services’ customer service contact information

If you have any questions regarding registration, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Student and Learning Services’ Customer Service

The Student and Learning Services’ customer service desk offers general study counselling, information on term registration and study rights and maintains the student register. The customer services desk also provides study certificates and transcripts of records.

Phone number: +358 29 445 8900

  • phone service: Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 10 am to 2 pm (10–14)

Opening/office hours:

  • the Student and Learning Services’ customer service desk is open on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 10 am to 1 pm (10–13).

NOTE! Remember to check the exceptions to Student and Learning Services' customer service opening hours.

Email address:

  • If your message contains confidential information, contact us and we will give you instructions on how to send your message encrypted.

Visiting address:

  • Joensuu Campus, Aurora building, entrance A, ground floor (Yliopistokatu 2)
  • Kuopio Campus, Canthia building, 2. floor, Oppari (Yliopistonrinne 3)

Postal address:

  • Joensuu: University of Eastern Finland, Student and Learning Services, P.O.Box 111, FI-80101 Joensuu
  • Kuopio: University of Eastern Finland, Student and Learning Services, P.O.Box 1627, FI-70211 Kuopio

Registration at the university comes under the provisions of the Universities Act (558/2009).

Registration instructions for exchange students

These registration instructions are for exchange students starting their studies at UEF. If you are a new bachelor’s or master’s degree student, here you can find the registration instructions for new bachelor’s and master’s degree students.

The academic year at the University of Eastern Finland officially begins on 1 August and ends on 31 July. The autumn semester courses will begin from 2 September 2024 and the spring semester courses from 7 January 2025.

New exchange students must register as being present before they can start their studies. You can register either online or in person at the Student and Learning Services after arriving on campus.

On this page you can find information on the following subjects:

How to register online

To register online, fill out and submit the online registration form (opens in a new tab). To join the Student Union, attach the receipt for the Student Union membership fee to the form. You can find the payment instructions below.


How to register in person

If you do not register online, you must register in person at the Student and Learning Services’ offices once you are in Finland.

Present the following documents when you register:

  1. your registration form (docx) filled out and signed
  2. your ID (passport, for example)
  3. your receipt for the payment of the Student Union membership fee (a receipt issued by your bank, an ATM receipt or a print-out from your online bank), if you choose to join the Student Union. See the next chapter on Student Union membership.

Student Union membership

Student Union (ISYY) membership is voluntary for international exchange students. You can find information on the membership benefits for exchange students on the ISYY website (opens in a new tab).

If you want to join ISYY, you can pay the membership fee either

The Student Union membership fee is 73 € for the full academic year / 38 € for the autumn semester / 39 € for the spring semester.

  • You can pay the fee with cash or card at the Student Union offices. Note that the 50 € banknote is the largest banknote they accept.
  • Remember to present the payment receipt when you are registering.
  • Note that you are responsible for any transfer fees or service fees that your bank may charge!

Payment details:

Recipient: Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland
Recipient’s address: Yliopistonranta 15, FI-70211 Kuopio, Finland
Bank name: Osuuspankki/OP Bank/Pohjola Bank Pl
Bank address: Koskikatu 9, FI-80100 Joensuu, Finland
IBAN: FI37 5770 0520 2461 63
Message: Student’s name and date of birth (dd/mm/yyyy)
Fee: 73 € (full academic year) / 38 € (autumn semester only) / 39 € (spring semester only)

Activating your UEF user account for the university’s information systems

All UEF students must have a UEF user account. The user account is needed to log in to the university’s electronic information systems, to use your UEF email account and to sign up for courses and exams electronically.

Here you can find the instructions for receiving a UEF username.

Here you can find further information on activating your UEF account (opens in a new tab).

NOTE! Your UEF account will only start working when:

  • you have registered as present
  • your study right has started
  • you have activated the account
  • you have been strongly identified and
  • you have registered as an MFA user.

If you have any questions regarding activating your account, please contact the Digital Services (opens in a new tab).

Finnish personal identity code

International students staying in Finland for longer than three months should obtain a Finnish personal identity code (henkilötunnus in Finnish). You need it for, e.g., opening a bank account, and for the university’s database and statistical purposes. The personal identity code will also help with identification when you are in contact with different Finnish authorities.

Students from non-EU/ETA countries can apply for the Finnish Personal Identity Code when applying for the residence permit (opens in a new tab). It is highly recommended you do it early!

If you do not apply for the Finnish personal identity code when applying for residence permit, in order to get it later, you have to visit the local Digital and Population Data Services Agency offices (opens in a new tab) during the first three months of your stay. Ask to be registered in the Finnish Population Information System – this means that you are issued a personal identity code and your postal address in Joensuu/Kuopio is registered.

After receiving the identity code, it is very important that you inform the Student and Learning Services’ customer service (contact information at the bottom of the page) about it:

  • You can visit our office and present the identity card or another document that displays the identity code.
  • If you are unable to visit our office in person, and wish to handle the matter via email, please contact the Student and Learning Services’ customer service and request instructions for sending the identity code in an encrypted email message. Wait for instructions before sending the identity code.

How to get a student card

Students who have paid the Student Union (ISYY) membership fee may order a student card. For information on ordering your student card, see Student card and the term sticker (opens in a new tab).

Before you receive your student card, you can get a meal discount at the campus restaurants with a certificate of study. You can request a study certificate from the Student and Learning Services’ customer service (contact information below).

Student and Learning Services’ customer service contact information

If you have any questions regarding registration, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Student and Learning Services’ Customer Service

The Student and Learning Services’ customer service desk offers general study counselling, information on term registration and study rights and maintains the student register. The customer services desk also provides study certificates and transcripts of records.

Phone number: +358 29 445 8900

  • phone service: Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 10 am to 2 pm (10–14)

Opening/office hours:

  • the Student and Learning Services’ customer service desk is open on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 10 am to 1 pm (10–13).

NOTE! Remember to check the exceptions to Student and Learning Services' customer service opening hours.

Email address:

  • If your message contains confidential information, contact us and we will give you instructions on how to send your message encrypted.

Visiting address:

  • Joensuu Campus, Aurora building, entrance A, ground floor (Yliopistokatu 2)
  • Kuopio Campus, Canthia building, 2. floor, Oppari (Yliopistonrinne 3)

Postal address:

  • Joensuu: University of Eastern Finland, Student and Learning Services, P.O.Box 111, FI-80101 Joensuu
  • Kuopio: University of Eastern Finland, Student and Learning Services, P.O.Box 1627, FI-70211 Kuopio

General information concerning registration

International Master’s Degree Students (First Year)

Prior to registration, first-year students are required to formally accept their study place by using the link they have received from UEF by email. The degree programme will inform the deadline for confirming the study place and it may change annually. If you do not confirm your study place, you will forfeit it.

If you are obliged to pay a tuition fee, pay the fee by deadline. Instructions on invoices will be sent to you by email. The tuition fee and the Student Union fee must be paid before the registration. The Student Union membership fees change every academic year.

After you have paid the tuition fee (if applicable), you can register online by logging into My Studyinfo with the same confirmation link you used for confirming your study place. Then proceed to register in the Oili registration service. Register as present (i.e. attending) and pay the student union fee by deadline.

If you cannot register online, you should register in person at the Student and Learning Services. If you know that you will arrive in Finland after the deadline for registration, please send an e-mail to and explain your situation.

Upon registration, your information will be entered into the student register.

Once registered, you will get a student certificate. By showing this certificate, you will get a substantial discount on meals at certain campus restaurants and you are entitled to use the services provided by Finnish Student Health Service (FSHS) until you get your student card. NOTE! The services of FSHS are not available for exchange students!

You will also get instructions on how to activate your user account for the university’s IT services (e.g. email, WebOodi etc.) upon registration. The user account can be used in approximately one hour after the activation once your study right is valid. Please note, however, that your user account may not have all the necessary user rights at once, as new students get their final user rights only after registering at the university and after their information has been updated in the IDM system. This can take up to one day.

Registration as Being Absent

Each student must register as being present or absent for each one of their active study rights in the Oili registration service annually within the registration period.

NOTE! Remember to register as being present or absent for each one of your active study rights!

You can find the registration instructions here:

Registration instructions for new students

Annual registration – enrolled students

On this page you can find information on the following subjects:

Registration as being absent

A student may register as absent if they do not intend to complete any studies at the university during the semester they register as being absent for. Students registering as being absent must also register within the registration period. Students registering as being absent cannot take any courses or sit any exams during the semester or academic year in question. Those who register as absent do not pay the Student Union membership fee or the healthcare fee for students in higher education. Absent students are not entitled to student benefits or the services of the Finnish Student Health Services (FSHS).

Students who register as absent have limited access to the UEF electronic services. Absent students have access to Peppi and the student email and are allowed to use the library’s remote e-resources. You can find more information on the UEF account and user rights from the IT Services’ website (opens in a new tab).

According to the Universities Act, a student can register as absent for two academic terms (i.e., one full academic year) without the period of absence using up the duration of studies. For study rights that started before 1 August 2015, the maximum period for registering as absent without the the period of absence using up the duration of studies is four academic terms. You may register as absent for more than two (four, for study rights that begun before 1 August 2015) semesters. However, periods of absence exceeding the stated maximum do not further lengthen the study right duration but rather use up the duration of your study right the same way registering as being absent does. Here you can find information on the normative duration of studies.

In addition to regular absences, there are statutory absences as defined by the Universities Act. Absences due to military service, non-military service or women’s voluntary military service as well as absences due to requiring leave from one’s studies in order to take care of one’s child due to birth or adoption are statutory absences. Such absences may lengthen a student’s study right duration and are recorded in the student register on the basis of documentation provided by the student within a given deadline (you can find information on the required documents in the following section). Absence for a statutory reason lengthens the study right duration even if the periods of “regular” absence have already been used up. However, if the student has received an extension to their study right, absence due to a statutory reason will not lengthen the study right duration.

If you have been granted an extension to your study right, registering as absent will not lengthen your study right duration further (incl. statutory absences).

Registering as absent due to a statutory reason

If a student registers as being absent due to a statutory reason for absence, as defined by the Universities Act, their study right duration may be lengthened. The student must prove they have a statutory reason for absence with a document. The deadline for sending or bringing the document to the Student and Learning Services’ customer service (contact information at the bottom of the page) is 30 September for the full academic year or autumn semester only / 31 January for the spring semester only. If you know you will receive your document only after the deadline, please contact the Student Services by email before the deadline so that we know we need to wait for the document. You can find information on the accepted documents below on this page.

The duration of studies can be lengthened on the basis of a statutory reason for absence only if the student has registered as absent at the university within the registration period and provided the required document proving the statutory reason for absence by the deadline. You cannot register as absent nor can your registration be changed from present to absent after the registration period has ended. A statutory reason for absence cannot be recorded for a student who is registered as present. Here you can find information on how statutory absences affect the normative duration of studies.

You can register as being absent for a semester due to a statutory reason if the statutory reason covers at least one day out of the semester.

The documents verifying a statutory reason for absence may be in Finnish, Swedish or English.

If a statutory reason for absence arises after the registration period has ended, and the student has already registered as present, the registration will not be changed to absent. However, the statutory reason may be taken into account if the student needs to apply for an extension to their study right.

Additional instructions for first year students who register as being absent

  • If a first year student registers as being absent but does not bring or send a document proving grounds for statutory absence to the Student and Learning Services’ customer service (contact information at the bottom of the page) by the deadline (30 September for the full academic year or autumn semester only / 31 January for the spring semester only), the student forfeits their right to study. In order to re-activate your study right later, you will need to apply for having their study right reinstated. Having your study right reinstated does not require you to take part in the student admission process.
  • A first year student has the right to be absent for the full academic year even if the statutory reason for absence covers just one day out of the academic year. If the statutory reason for a first-year student’s absence covers just the spring or just the autumn semester, the student may register as being absent for the full academic year or as present for the one semester and as absent for the other.
    • Note, however, that only the semester the statutory reason for absence actually covers will be marked as statutory absence. If, for instance, the statutory reason for absence only covers the autumn semester, you may register as being absent for the spring semester as well, but the spring semester absence will be marked as “regular” absence, not statutory absence.
  • Please note that if you do not have any of the three statutory reasons defined in the Universities Act, you must register as being present during your first year. You must also register as being present if you cannot travel to Finland and start your studies. In these cases, registration will be done remotely by sending the required documents (a copy of passport, registration form and the receipt of the Student Union payment) to the Student and Learning Services’ customer service (contact information at the bottom of the page).

Statutory reasons for registering as absent as defined by the Universities Act and the required documents

1. The student is in active service in accordance with the Conscription Act (1438/2007), the Non-Military Service Act (1446/2007), or the Women’s Voluntary Military Service Act (194/1995)

Required documents:

  1. Before the service starts, the student must bring or send a copy or a picture of their call-up order (only Finnish) showing that the service takes place during the academic year in question to the Student and Learning Services’ customer service (contact information at the bottom of the page).
  2. After the service ends, the student must also bring or send a copy/picture of their service certificate or military passport to the Student and Learning Services customer service (contact information at the bottom of the page).
2. The student requires leave from their studies in order to take care of their child due to birth or adoption

Required documents:

  • A medical certificate regarding the pregnancy (international students only)
  • Copy or picture of Kela’s certificate regarding maternity, paternity or parental allowance period or corresponding certificates from the authorities of another country regarding statutory parental leave
  • Paternity leave can only be verified with a certificate from Kela
3. A first-year student is unable to start their studies due to the student’s own illness or injury

Required documents:

  • Sickness allowance decision or, if no decision exists, a medical certificate. The medical certificate must state which illness or injury the student suffers from, and that this condition prevents the student from beginning their studies in their first year. A copy or a picture is enough.
  • Obstacles caused by the practical arrangements required by the illness or injury: an adequate clarification, e.g. a certificate from the student housing foundation that the student is on the waiting list for an apartment required by their injury. The student’s own notification is not an adequate clarification.
  • If you register as absent due to illness or injury, you cannot complete any studies even if you receive sickness allowance for students (which allows some studying, i.e., about 40 % of the regular amount of credits).
  • Registering as absent due to illness or injury does not extend the study right. A first-year student may register as absent due to illness or injury but their study right will not be extended as is the case with the statutory reasons above. Registering as being absent due to illness or injury will use up regular periods of absence excluded from the normative duration of studies.
  • NOTE! Illness or injury is only considered as a statutory reason for registering as absent for first-year students.

Changing registration status from absent to present in the middle of the academic year

Registration as absent can be changed to present at any time during the academic year.

  • During the registration period, the change can be made by paying the student union membership fee in the Oili registration service (opens in a new tab) using one’s personal online banking codes.
  • Outside the registration period, the student can request the payment details needed to pay the Student Union membership fee from the Student and Learning Services’ customer service (contact information at the bottom of the page). The student must provide proof of payment of the Student Union membership fee to the Student and Learning Services’ customer service in person or by email.

Changing registration status from present to absent in the middle of the academic year

You can only change your registration from present to absent during the registration periods (for the whole academic year or the autumn term only, between 1 June – 15 September; or for the spring term only, between 1 November – 15 January). You cannot change your registration status from present to absent in the Oili registration service; you must contact the Student and Learning Services’ customer service by email or phone or visit the customer service desk (contact information at the bottom of the page).

Any requests for a refund of the student union membership fee must be submitted by the end of September (whole academic year or autumn term) or by the end of January (spring term). See the Student Union ISYY website for a membership fee refund application (opens in a new tab).

Student and Learning Services’ contact information

If you have questions related to registering as being absent, please contact the Student and Learning Services’ customer service.

Student and Learning Services’ Customer Service

The Student and Learning Services’ customer service desk offers general study counselling, information on term registration and study rights and maintains the student register. The customer services desk also provides study certificates and transcripts of records.

Phone number: +358 29 445 8900

  • phone service: Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 10 am to 2 pm (10–14)

Opening/office hours:

  • the Student and Learning Services’ customer service desk is open on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 10 am to 1 pm (10–13).

NOTE! Remember to check the exceptions to Student and Learning Services' customer service opening hours.

Email address:

  • If your message contains confidential information, contact us and we will give you instructions on how to send your message encrypted.

Visiting address:

  • Joensuu Campus, Aurora building, entrance A, ground floor (Yliopistokatu 2)
  • Kuopio Campus, Canthia building, 2. floor, Oppari (Yliopistonrinne 3)

Postal address:

  • Joensuu: University of Eastern Finland, Student and Learning Services, P.O.Box 111, FI-80101 Joensuu
  • Kuopio: University of Eastern Finland, Student and Learning Services, P.O.Box 1627, FI-70211 Kuopio

Registration after the First Year or for one semester only

NOTE! Citizens outside the EU/EEA/Switzerland studying in bachelor’s and master’s degree programmes are required to pay tuition. If you are required to pay tuition, you must pay the next instalment of the fee before you can register as present for the 2024-2025 academic year. If you have questions regarding the tuition fee, contact your programme coordinator.

The instructions for annual registration at the university apply to students who are already enrolled at the university. This means students that are in their second, third, etc., year of studies. If you are a first-year student, see registration instructions for new students.


Read all of the instructions on this page carefully. On this page you can find information on the following subjects:

Who is obligated to register

All students whose studies aim at a degree must register annually. Bachelor’s, master’s, licentiate and doctoral students are obligated to register for each academic year as being present or absent.

Registration period

The registration period for the academic year 2024–2025 starts on 1 June 2024 and ends on 15 September 2024.

The period for registering for the spring term only is 1 November 2024 – 15 January 2025.

Registration in the Oili registration service

You can register electronically through the Oili registration service (opens in a new tab). You log into Oili with, so without the word “student”, that is in your email address. Registrations done in Oili will show in Peppi. You can only register in the Oili registration service within the registration period.

Registration is study right specific. If you have more than one active study right, you can register as being present or absent for all of them or, e.g., as present for one and as absent for another.

Registration is also term-specific. This means that you can register as being absent for one semester and present for another. Remember to take the normative duration of studies into consideration.

Registration is study right specific

In Peppi, registration is study right specific.

If you have more than one active study right at UEF, register as present or absent for each one in Oili. If you register as present for more than one study right, you only pay the student union membership fee once.

If you receive a new study right

If you already have an active study right at UEF, and you receive another degree study right, only register for the new study right in Oili. After this, contact the Student and Learning Services’ customer service. In your message, state whether you want to register as being present or absent to your previous study right. Your registration for the previous study right will be saved by the Student and Learning Services’ customer service.

If you register for your previous study right first, contact the Student and Learning Services’ customer service. In your message, state whether you want to register as being present or absent to your previous study right. In this case, your registration for the new study right will be saved by the Student and Learning Services’ customer service.

You can find the Student and Learning Services’ customer service contact information at the bottom of this page.

Registration as being present

Students generally register as present. Only those who register as present can participate in teaching and training, take examinations and complete a degree. In addition, only present students are eligible for student financial aid. Registering as present is also mandatory for any periods spent studying abroad as an exchange student.

According to the Universities Act, all university students who have been admitted to a programme leading to a bachelor’s or master’s degree belong to the student union. Therefore, bachelor’s and master’s degree students must pay the student union membership fee when registering as present. The Student Union membership fee for the full academic year 2024–2025 is 73 €. For just the autumn semester the fee is 38 €, and for just the spring semester the fee is 39 €.

For licentiate and doctoral students, the Student Union membership is voluntary. For the 2024–2025 academic year, the Student Union membership fee for licentiate and doctoral students in 56 €. For just the autumn semester the fee is 29,50 €, and for just the spring semester the fee is 30,50 €.

In Kamu you can find further information on the Student Union membership fees. Here you can find information on the student card and student benefits.

Registration as being absent

You can register as being absent if you do not intend to attend any courses, complete any studies or complete your degree during the academic year. You can also register as absent if you have a statutory reason for absence, i.e., participation in military or non-military service or being on maternity, paternity or parental leave. The duration of studies can be extended on the basis of a statutory reason for absence if the student registers as absent at the university for such a period of absence. If you register as absent with a statutory reason, you must provide a document regarding the statutory reason to the Student and Learning Services’ customer service.

Those who register as absent must also do so within the registration period either in the Oili registration service (opens in a new tab). Alternatively you can contact the Student and Learning Services’ customer service.

You can only change your registration from present to absent during the registration periods. To do this, contact the Student and Learning Services’ customer service. You can change your registration from absent to present during the registration period in Oili. Outside of the registration periods you can change your registration from absent to present at any point during the academic year by contacting the Student and Learning Services’ customer service.

You can find the Student and Learning Services’ customer service contact information at the bottom of this page.

Here you can find detailed information on registering as absent and statutory absence.

Healthcare fee for students in higher education

All bachelor’s and master’s degree students who are registered as being present in a Finnish institute of higher learning are entitled to use the services of the Finnish Student Health Service (FSHS) (opens in a new tab) and must pay the healthcare fee for students in higher education (opens in a new tab) to Kela (the Social Insurance Institution of Finland) by the due date.

You will not be exempted from paying the fee even if you, e.g., do not use the services of the FSHS, do not receive student financial aid or are studying abroad. You must pay the fee even if you are studying remotely and are not based in Finland.

However, you do not have to pay the healthcare fee if you have social security coverage from another EU/EEA country, from Switzerland, or from Great Britain and Northern Ireland. In this case, you must still contact Kela. Despite not paying the fee, you can use the FSHS’s services.

Visit the Kela website for information on how to proceed if you have social security coverage in another EU/EEA country or in Great Britain and Northern Ireland (opens in a new tab).

Kela will not send you a bill for the student healthcare fee. You must pay the fee on your own initiative in the Kela e-service for each academic term. Find out how to pay the student healthcare fee (opens in a new tab) on the Kela website.

The due date for paying the student healthcare fee is determined based on the date on which you register as present, i.e., attending.

On the Kela website you can find information on the healthcare fee and the due dates as well as the payment instructions (opens in a new tab).

If you are unable to register in the Oili registration service

Registering through Oili is the primary means of registration. If you are unable to register through the Oili registration service, contact the Student and Learning Services’ customer service (contact information below).

If you are a bachelor’s or master’s degree student, and wish to register as present, you can ask for the payment details for the Student Union membership fee from the Student and Learning Services’ customer service and pay the fee at your bank or through mobile banking. Alternatively, you can pay the fee at the Student Union offices (opens in a new tab). If you register this way, you must present the receipt for the payment to the Student and Learning Services’ customer service either in person or by email/postal mail (contact information below).

If your UEF account password has expired, you cannot register through Oili. Make sure to change your password before it expires! Here you can find the instructions for changing your password (opens in a new tab).

Studying abroad and registration

Students who study abroad during the 20242025 academic year must register as present at UEF for the duration of their studies abroad. This is because the courses they will complete abroad are included in their degree studies at the University of Eastern Finland.

Double degree and joint degree students’ registration

Double degree and joint degree students are obligated to register annually just like other degree students. They too must register as present for the whole duration of their studies. The degree programme may apply for an exemption from paying the Student Union membership fee from the Student Union for the semesters the student is studying abroad in another partner university.

Students who are required to pay tuition

Students who are required to pay a tuition fee must do so before they can register as present for the academic year. A student’s annual registration can be revoked if they have not paid the tuition fee by the deadline. The autumn semester tuition fee payment deadline is 31 August, and the spring semester tuition fee payment deadline is 31 December.

Here you can find further information on tuition fees.

If you forgot to register

Students who do not register as present or absent at the university during the registration period must apply for reinstating their right to study before they can continue their studies. Readmission is granted based on an application submitted to the Student and Learning Services’ customer service. In addition, a handling fee of 35 € is charged from students who register after the registration period has ended. The collection of the handling fee is stipulated in the Ministry of Education decree 1082/2009.

Read more about reinstating study right.

Student and Learning Services’ customer service contact information

Student and Learning Services’ Customer Service

The Student and Learning Services’ customer service desk offers general study counselling, information on term registration and study rights and maintains the student register. The customer services desk also provides study certificates and transcripts of records.

Phone number: +358 29 445 8900

  • phone service: Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 10 am to 2 pm (10–14)

Opening/office hours:

  • the Student and Learning Services’ customer service desk is open on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 10 am to 1 pm (10–13).

NOTE! Remember to check the exceptions to Student and Learning Services' customer service opening hours.

Email address:

  • If your message contains confidential information, contact us and we will give you instructions on how to send your message encrypted.

Visiting address:

  • Joensuu Campus, Aurora building, entrance A, ground floor (Yliopistokatu 2)
  • Kuopio Campus, Canthia building, 2. floor, Oppari (Yliopistonrinne 3)

Postal address:

  • Joensuu: University of Eastern Finland, Student and Learning Services, P.O.Box 111, FI-80101 Joensuu
  • Kuopio: University of Eastern Finland, Student and Learning Services, P.O.Box 1627, FI-70211 Kuopio

Delays in Registration or Failure to Register


Academic calendar

Academic year1 August 2023 - 31 July 20241 August 2024 - 31 July 2025
Registration, current students1 May - 15 September 20231 June 2024 - 15 September 2024
Registration, new Bachelor's and Master's students1 May - 18 August 2023 in Oili
1 May - 15 September 2023 in person
The registration period starts on 1 June. Online registration ends on 23 August and registration in person on campus ends on 15 September.
Registration, new Bachelor's and Master's students,
study rights starting in the spring semester
No later than 15 January 2024The registration period ends 15 January.
Registration for spring term only, current students1 December 2023 - 15 January 20241 November 2024 – 15 January 2025
Opening ceremony of the academic year7 September 2023 in Joensuu5 September 2024 in Kuopio
Periods (used in some study fields)
Autumn semester, 1st period1 September - 20 October 20232 September - 25 October 2024
Autumn semester, 2nd period23 October - 13 December 202328 October - 13 December 2024
Spring semester, 3rd period8 January - 15 March 20247 January - 14 March 2025
Spring semester, 4th period18 March - 31 May 202417 March - 31 May 2024
Orientation for new students1 and 4 - 6 September 2023 and 3 October 20232 - 6 September and 1 October 2024
Orientation for new international students1 and 4 - 5 September 2023
8 - 10 January 2024
2 - 4 September 2024
7 - 9 January 2025
Christmas break14 December 2023 - 5 January 202416 December 2024 - 3 January 2025
Easter break28 March - 3 April 202417 - 23 April 2025
Sports day starting 12.15 p.m.4 October 2023
13 February 2024
2 October 2024
25 February 2025
Climate Afternoon 12 - 16
Summer School

Electronic Services

Peppi - Student and Study Register

Peppi is an information system entity that is formed by the student and study register, education planning and facility and resource reservations. In Peppi, different functions are organized into virtual desktops based on user roles. Students, teachers, PSP instructors, coordinators, amanuenses, study secretaries, study coordinators, persons reserving facilities, etc., use Peppi in every-day work.

In Peppi, a student can, for instance:

Login to Peppi with your UEF account. Write your username in the format

Direct link to Peppi (requires logging in with a UEF user account, link opens in a new tab)

Peppi user instructions

You can find Peppi user instructions and instructional videos in the Peppi Handbook (requires logging in with a UEF user account, link opens in a new tab). In the Peppi Handbook, you can find instructions on registering for course implementations, cancelling your course registration, updating your PSP and credit transfer, among other things.

Changes to personal information and contact information

If your contact information (personal email address, home address, etc.) changes, you can update the information in you own profile in Peppi on the Contact information tab.

Personal information like names or your Finnish personal identity code you cannot change yourself in Peppi. This information can only be changed by the Student and Learning Services’ customer service, and official documents are needed to do this. If your personal information needs to be changed in some way, please contact the Student and Learning Services’ customer service.

Peppi plug-in services


You can download your digitally signed study certificate or transcript of records from the Atomi service in Peppi. You can find the Atomi tab at the top of the page once you have logged into Peppi.

If you have or have had more than one study right at UEF, choose the study right for which you want the certificate before you go to Atomi. You can do this by bringing the mouse to your name in the upper right corner of the screen in Peppi. From the drop-down menu, choose the study right number for which you want the certificate. Then go to Atomi, and download the certificate you want.

Here you can find information on digitally signed study certificates and transcripts of records.


Lukkarikone is Peppi’s schedule assistant (link opens in a new tab) with which you can create timetables even before registering for course implementations. Here you can find information on Lukkarikone.

Study guide

With the Study guide you can search for available course implementations. You can use the Study guide without logging in. You can find the Study guide here (link opens in a new tab).

Peppi user support

If you did not find what you were looking for, or you have questions or feedback related to Peppi, please contact Peppi support at

UEF Intranet and Microsoft 365


Student’s Moodle environment

Moodle is an online learning environment that includes, for example, course materials, assignments and discussion areas.

UEF currently has one Moodle environment: eLearn Moodle. In addition, some courses can be held in Digicampus Moodle, which is a learning environment shared by Finnish universities. The teacher in charge of the course will tell you where the course is located and what the enrolment key required for registration is.

  • eLearn Moodle (opens in a new tab) – a learning environment for the courses that are included in the UEF’s credit system.
  • Moodle (opens in a new tab) – is a Moodle-based learning environment, commonly used by Finnish universities. There are MOOC-courses and courses carried out jointly by universities and colleges in the DigiCampus Moodle. You can also visit the DC-help website (opens in a new tab) for more instructions. You can log in with HAKA identification or Google account. Please remember to always use the same login method so you won’t have multiple profiles.

For more information on the UEF user account and its activation, see the web page of IT Services (opens in a new tab).

Taking Moodle into use – UEF staff and students

UEF staff and students are identified through their UEF user accounts.

1. Signing in with the UEF account varies slightly between different Moodle environments:

  • eLearn Moodle (opens in a new tab)
    • Click “UEF Login”
    • You will be redirected to Microsoft 365 authentication
    • Enter your username as:
    • Enter your password
  • (opens in a new tab)
    • Click “Login with HAKA account”
    • Select University of Eastern Finland from the list
    • You will be redirected to Microsoft 365 authentication
    • Enter your username as:
    • Enter your password
    • After identification, you will be directed back to Digicampus Moodle

You can also use your Google account with Digicampus Moodle. Please remember to always use the same login method so you won’t have multiple profiles.

2. If the identification is successful, you will be redirected to Moodle. At the first login, you may be asked for your basic information. Moodle will have access to your name and email automatically and you can’t change them (if your name or email is missing or incorrect, please contact or

3. Read and accept the student’s copyright agreement. You can’t use Moodle, if you don’t accept this.

4. After that, the dashboard of Moodle will open, and Moodle is ready for use.

5. On the left, under “My Courses”, are the courses to which you have been granted access/you have registered.

Course registration

Once you have logged in to Moodle, your recently accessed courses and overview of your courses are shown. The courses shown here are the ones you have already enrolled in.
From the course overview, you can choose whether you want to see all your courses, your ongoing courses, your future courses, or your past courses. You can also star courses and remove them from the view, which only affects your own view.

The person in charge of the course can give you the link to the course and the enrolment key, for example, through Peppi, via email or at the first meeting. After this, you can join the course in three ways:

1. You can search for courses by clicking “Search courses” on the top right corner. Write the name of the course and click the magnifying glass. When you find the course, click it’s name and then click enrol me. If the course has an enrolment key, enter it first.

2. The person in charge of the course can also send the link to the course and the enrolment key directly to you (by email). Click the link and enter the key.

3. If the course is in the eLearn Moodle and integrated with Peppi:

  • Register to the course on Peppi.
  • After that, the teacher will accept your registration.
  • Peppi will automatically add you to the course on eLearn Moodle, and the course will appear under “my courses” listing.
  • You must have logged in to the eLearn Moodle before Peppi can add you to the course. If you log in for the first time, there will be a slight delay before the course appears on your Moodle.
  • Please note that the course won’t appear on Moodle until the teacher has set it visible. If the course has not begun, it could still be hidden and will appear on Moodle when the course starts.

Please contact the teacher if the course does not appear on the eLearn Moodle after a slight delay, even if you have registered to the course on Peppi and the course has started.

You only have to enter the enrolment key once when you register to the course. After joining a course, you can find it on the left under the heading “my courses”.

If you are joining as another teacher, ask the person in charge of the course to add you and to give you the teacher’s rights.

SEB – Moodle Safe Exam Browser exams

The Moodle exam can be implemented as a closed SEB exam, where the student uses their own computer, but access to other pages and materials is blocked during the exam.

The Safe Exam Browser is used in the SEB exam. The browser can be installed on Windows and MacOS devices. SEB cannot be used for exams on Android, Chromebook, Linux or iPhone devices.

The SEB exam is usually held under supervision in a auditorium or in a class.

Student instructions for participating in the SEB exam (opens in a new tab)

If the SEB browser does not work on your computer, you can borrow a computer for the exam from the computer lending machine.

Computer lending machines, 4 hours/booking

  • The computers do not have chargers, they are charged in a computer lending machine
  • The SEB browser is already installed on the computer
  • Computer lending machines can be found
    • Canthia 2nd floor,  Oppari
    • Snellmania 1st floor, Library
    • Karelia 1st floor, Service Desk (library)

Moodle app

1. Download the Moodle app (App Store, Google Play) to your mobile device.

2. When you use the app for the first time, type as the address.

3. Log in using your mobile device’s web browser. On the login page, select UEF Login.

Moodle app Login instructions 

Moodle and browsers

We recommend that you use Moodle with Mozilla Firefox, which is an officially supported browser. Google Chrome also seems to work well with Moodle, although it is not an officially recommended browser.

Safari (Mac users) and Internet Explorer 10 (Windows users) are non-recommended browsers. These browsers have had problems, for example, with downloading files.

Do you have questions?



You too should download Tuudo now! Tuudo is a mobile app that supports you in your studies.

You can register in Tuudo with your UEF username and password.

Tuudo compiles your most often used, study-related services into a portable user interface.

The following can be found in Tuudo:

Tuudo uses push notifications to convey important messages and remind you of upcoming events in your timetable. Enable the use of push notifications when you install Tuudo. Tuudo is designed to make it easier for students to manage their time and life both on and off campus. Tuudo does not replace all the browser-based services offered by UEF, and using it is not mandatory for students.

Android and iOS devices support Tuudo. You can download Tuudo on your mobile phone from the Google Play Store and Apple App Store. Use your UEF username and password when you log in to Tuudo for the first time; no further logging in is needed.

If you encounter problems when you use Tuudo, please contact

More information on (opens in a new tab).

Wireless Networks Eduroam and UEF Open

University of Eastern Finland campuses offer Eduroam and UEF-open wireless networks. UEF-open is available for visitors and can be accessed without login. Eduroam requires a login with

An open WLAN. Mainly for the use of visitors.

Usage does not require a user account or a password.

EDUROAM (More information HERE)
UEF staff, students and research can login to the Eduroam network by using their username formatted as

The certificate used is TERENA SSL CA. Download a Eduroam configuration app from HERE

External users use their own organization’s guidance to login to the Eduroam network.

For help, contact IT support services (new tab).


The link to Digistartti 2023-2024 (opens in a new window).

Important! Digistartti platform in English for the academic year 2023-2024 will be closed on 31.7.2024! If your assignments are in progress, please complete them by 31.7.2024.
If you are a new student starting your studies in autumn 2024, go to “Digistartti” for the academic year 2024-2025 (Digistartti in English 2024-2025), which will open on 1.8.2024. In order to start your studies, it is important that you familiarise yourself with the UEF digital services with the help of Digistartti during the summer even before starting your studies. New students familiarise themselves with and complete the tasks of Digistartti on the Digistartti platform for the academic year 2024-2025.

Digistartti offers you an introduction to the digital study environments used at the University of Eastern Finland. We recommend that you complete the Digistartti assignments at the very beginning of your studies, preferably within two weeks after starting your studies.

The old Digistartti is open until 31 July 2023 and the new Digistartti will open 1 August 2023.

You can access the materials in Digistartti without a UEF user account, but please note that you can complete the assignments only when you log in with your UEF account.

In order for your UEF user account to work, all the below conditions have to be met:

    • register as a present student at UEF
    • activate your UEF user account. The activation is possible as soon as you have received the activation email (how to activate your UEF user account, new tab)
    • your study right must be valid (for most Master’s students the study right begins 1 August and for most exchange students 1 September)
    • registered as an MFA i.e. Multi-Factor Authentication user
    • In addition, all the Master’s degree students have to be strongly identified by the IT service desk. This means that the IT services have checked your passport and identity.

Your UEF user account will work in about approximately one hour after activation and your email approximately 4 hours after activation. Digistartti opens 1.8.2023.

Digistartti is located on a Moodle platform in Digicampus (Note that we use several different Moodle platforms at UEF).

When logging into Digistartti, please select Haka login, then choose the University of Eastern Finland, and use your UEF username.

We recommend you use a computer (not a mobile device) and Mozilla Firefox as the browser.

Digistartti is a compulsory part of the course Orientation for International Students, 1 ECTS.

Orientation for International Students, 1 ECTS.

Technical Problems?

  • If you have problems with logging into the Digicampus Moodle (new tab) or other issues related to the Digicampus Moodle, please contact the Digicampus Moodle support either via their Chat or email:
  • If you have problems with the UEF ID (after selecting Haka login and choosing the University of Eastern Finland and using the UEF ID and password), if the username or the password is not valid, or you receive an error message related to them:
    • Check the user ID and the password
    • Note that you have to be registered as present
    • Note that your study right has to be valid (for most Master’s students the study right begins 1 August and for most exchange students 1 September)
    • Note that login can succeed only four hours after activating the account
    • For the Master’s degree students: note that Haka login can succeed only if you have been strongly identified.
  • If you receive a notification on an error on your password, change the password according to the instructions (please read the password requirements carefully).
  • If the problem persists, please contact the UEF IT services (new tab) either via their Chat or email:

Scheduling Your Studies

Students are responsible for planning, scheduling and completing their studies. The course information is available in UEF’s student and study register Peppi. In addition to Peppi, the Departmental Coordinators are always happy to offer information on the courses. Please remember that you have to register for all courses and exams separately and well in advance. Also, note that there are course-specific registration periods for courses and exams.

Please note, that you can sign up for courses only after you have registered as being present at the university. Registration for courses requires a UEF username and password that you will receive when you register as a student.

You register for the courses usually in Peppi. The course registration is especially important for the courses with limited number of participants, such as laboratory courses, field courses, language courses, or other small-group teaching.  Whereas some big lecture courses may not require registration at all – a list may be circulated at the first meeting of the course where participants sign their names. Please note that during the covid-19 pandemic it is important that everybody is registered to courses so that we know who is participating in each course.

The exchange students make a Learning Agreement when applying to UEF. The Learning Agreement is the starting point for the studies at UEF. Please note, that the Learning Agreement is not the same as course registration and does not guarantee a place in the course. Read more on courses offered for the Exchange Students in English (opens in a new tab) and find forms for incoming exchange students.

The degree seeking students make a personal study plan in cooperation with the academic coordinator of their degree programme.

It is important to note that some advanced courses may have set requirements on the skills and background knowledge of the participants and this may limit their availability for some students. Participation may also be limited because of programme regulations, the availability of equipment and/or instruments, or the teaching method employed. Course descriptions identify these limitations when they exist by indicating the required or suggested prerequisites and the maximum number of students that is allowed to participate. International students are advised to take note of these limitations.

If you have signed up for a course in Peppi and then decide to drop it, you should remember to cancel your registration for the course.

Schedules and more detailed information about courses can be found in Peppi as soon as they have been confirmed by the Faculty. More detailed information on the courses can be obtained from the responsible lecturer of the course. Each programme sets the schedules for the courses which may lead to timetable conflicts with courses in different programmes. If courses overlap, students should discuss the situation with both lecturers and negotiate the best possible solution.

Changes in course schedules will usually be informed in Peppi or by email to the participants.

Sign up for courses in Peppi (opens in a new tab)

Read more on how to start your studies at UEF

Essentials of Studying

Completing courses

Teaching methods

Academic freedom is one of the basic values of the Finnish university system. It emphasises independent study and opens up many possibilities to students. In most cases, students can basically choose what to study and when to study. Some lectures, for example, may not be compulsory.  However, the practical sessions are usually always obligatory. Academic freedom goes hand in hand with academic responsibility – it is up to students themselves to plan, schedule and complete their studies.


Courses can last for one semester or they may start and finish at any time of the semester. Some courses are intensive with up to six hours of lectures and/or laboratory exercises per day. The other courses are less intensive with only a couple of hours a week. So the duration of a course may vary from a few days to several months depending on the field of study and the courses taken. Usually no courses are organized during the summer months (June–August). However, some practical training may be possible during that time. UEF also organises Summer School in August.

Course descriptions describe the teaching methods and specify what a student must do in order to earn credits from a course. The course requirements are often listed in the course descriptions. Courses may include lectures and/or small-group teaching, written assignments, examinations, practical exercises, classroom discussions, group work, on-line discussions/exercises, lab work/reports, course diaries, term papers, oral presentations, or a combination of these.

In most study fields the courses form larger modules at 3 levels: basic/introductory studies, subject/intermediate studies and advanced studies. Course descriptions and timetables of the courses (as soon as they have been confirmed by the Faculty, usually timetables are available at the beginning of the semester) can be found in Peppi.

Please make sure you always attend the first meeting of the course because the first meeting is always the best possibility to ask about the course requirements, the credits and grading and everything else concerning the course. Ask questions to make sure that everything is clear to you.

Study tours, excursions and field courses

In some study programmes study tours, excursions, and field courses offer an opportunity for the students to visit and experience various sites in the nearby area, other locations around Finland, the Baltic States and even Russia. Fieldwork usually involves gaining practical experience through field exercises, some formal lectures, and group work. Additional costs may apply to field courses, excursions, and study tours. The contact persons for these courses can provide more information and answer questions.


Most courses offered in English are lecture courses. Course participants are generally assessed by written work in the form of reports, research essays or examinations. Some courses may have a range of credits possible to earn based on a combination of course options. For some courses, especially those in which reading assignments in English substitute lectures given in Finnish, students may be required to pass an examination on the required course literature.

Lectures usually begin a quarter past the hour (e.g. 8:15) excluding some group teaching and exams. In Finland these fifteen minutes are called “an academic quarter”. A lecture lasts for 45 minutes, but double lectures are very common (2 x 45 minutes). Attendance at lectures is usually optional, but often essential for passing the course successfully. Therefore, attending lectures is highly recommended. Most of the teaching is carried out in lecture form although in many fields practical training, laboratory work, exercises or group work play a central role. In these cases, attendance is mostly compulsory. Please make sure you know the requirements for each course, including which parts are compulsory and which are optional.

Course literature

Course literature is often specified in the course description. This literature is usually available to be borrowed from and/or read only in the University Library. In some cases students may obtain assigned literature from the office of the faculty organising the course. The number of copies of course literature available is limited so you may have to make a reservation. If a student wishes to purchase textbooks published abroad, it is recommended that he or she do so before arriving in Finland since prices, especially for imported textbooks, are higher. Some reading materials are distributed during courses. Questions about specific course literature should be directed to the contact person of the course.

Independent study

Some courses can also be completed as independent study. In the case of independent study, reading assignments are given in English and students complete work under the supervision of an instructor. Independent studies in some subjects can be  completed by taking examinations on specified books.  Examinations based on reading assignments are organised on general examination days scheduled by the faculty responsible for the course. The schedules for the examination dates for specific independent study courses are available from the faculty arranging the courses and in most cases on Peppi. Some independent study courses have multiple examination dates each semester or year; others may be scheduled for only one day a year. Confirm the schedule in Peppi or from your International Academic Coordinator.

Office hours

Please note, that members of the university staff have often allocated office hours during which you can visit them. You can also make an appointment either by phone or email. You can search for the contact information and office hours of any staff member in UEF Connect.

Electronic exams

General info

Exam Introduction (video)

University of Eastern Finland uses EXAM for electronic exams. You can take an exam during the examination period (defined by the lecturer) when it suits you the best. You can take exams in Kuopio and Joensuu campuses.

You can also take your examination in another university’s EXAM room as an exam visit. See where you can take your exams (opens in a new tab). Read the instruction for EXAM visit in English carefully before enrolling for an EXAM.

Good To Know

Exam rooms have video surveillance. Always have your student ID card, personal ID or driver’s license with you at the Exam, as we might check your identity during the exam. If you don’t have any of the mentioned cards, the supervisor will instruct you. You may also take a water bottle with you, but make sure it has no labels.

Other notions:

  • Login to the computer with your UEF username and password (visitors with a visitor ID).
  • If you leave the Exam room before you have completed the examination, you are not allowed to return and continue the examination.
  • You may not take anything extra to the exam rooms (watch, phone, coat, notes).
    • You can leave them to the lockers outside the exam room.
  • If you are unsure about any technical aspects of the examination, you should take the examination when Oppari is open.
  • There is absolute silence in the Exam rooms and you will not be able to discuss there.
  • Please come to the Exam without perfumes and fragrances.
  • You can retake the exam once the examiner has graded your exam.
  • For more informatoin:

Negliance of the rules may lead to a failed grade.

EXAM rooms and how to get in them

You can get into the EXAM rooms without an access badge if you are taking the exam during the following times. Otherwise, visit Oppari for an access badge.


During the semesters (1.9.-31.5.)

  • Natura N112 (F-door): Mon-Thu 07.00-18.00 and Fri 07.00-16.00
  • Carelia 162a: Mon-Fri 08.00-18.00 and Sat 10.00-14.00

During the summer (1.6.-31.8.)

  • Natura N112 (F-door):  Mon-Fri 07.00-16.00
  • Carelia 162a: Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri 08.00-16.00 and Wed 08.00-18.00


During the semesters (1.9.-31.5.)

  • Canthia CA205: Mon-Fri 08.00-18.00 pm and ja Sat 10.00-14.00
  • Mediteknia 1029: Mon-Fri 07.45-16.00

During the summer (1.6.-31.8.)

  • Canthia CA205: Mon-Fri 10.00-14.00
  • Mediteknia 1029: Mon-Fri 07.45-16.00

You can take your exam in the evenings, on the weekends and on public holidays in Mediteknia (Kuopio) and in Natura (Joensuu) 6.00-5.00. Remember to get yourself an access badge if you exam is outside the times above, or you are taking the exam on a public holiday. The badge works on the door that is located around the corner opposite of the building having the logo of Kuopion Energia.

In Mediteknia, please use the coat rack that is in the same hallway as the exam room. The doors in Mediteknia main lobby are open 7.30-16.00. If you leave your coat in the main lobby, no access badge will work on the doors.

Taking an exam in the evenings, on the weekends and on public holidays

In order to take an exam in the evenings, on the weekends and on public holidays, you will need an access badge. You have two options:

  1. Use your personal access badge, which you can apply with this form. Select the language in the upper right corner. The badge gives you the opportunity to utilize the extended opening hours and you don't have to get yourself a one-time badge every time you want to take an exam outside the opening hours.
  2. Collect a one-time access badge from Oppari before your exam. Check Oppari’s service hours for picking up an access badge.

The badges work for Mediteknia (MD 1029, Kuopio) and Natura (N112, Joensuu). Please note, that EXAM visitors will not be granted any type of access badges and are adviced to take the exams during the opening hours of Oppari.

Taking an exam at UEF as a visitor

Exam visit means that you are taking your own university’s examination in another university’s Exam room. Exam visits can only be done during the opening hours of Oppari.

Before your exam, please make sure that the login credentials of your own university work, as you will go through HAKA-identification in the exam browser. You will login to the computer with a day ID which you can get from Oppari.


The following software is available to students on Exam computers: MS Word (without the spell check function), MS Excel, MS PowerPoint, MS Paint, a PDF reader, MicroDicom DICOM Viewer, GeoGebra, TI-Nspire CX Premium Teacher Software, Matlab and a calculator.

Individual study arrangements

Special examination facilities are at the disposal of students, who have the right to individual study arrangements.  Access to these Exam rooms is always through Oppari.

Joensuu campus: Carelia 162, 1st floor

Kuopio Campus: Canthia CA206, 2nd floor


Procedural instructions for taking an electronic exam including the deadlines for grading (in Finnish) (pdf)
Guide to EXAM for students

For exam registrations and reservations see: Exam service (opens in a new tab)
See also Heimo: Exam instructions to teachers (opens in a new tab, login required)

Further information:

Credits, Grades and Transcript of Academic Records


The Finnish national credit allocation and accumulation system is equivalent to the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS). This means that credits (opintopiste) are the same as those in the ECTS. One year of full-time studies requires about 1600 hours of work and corresponds to 60 credits (30 credits per semester). Lectures, exercises, seminars, independent studies as well as examinations have been included in this estimate of required work load of a student.


Grading of courses at the University of Eastern Finland follows two basic practices: 1) Pass or Fail, or 2) applying a numerical scale with grading from 0-5 (maximum) for passed courses.

The performance (exams and assignments) of each student is compared to the goals of the course. If you want to discuss the principles of grading, please do so at the beginning of the course. Questions concerning credits should be directed to the contact person named in the course description or to the instructor of the course at the first meeting.

ECTS scale
Very good
Pass No number grade given

Transcript of Academic Record

The studies completed at UEF will be saved in the Peppi study register. A Transcript of Academic Record is the document listing all the courses the student has completed at UEF. Please note that failed or other non-completed courses are not shown in the UEF transcript. The student can use Atomi in Peppi (opens in a new tab) for checking the completed courses and getting a digitally signed transcript of records (opens in a new tab). Please note that the digitally signed documents are official only in their digital form and not as paper-printed copies. If you need an official paper version of your transcript of records with a signature and a stamp, please contact Student and Learning Services  (opens in a new tab).

Exchange students will be able to access Peppi for 4 months after their study right is finished. During that time they will be able to get the digitally signed Transcript of Records from Atomi in Peppi. If you need an official paper version of your transcript of records with a signature and a stamp, please contact Student and Learning Services  (opens in a new tab). 

Degree students who have completed all the required courses, the thesis and the maturity test are required to fill out a certificate application form and return it to the faculty office. Further information about degree certificates and graduation (opens in a new tab) can be obtained from the faculties.

Transcript of Academic Records

Academic Dishonesty

Cheating is considered a serious offence at Finnish universities, and plagiarism constitutes the most serious form of cheating. Plagiarism is a form of academic misconduct in which an individual submits or presents the work of another person as their own. Any instance of plagiarism or suspected plagiarism may have serious consequences for the student.

Students must use a proper academic referencing technique to acknowledge the work or material of other writers which they have looked at and which they have used when preparing their own assignments. Correct and consistent academic referencing technique allows the evaluator to locate the cited sources easily. It is never acceptable to copy a text from any source word for word and use it in an essay in any other form than short borrowings, which should be identified as a citation (direct “quotes”). Paraphrasing (rewording) someone else’s words also requires referencing.

The Universities Act (558/2009), Section 45, states the following on disciplinary actions: “A student, who has committed an offence against teaching or research at the university or has otherwise breached university order, may be cautioned or suspended for a maximum of one year as a disciplinary measure, depending on the seriousness of the offence. The decision in regard of a caution to a student shall be made by the rector of the university and in regard of a suspension by the board of the university. Before the resolution of the matter the student shall be verifiably notified of the offence he or she is accused of and given an opportunity to be heard in the matter.”

Cheating in an exam is also a serious offence in Finnish universities. Even suspicions of cheating in an exam can lead to serious problems for the student. Please remember that the invigilators have the authority to ask you to leave the exam room immediately, if they consider your behaviour inappropriate. They also decide what is cheating and what is not. Therefore, if you are talking with your friend in the exam room and that causes a charge of cheating, there is no use saying that you were only discussing your weekend plans or something else. If dishonest behaviour is noticed only after the examination or in other assignments, the teacher who is responsible for grading can fail the student. Moreover, all cases of academic dishonesty will be reported to the Dean, who will decide on any possible further action.

Plagiarism means copying ideas, thoughts, texts, presentations, inventions etc. and presenting them as your own. It is always an insult to good scientific practice and to the teacher in question. Plagiarism is punishable and will be dealt with even in minor cases. Plagiarism is prohibited in all phases of studies and on all courses. Being able to separate one’s own ideas from those of someone else’s and respecting the copyrights of others are among the basic skills university students are expected to master. References to the works of others should be made in accordance with the academic guidelines, which can be obtained from the academic department of the student. Allegations of plagiarism are suspicions of fraud and this is why the University of Eastern Finland has guidelines on proceeding in case of academic dishonesty.

University of Eastern Finland is using an electronic plagiarism detection system called Turnitin. Students can access the system through Moodle and check their assignments before handing them in.

If you need help with using Turnitin, please send an email to


General Guidelines

The University of Eastern Finland is committed to following the guidelines of the Finnish National Board on Research Integrity (TENK) on responsible conduct of research. All teachers and students at the university are expected to be familiar with these guidelines published by TENK (RCR).

Universities have a duty to organise their activities in such a way that scientific research, artistic activities, education and teaching follow honesty and responsible conduct of research. The university community values of the University of Eastern Finland include

  • freedom of science, teaching and learning
  • openness and courage
  • responsibility
  • impact. (2 § / Universities Act.)

According to the TENK, the key characteristics of responsible conduct of research include

  • Integrity.
  • General carefulness and exactitude in conducting research.
  • Presenting and evaluating information using ethically sustainable methods.
  • Researching and evaluating information suitable for the field of research in question and ensuring transparency in publishing.
  • Appropriately acknowledging the work and achievements of other researchers.
  • Conducting and reporting in accordance to the requirements set for scientific knowledge.

Commitment to good scientific practices promotes the high quality of research, teaching and studies and the reliability of the university activities. It is in the interest of the entire university community that the principles of good scientific practice are respected. Commitment to good scientific practice must be reflected in all activities.


Teachers must follow the principles of good scientific practice in teaching. Teachers acknowledge that they are role models for students and partners who build a good working atmosphere for colleagues. In order to achieve these goals, teachers work professionally in their relations with students and support the honest, critical, creative, open and community approach of the scientific community through their own actions.

  • They maintain their own expertise.
  • They treat students equally and fairly.
  • They do not, fraudulently or without the permission of the persons concerned, use students’ works or study performances in their own activities.
  • In accordance with the UEF ethical guidelines, they intervene in fraudulent acts such as plagiarism or fraud in an exam.
  • They are responsible for ensuring that students are adequately informed about the principles of responsible conduct of research and their application in their own discipline.
  • Teachers supervising the thesis take responsibility for the student’s familiarity with the instructions on responsible conduct of research published by TENK.
  • If the teacher acts unethically towards the student, the student can take the matter to the teacher’s supervisor.

The supervisor must take steps to investigate the matter.

  • In teaching, teachers’ main goal is to promote students’ learning and achieve their goals and learning outcomes.
  • Teachers give positive and constructive critical feedback to students during their studies.
  • They respect students’ views and the constructive feedback they receive from the students.
  • They guide students to change the way they work if they recognise features that weaken the students’ learning outcomes or interfere with the activities of other students.
  • Students’ main goal in studying is to learn and achieve their learning goals.
  • Their credits are based on genuine competence.
  • They are responsible for following the principles of responsible conduct of research in studies, such as the preparation of papers, writing essays, answering exams and other study performances.
  • They are aware of their role as a responsible actor in the scientific community.
  • They acknowledge the value of the work done by others and act honestly in all situations.
  • Through their own actions, they support the ethical, critical, creative, transparent and communal approach of the scientific community.
  • They make sure that all their study works and final projects (thesis) reveal clearly, where the information, original ideas and methods come from, and that their origin is properly referred to.
  • Students respect the teaching and research work of the teachers.
  • In teaching situations, they maintain a positive atmosphere by being active with knowledge of their responsibilities.
  • They provide constructive feedback on teaching.
  • If necessary or in doubt, they ask for more information on the correct procedures, using their own initiative.
  • During teaching and exams, they work without disturbing the others’ chance to work in peace.
  • They carry out independently their own learning assignments and theses, unless cooperation is expressly permitted.

Prohibited activities

For more information and examples see TENKs pages.

Cheating in an exam
Notes and aids cannot be used in an exam unless this is expressly permitted.

Example of a prohibited activity: in a classroom exam, the student searched for information on the mobile phone. The student had forbidden notes with her/him in the exam.

Example of a prohibited activity: assistive devices were forbidden in the Moodle exam. However, during the exam, the student had used the learning material of the course, her/his own notes, textbooks as well as internet pages.

Example of a prohibited activity: the student had used an online translator in a Swedish essay, even though the learning task had to be done using her/his own language skills only.

Prohibited cooperation
Cooperation or the use of external help is forbidden unless this is expressly permitted.

Example of a prohibited activity: students completed learning assignments together, although it was an individual performance.

Example of a prohibited activity: students created a Whatsapp group for a remote exam so that they could ask each other for advice during the exam.

Acting on behalf of another person

Example of a prohibited activity: the student's mother took the remote exam on behalf of the student.

Example of a prohibited activity: the student bought her/his thesis from a ghostwriter.

It is forbidden to use another person's text in one's own studies without indicating where the information, original ideas and methods come from. Examples of plagiarism: inappropriately quoting a text or part of it, a pictorial expression or translation obtained from another student, the Internet or elsewhere. Students must clearly indicate the sources they use.

Example of a prohibited activity: the student had not marked all the sources used in the thesis.

Example of a prohibited activity: While working on a thesis, the student found a completed master's thesis on the Internet that partly dealt with the same topic as her/his own thesis. The student copied the text of the master's thesis and referred to the sources used in the master's thesis in her/his thesis; the student failed to refer to the thesis s/he had found.

Example of a prohibited activity: while working on the thesis, the student found a Finnish language source on the Internet that had originally been translated into Finnish from an English language source. The student referred to the English language research through the translation of a Finnish language source s/he found, without proper reference to the source.

Example of a prohibited activity: the student found a published text, the idea of which was presented in her/his own text in her/his own words, without reference to the original text.

Example of a prohibited activity: the student completed a learning task by cutting and copy pasting various pieces of published texts s/he found on the Internet and in literature, without proper references.

Passing on your own pieces of work to another student
It is forbidden to hand over completed assignments/pieces of work to another student for fraudulent use.

Example of a prohibited activity: the student had completed the course with an essay. S/he gave the essay to another student, who returned it to another teacher as her/his own piece
of work.

It is forbidden to reuse your own previous performances or to use parts of your previous pieces of work as a basis for new ones without proper reference to the source.

Example of a prohibited activity: the student returned a learning assignment that s/he
had already used on another course.

Example of a prohibited activity: the student's thesis included a section from essays s/he had previously prepared and used, without references to the essays in question (self-plagiarism).

Not doing your part in pair and group work


Procedure in cases of suspected fraud and disciplinary measures

Definition of fraud and the scope of the guidelines

Students must follow good study practices in all their studies. Fraud is a dishonest act or measure that is done or taken deliberately, out of negligence or with the intent to deceive, and which purpose is to give a false impression of one’s own or another person’s competence.

The guidelines on fraud apply to frauds related to studies and theses (unapproved and approved theses). The guidelines are also applied to the prohibited use of AI applications. The guidelines on fraud are applied to remote and contact teaching.

Section 45 of the Universities Act (558/2009) contains regulations on disciplinary measures against students. Section 45 of the Study Regulations of the University of Eastern Finland contains regulations on the ethical guidelines applied to studies and teaching. This decision specifies these provisions and regulations. In addition to these guidelines, the decision of the Academic Rector on the plagiarism detection system contains regulations on study-related fraud.


Instructions for teachers

If a teacher suspects that a student has committed an infringement related to teaching or research activities, the teacher has the obligation to address the matter immediately in an appropriate manner.

Study-related frauds may be detected retrospectively, e.g., in connection to reviewing learning assignments, or immediately, e.g., during an exam.

A teacher or supervisor may immediately remove from an exam a student who is strongly suspected of fraud or is causing disturbance. If a teacher or supervisor has interrupted a student’s exam due to disturbance or suspected fraud, the teacher or supervisor must record the reason for the interruption and whether the student admits to or denies the disturbance or fraud.

The teacher must determine the type and severity of the suspected fraud after it has been detected. The seriousness is assessed from the perspective of the scale, intentionality, systematicality and recurrence of the fraud. The teacher may clarify the matter by discussing it with the student or by requesting the student to provide a written explanation of the matter, e.g., in an e-mail. If the teacher considers, immediately after detecting the fraud, that the fraud is evident and does not require an additional explanation from the student, the teacher can forward the handling of the fraud to the faculty without obtaining an additional explanation from the student.

The teacher must then take one of the following measures:

1) forward the handling of the detected fraud to the Dean or the director of an independent institute or service centre (language centre, library, study services) in writing, e.g., by sending an e-mail. The teacher must provide at least the following information: the student’s name and contact details, study period, the nature of the suspected fraud and how it is manifested, and the scale and severity of the fraud. The teacher’s notification will later be submitted to the student during the faculty’s disciplinary investigation process.

2) instruct and advise the student on appropriate action if the teacher considers the infringement to be minor or to be due to the student’s ignorance; or

3) state that, based on the investigation, there is no reason to suspect the student of fraud and inform the student of this either in writing or orally. If the teacher has investigated the matter, e.g., by discussing it with the student by e-mail, it is good practice to inform the student by e-mail that the matter has been closed.

The Dean's written notification and rejection of the course

The Dean of the faculty or the director of an independent institute or service centre will investigate the suspected infringement, assess it and decide on the use of suitable investigation methods. The student will be sent a written notification indicating the infringement they are being suspected of and the student will be given an opportunity to be heard in the matter. The hearing will, primarily, be implemented so that a written statement is requested from the student. Where required, the hearing may be organised orally. A request for a statement or an invitation to a hearing will be sent to the student for information by post or e-mail. Email can be used if a permission for its use has been obtained from the student. Other parties may also be heard in suspected infringements. Frauds can also be investigated by using the plagiarism detection system or based on video recordings.

If, instead of a primary written hearing, it is decided that the hearing be conducted as an oral hearing, it must be documented in the form of signed minutes. The minutes must indicate who were present, when the hearing was held and what was the purpose of the hearing, as well as the opinion of the concerned party on the matter and their explanations on the reports, which may affect the decision made in the case. The student may bring a person to support them at the hearing.

After the hearing, the Dean or the Director of the independent institute or service centre concerned will decide whether an infringement has occurred (if not, the case will be dropped), whether the infringement is minor or severe, and what further action is needed in the matter, if any. If the Dean considers that no infringement has taken place, the student and the teacher will be informed of this, e.g., by e-mail. An infringement may be considered to be minor, e.g., when it is a one-off act that results from carelessness or ignorance, and the infringement has caused only minor damage. The Dean issues a written notification on minor infringements. Where required, the Dean will also recommend that the teacher rejects the related study attainment or lowers the student’s grade. The person in charge of the course is responsible for rejecting the study attainment or lowering the grade. The sanction given by the Dean or the director of an independent institute or service centre will be communicated to the student, the teacher, the head of the department/school of the degree programme and preparing officers for information and for possible measures.

The decision of a teacher to reject a study attainment and to lower the grade is a decision concerning the grading of a course, for which rectification can be applied from the university’s Board of Appeal.

If the Dean or the Director of the independent institute or service centre concerned considers, after having heard the student, that a more serious infringement has been committed, they will report the matter in writing to the Rector and deliver the documents related to the matter to the Rector. When assessing the seriousness of the infringement, account will be taken of the recurrence, extent and intentionality of the fraud.

A written warning and fixed-term suspension

The Rector may give the student a written warning, propose to the Board that the student be temporarily suspended, or establish that no infringement has occurred in the matter. A decision made in the matter by the Rector or the Board will be communicated to the student, the teacher, the Dean or the Director of the independent institute or service centre concerned, and the Student and Learning Services of the faculties and independent institutes and service centres for information and for further measures, if any.

A decision on a serious infringement (a written warning and fixed-term suspension) may be appealed against by lodging an appeal to the Administrative Court of Eastern Finland. Appeal instructions must be enclosed with the decision. A decision by the Administrative Court pertaining to a disciplinary action against a student, as referred to in section 45 of the Universities Act, is not subject to appeal.