How to communicate effectively in cross-cultural situations? Do you want to develop oral English skills and confidence in speaking English?
Join the Cross-cultural communication in professional encounters course (1 ECT) organized by the Language Centre.
In this course, there is a special focus on practicing language needed in customer/patient-practitioner interaction and the challenges of a multicultural work environment.
The course will be held 8 Nov–28 Nov at the Kuopio campus:
8.11. (13.15-14.45, room CA401)
10.11. (Independent study session)
17.11. (13.15-14.45, room CA500)
22.11. (12.15-13.45, room CA204)
23.11. 12.15.-13.45, room CA304)
28.11. (10.15.-11.45, room CA204)
Enrollment in Peppi with code KK00CT44-3001 Oct 28 at the latest.
Please check also Language Centre Yammer for more information.
The course is primarily intended for students in international Master’s degree programmes. If there are places, students in international Bachelor degree programmes and exchange students are also welcome.
Please note that the course requires presence on Kuopio campus.
For further information please contact course teachers Hanne Lahti, or Tommi Kakko,