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Search Results: employment

Europe: Erasmus+ [page]

Erasmus+ is the most extensive European student exchange programme funded by the EU. This page contains more information on the programme, along with a list of host universities by academic departments. University of Eastern Finland also has bilateral agreements with some European universities. In addition, the Nordic Countries are available through the Nordplus programme. You […]

JOO – flexible study right studies [page]

The national agreement on flexible study rights (JOO) came into effect on 1 August 2004. According to the agreement, the undergraduate and postgraduate students of all the Finnish universities have the opportunity to include in their degree minor subject studies from the offering of other Finnish universities regardless of the university in which they have […]

Suspending the studies [page]

The Unemployment Security Act’s provisions on the right to unemployment benefits if university studies are suspended for a minimum of one year have been repealed by the new Unemployment Security Act (1290/2002, Finlex database) that entered into force on 1 January 2013. The university does not issue suspension certificates to students for unemployment benefit applications […]