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Search Results: eu

Reform of Finnish language education enhances international experts’ integration into Finnish society [article]

New narrative learning materials facilitate integration into Finnish society. The University of Eastern Finland is reforming its provision of Finnish language education available to international students and staff. As of autumn 2022, learners can start their Finnish language studies already before arriving in Finland. The selection of courses has been expanded to cater to the […]

Networked co-operation brings biodiversity-related courses available to students [article]

Through the Biodiversity education network, students at the University of Eastern Finland have a possibility to take biodiversity-related courses from other universities. The University of Eastern Finland, together with the Universities of Turku, Oulu, Helsinki and Jyväskylä and Åbo Akademi University are collaborating in biodiversity education. A common agreement on cross-institutional studies has been signed […]

Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) Has Been Enabled With Shibboleth And Haka Services on 15 Aug 2022 [article]

Multi-factor authentication (MFA) has efficiently reduced phishing of UEF user accounts and inflicted security breaches. All UEF user accounts use multi-factor authentication when logging into email and other O365 services (applies to staff members and comparable users, students, CCL students and external users). In order to guarantee information security, it is necessary to introduce MFA […]

Application period for the YUFE Student Journey continues until 26 May [article]

Due to Easter Break and need for more time to submit applications, the application period for YUFE Student Journey continues until 26 May 2022. The YUFE Student Journey offers you the opportunity to create your own learning path and broaden your European horizon. Virtual participation is also possible!  Flexibility, diversity, inclusivity and self-directed learning paths […]

Exceptions to Student and Learning Services’ offices’ opening hours [article]

Tulevat poikkeusaukioloajat Viikoilla 15–16 Opintopalveluiden asiakaspalvelu on auki seuraavalla tavalla: Ajankohtaiset aukioloajat Opintopalveluiden asiakaspalvelutiski on auki maanantaisin, keskiviikkoisin ja perjantaisin klo 10–15. Mikäli et pääse asioimaan näinä aukioloaikoina, otathan yhteyttä sähköpostitse tai puhelimitse, jotta voimme sopia tapaamisen muulle ajalle. Käyntiosoite: Joensuussa Aurora A, 1. krs; Kuopiossa Canthia, 2. krs Sähköpostiosoite: (Huomaathan, että loma-aikoina vastausajat ovat tavallista […]

University of Eastern Finland to admit 42 students from Ukraine – Open University courses offered free of charge [article]

A total of 135 Ukrainian students applied for a separate non-degree right to study at the University of Eastern Finland in a call open this March. The university is also offering Open University courses to citizens of Ukraine free of charge. In response to the humanitarian crisis unfolding in Ukraine, the University of Eastern Finland […]

YUFE Language Help Desk to the rescue! [article]

How to translate a thesis abstract or an article from Finnish into English or vice versa? Do I use Finnish or English grammar correctly? Can I express myself properly in my interactions with a foreign culture? University students, staff, and just about everyone else, sometimes need a helping hand with small translations and occasional language […]

Motivation Wednesday – support for English speaking students and researchers [article]

Feeling low or overwhelmed? Can’t find motivation to study? Procrastination is getting the better of you? Or simply, feeling lonely? Maybe in Motivation Wednesday you can find the support you need?Following the success and popularity among the students of the ‘Tsemppihetki’ (introduced just in the spring 2022), the UEF wants to offer a similar support […]

The Library is invoicing borrowing fees in early April [article]

We are invoicing unpaid borrowing service fees in early April. By paying all the unpaid fees before that, you can avoid the invoicing. Web payment in UEF Primo is a quick and easy way to pay the overdue and reservation fees online. It is possible if the amount of fees is at least three euro. […]

Apply for the YUFE Student Journey on Spring 2022! [article]

Do you want to study in an international environment? How about studying at 10 young research-driven universities in Europe at the same time!  Take your chances and apply to join the YUFE Student Journey. Application period starts 4 April and continues until 24 April 2022. Learn more about the application process below.  The YUFE Student […]