Career Services is there for you during the entire span of your studies in questions concerning your studies, career or the working life. We offer expert support, appointments for confidential discussion and job seeking advice. Check out our resources, join the courses, or book an appointment for discussion with a career counsellor!
Career services for students
Courses in career planning and job seeking
JobTeaser portal (jobs, traineeships, appointment booking for career counselling)
Placement and career follow-up data on graduates is available in English through the service (opens in new window) and through the Education Statistics Finland’s Vipunen Service (opens in new window).
Students’ feedback for career services
- “Thanks to the career plan I made in the self-study course, I now have a much more confident feeling about my studies. My career goals became clearer and I obtained a clear picture of what kinds of expertise I already have and what I still need to develop.”
- “The job seeking course was very useful even for someone like me who has been in the working life for a long time and who has sent a lot of applications and attended a multitude of job interviews. I imagine that for someone stepping towards working life for the first time, the course must offer really important information.”
- “The practical exercise course was a good addition to the self-study course. The best thing was to hear that the other students were worrying about exactly the same issues as me. The atmosphere in the group was relaxed and the exercises boosted my self-confidence and motivation towards my studies and job seeking in the future.”
- “Before the discussion with the career counsellor, I expected primarily to obtain some hints about the job opportunities in my field. The discussion, however, made me reflect on what I, in particular, want from my life. Surprisingly, I made new discoveries about myself and my chances. I have to say that I was very excited to examine further the links I got form the career counsellor and my confidence in finding a job increased significantly.”
- “The course was a great opportunity to learn about the rights and obligations of workers in Finland. It increased my network and I got new ideas from my fellow students. The course was very useful and practical.”
Contact information
Email: urapalvelut(at)
Joensuu campus
Visiting address: Yliopistokatu 2, Aurora building, Entrance A, ground floor
Postal address: University of Eastern Finland, Student Services, P. O. Box 111, FI-80101 Joensuu, Finland.
Kuopio campus
Visiting address: Yliopistonranta 1 C, Canthia building, 2nd floor (Oppari), room 2160
Postal address: University of Eastern Finland, Student Services, P.O. Box 1627, FI-70211 Kuopio, Finland