Automatic deployment of Multi-factor authentication (MFA) for all users of UEF's Microsoft environments
Deployment of Multi-factor authentication (MFA) for UEF users has been done and in the future MFA will be automatically applied to all users using UEF’s Microsoft 365 environment. The deployment concerns both student and staff users. MFA will be also deployed for outside stakeholders accounts. UEF employees should take note of the deployment of MFA if non UEF users are invited to UEF Microsoft 365 groups with other than UEF email address.
If you still haven’t registered MFA it will be automatically applied to your account on 1.11.2022.
Instructions on how to start using MFA can be found on IT Services webpage – (new tab).
We recommend using an authenticator app for MFA confirmation. If you have a smart phone, using Microsoft Authenticator to authenticate the login is more safe and user friendly option than a text message. You can find instructions for Authetincator at (new tab).
You can modify your MFA settings if needed here: (new tab).
If you have a user account that has multiple users e.g. to test systems or a shared mailbox, please notify about it as soon as possible to MFA will not be deployed to the notified accounts.