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Search Results: eu

Insurance cover for students [page]

Health insurance for incoming international students UEF requires that all incoming international students must have a valid personal health insurance and a travel insurance from an internationally recognized insurance agency for the whole duration of their stay in Finland. Insurance should cover all costs related to a treatment of sudden illness, accidents and accidental death. […]

Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland (ISYY) [page]

ISYY is here to advocate UEF students’ rights ant to provide services! The Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland (opens in a new tab), ISYY, is UEF students’ advocacy and service organisation. All Bachelor’s and Master’s degree students of UEF despite their study field are automatically required to join ISYY according to the […]

Student sports services [page]

Exercise has a proven positive effect on maintaining physical and mental health. A fun exercise session during free time is the best possible way of promoting a feeling of togetherness and bringing the students and staff closer together. SYKETTÄ Sport Services offers a diverse and inexpensive sports calendar for students and staff members. Break exercise […]

Student housing [page]

The student housing is offered by independent, non-profit student housing companies, that are not part of the University of Eastern Finland. They offer accommodation in different parts of the city but no on-campus dormitories are available. As an exchange student you can apply for housing as soon as you have received the official Letter of […]

Health Care for Students [page]

Four different health care sectors Finnish student health service, FSHS Fnnish Student Health Service (opens in a new tab) (Ylioppilaiden terveydenhuoltosäätiö, YTHS) provides all Bachelor’s and Master’s degree students of the University of Eastern Finland, with preventive health care, medical care, mental health care, and dental care. Please note that FSHS offers NO emergency or […]

Study-related laws and regulations [page]

Universities Act (558/2009) Act of the implementation of the Universities Act (559/2009) Government Decree on University Degrees (794/2004) Administrative Procedure Act (434/2003) Act on the Openness of Government Activities (621/1999) Constitution of Finland (731/1999) University of Eastern Finland Degree Regulations (pdf) Study regulations (1.8.2019) Implementation of the change to the grading scale used in the […]

Self-study facilities [page]

The self-study facilities are available for quiet studying and group work. The university’s guidelines relating to safety and hygiene must be followed in all facilities. Access badge Access to the 24/7 self study facilities is with an access badge only. You can apply the Access badge by using this online form. If you already have […]

Campus pastors [page]

What is a campus pastor? Campus pastors are assigned by the Church on campuses for students and staff. They act in the university community as experts in communality and the growth, changes, and learning of personal life. Activities of the campus pastor The campus pastors offer individual guidance by offering verbal aid for personal growth […]

Welcome to start your studies at UEF! [page]

Join us in the orientation for new students 2-4 September! We wish to make the start of your studies with us as smooth as possible. This is why we offer an orientation programme for all the new international students at the beginning of each semester. The programme includes a lot of practical information and tips […]

UEF Career Services [page]

Career Services is there for you during the entire span of your studies in questions concerning your studies, career or the working life. We offer expert support, appointments for confidential discussion and job seeking advice. Check out our resources, join the courses, or book an appointment for discussion with a career counsellor! Career services for […]