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Search Results: employment

SoleMove online application system [page]

NB! If you have a contract of employment at UEF (for example trainee, researcher, research assistant etc.), please contact International Mobility Services before starting your application! A contract of employment may have changed your status in SoleMOVE from “student” to “staff” and it needs to be changed before you can access the correct application form. […]

Information for new staff members [page]

If you have been employed as a new member of staff, you will obtain information on employment relationship matters e.g. Guide for international staff New employee quick start guide in Heimo (requires UEF login) 10 steps to become UEFian online induction New staff orientation twice a year in autumn and spring (in Heimo, requires UEF […]

Academic career [page]

Career models of the UEF Four-Stage Career Model and Tenure Track Model are used in the University of Eastern Finland (as well as many other Finnish universities). Four-Stage Career Model The model seeks to promote academic career advancement and goal-oriented transition from one stage to another. The first stage for both researchers and teachers is […]

Information for grant-funded researchers [page]

A research grant means a fund provided for promoting work in the fields of art and science for a period from a month to three years. Grants can be also provided for participation in conferences and towards publication costs. Working grants given by foundations are usually rather equal in amount. Typical features: grants are awarded […]

Funding options for doctoral researchers [page]

The right to pursue doctoral studies does not include funding or a contract of employment or teaching tasks at the University. However, full-time doctoral students need funding to cover their costs of living and potential research costs (travel costs, research material etc.). Funding options should be discussed with the supervisor already when planning to apply […]

Research exchange [page]

Research is mostly international in its character, and it is useful to get to know the international research groups of your own field. You should negotiate potential research exchange with your supervisors. They can also help you in finding suitable contacts. Below you can find information about potential exchange programmes. Many foundations also award grants […]

Call for Applicants: A Deputy Student Member to the Faculty Council of the Faculty of Science and Forestry [article]

The Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland (ISYY) is a student union in compliance with the Universities Act, section 46. A statutory function of the Student Union is to elect student representatives to University organs in accordance with the Universities Act, chapter 3. The Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland is […]

TalentBoost trainee wanted for ELY Centre in Kuopio [article]

TalentBoost trainee wanted for ELY Centre in Kuopio Take part in -broadcast on Thursday 11.4.2019, at 14:00 in the address Application dead line: 14.4. at 23:45   Currently we are looking for a creative and business-oriented international university graduate or student who is finalizing his/her studies for an International Trainee position in Kuopio […]

Grant for studies and/or research period [article]

GRANT FOR STUDIES AND/OR RESEARCH PERIOD ABROAD IN 2019   Target groups and eligibility criteria The Saastamoinen Foundation has donated EUR 10,000 to the University of Eastern Finland, to be used for the Anitta Etula Special Grant. The grant will be awarded to one Master’s level student with a doctoral study right or to one […]

Calls for applications for student exchange [page]

Application period for YUFE exchanges 15-30 September 2024 The autumn call for applications for YUFE exchanges will open in September, 15-30 Sept 2024. During the application period, bachelor, master and doctoral students at the University of Eastern Finland may apply for student exchange at YUFE Alliance partner universities for the spring semester 2025. Students may […]