Apply for an extension to your study right by 31 May 2024
Now is a good time to check whether you need to apply for an extension to your study right.
If your study right at the University of Eastern Finland is about to expire on 31 July 2024 and you wish to continue your studies, you have to apply for an extension by 31 May 2024. You will not receive a separate email reminder.
You can check your study right duration in Peppi: In the top right corner in Peppi, you can see your name. Bring the mouse to your name and click on My profile in the drop-down menu that opens. On the Study right information tab, you can see when your study right is about to end. If you have more than one study right, make sure to check the study right duration of all your study rights.
You can find detailed instructions for applying for an extension in Kamu. In the instructions, there is also a link to the e-Services website where you apply for the extension. Note that you need attachments for the application. Here you can find the instructions for applying for an extension to your study right.
If you need study guidance, contact your programme coordinator. Here you can find the list of programme coordinators.