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Including exchange studies into your degree [page]

University of Eastern Finland assigns credits in accordance with the common European ECTS system (European Credit Transfer System). One UEF credit is equivalent to one ECTS credit. A year’s full-time studies correspond to 60 credits, i.e. roughly 1,600 hours of work. This estimated workload includes lectures, exercises, seminars, exams, and independent study. There are two […]

General instructions for applying [page]

Calls for applications and application period Calls for exchange applications are programme-specific information notices, that include information about each exchange programme’s placements and host universities, application deadlines, and other important information related to the application. Calls for applications are published at the beginning of the application period in the Calls for applications for student exchange […]

Freemover/Visiting Student exchanges [page]

You can also apply for exchange studies outside exchange programmes, with a freemover or visiting student status. It is a good idea to chart the international contacts of your department/school when planning an independent student exchange. Many students have found great study and internship locations independently. It takes initiative to apply for independent studies abroad: […]

Short-term exchanges in general [page]

Students at the University of Eastern Finland may participate in short-term student exchange during their studies. Short-term exchanges generally mean short courses, summer and winter schools and other short-term study visits organised by different partner universities. NB! Short-term exchange does not, unfortunately, mean that for example, the student applies for a host university for a […]

Nordics, North America: north2north [page]

The purpose of the north2north programme is to support mutual research and understanding of the northern regions and promote high-quality education in North America, the Nordic countries, and Russia. The north2north programme is the University of the Arctic’s internal student mobility programme. As a speciality of the programme, the studies of the participating students must […]

Around the world: ISEP Exchange and ISEP Direct [page]

ISEP exchange NB! The links in this article open up in a new tab. ISEP (International Student Exchange Program) is an international student exchange programme based on reciprocity, and it is administered from the United States. You can search for feedback from previous ISEP exchange students in the SoleMOVE application system. You will find instructions […]

Erasmus partners of Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies [page]

ACADEMIC YEAR 2023-2024 (Level of studies: 1 = Bachelor’s level studies, 2 = Master’s level studies, 3 = Doctoral level studies) Updated 23 August 2023 NB! The links open up in a new tab. NB 2! If you have an employment contract with UEF (for example as a 10 % grant researcher), you are not […]

Erasmus partners of Faculty of Health Sciences [page]

ACADEMIC YEAR 2023-2024 (Level of studies: 1 = Bachelor’s level studies, 2 = Master’s level studies, 3 = Doctoral level studies) Updated 23 August 2023 NB! The links open up in a new tab. NB 2! NB! If you have an employment contract with UEF (for example as a 10 % grant researcher), you are […]

Erasmus partners of Faculty of Science, Forestry and Technology [page]

ACADEMIC YEAR 2023-2024 (Level of studies: 1 = Bachelor’s level studies, 2 = Master’s level studies, 3 = Doctoral level studies) Updated 23 August 2023 NB! The links open up in a new tab. NB 2! NB! If you have an employment contract with UEF (for example as a 10 % grant researcher), you are […]

Annual registration – enrolled degree students [page]

NOTE! Citizens outside the EU/EEA/Switzerland studying in bachelor’s and master’s degree programmes are required to pay tuition. If you are required to pay tuition, you must pay the next instalment of the fee before you can register as present for the 2024-2025 academic year. If you have questions regarding the tuition fee, contact your programme […]