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Search Results: employment

Student guidelines on the practices of supported practical training [page]

It is important for your future employment that you perform the voluntary on-the-job training included in your studies. It would also be desirable that you direct your gaze outside your home country and use your opportunity to complete international practical training during your studies. Complete the practical training and insert it into your personal study […]

Erasmus partners of Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies [page]

ACADEMIC YEAR 2023-2024 (Level of studies: 1 = Bachelor’s level studies, 2 = Master’s level studies, 3 = Doctoral level studies) Updated 23 August 2023 NB! The links open up in a new tab. NB 2! If you have an employment contract with UEF (for example as a 10 % grant researcher), you are not […]

Erasmus partners of Faculty of Health Sciences [page]

ACADEMIC YEAR 2023-2024 (Level of studies: 1 = Bachelor’s level studies, 2 = Master’s level studies, 3 = Doctoral level studies) Updated 23 August 2023 NB! The links open up in a new tab. NB 2! NB! If you have an employment contract with UEF (for example as a 10 % grant researcher), you are […]

Erasmus partners of Faculty of Science, Forestry and Technology [page]

ACADEMIC YEAR 2023-2024 (Level of studies: 1 = Bachelor’s level studies, 2 = Master’s level studies, 3 = Doctoral level studies) Updated 23 August 2023 NB! The links open up in a new tab. NB 2! NB! If you have an employment contract with UEF (for example as a 10 % grant researcher), you are […]

Diploma Supplement [page]

Diploma Supplement is an appendix to the degree certificate. A Diploma Supplement is a description of the nature, level, content and status of the awarded degree in the national system and it also gives information on the professional status of the qualification. The purpose is to improve international comparability of degrees and facilitate mobility either […]

Information security guide [page]

Student’s information security in a nutshell You are responsible for all activities carried out under your user ID. Apart from your personal data, also remember to protect other people’s information that is in your possession. Never tell your password to anyone else. Choose a password that is easy for you to remember but impossible for […]

Practical training [page]

Practical training during studies is a great opportunity for students to apply their theoretical knowledge in practice, improve their professional skills, narrow down their career choices, and make direct contact with potential employers. Having work experience in your own discipline, no matter how brief the period of employment, gives you an advantage over others in […]

Personal career counselling [page]

The aim of career counselling is to support the attainment of career planning and employment skills. Good career planning skills help you, for instance, in recognizing your own strengths and possibilities, in developing yourself and in making decisions about your future. You can receive career counselling at a personal career guidance conversation or by taking […]

FAQ: Frequently asked questions about student exchange [page]

This page covers frequently asked questions about student exchange. Questions have been grouped as follows: Why is student exchange a good idea? Studying abroad often gives a new and broader perspective to your own field of study and offers the chance to take courses not provided by your home university. The exchange period will improve […]

Erasmus partners of Philosophical Faculty [page]

ACADEMIC YEAR 2023-2024 (Level of studies: 1 = Bachelor’s level studies, 2 = Master’s level studies, 3 = Doctoral level studies) Updated 23 August 2023 NB! The links open up in a new tab. NB 2! NB! If you have an employment contract with UEF (for example as a 10 % grant researcher), you are […]