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Search Results: career

Student guidelines on the practices of supported practical training [page]

It is important for your future employment that you perform the voluntary on-the-job training included in your studies. It would also be desirable that you direct your gaze outside your home country and use your opportunity to complete international practical training during your studies. Complete the practical training and insert it into your personal study […]

Aarresaari [page]

Aarresaari is a network of Academic Career Services representing 13 Finnish Universities. The network offers services for university students, graduates and employers, as well as for the universities themselves. At the same time the network builds bridges between students and employers. Visit Aarresaari webpages (opens in new tab).

JobTeaser portal [page]

Jobs, internships and appointments to UEF career counsellors in JobTeaser Job and internship offers for students and recent graduates can be found in the JobTeaser webservice. Students and staff members log into the JobTeaser UEF platform using their UEF credentials. You can continue using the service after graduation. JobTeaser is used in over 700 universities […]

Practical training [page]

Practical training during studies is a great opportunity for students to apply their theoretical knowledge in practice, improve their professional skills, narrow down their career choices, and make direct contact with potential employers. Having work experience in your own discipline, no matter how brief the period of employment, gives you an advantage over others in […]

FAQ: Frequently asked questions about student exchange [page]

This page covers frequently asked questions about student exchange. Questions have been grouped as follows: Why is student exchange a good idea? Studying abroad often gives a new and broader perspective to your own field of study and offers the chance to take courses not provided by your home university. The exchange period will improve […]

Europe: Erasmus+ [page]

Erasmus+ is the most extensive European student exchange programme funded by the EU. This page contains more information on the programme, along with a list of host universities by academic departments. University of Eastern Finland also has bilateral agreements with some European universities. In addition, the Nordic Countries are available through the Nordplus programme. You […]

Sports academy [page]

Sports academy facilities are available on Joensuu and Kuopio campuses. Sports academy networks aim to support top athletes or students aiming to the top in combining studies and sport career, to offer a service network of different experts, to train athletes and their coaches, and in co-operation with other operators in the area to develop the […]

Minor subject studies in the UEF [page]

In our university, the main principle of minor subject studies is that the studies are offered to the student across faculty borders. However, there are restrictions to admittance, proficiency tests or entrance examinations in some subjects or study programmes that apply to students. These include studies in languages, psychology, medicine, pharmacy, teacher training (including the […]

Student Union membership fees [page]

ISYY, the Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland (opens in a new tab), looks after the students’ rights and interests. ISYY operates on both the Joensuu and Kuopio campus. On this page you can find information on the following subjects: Bachelor’s and master’s degree students’ fees Under the student union act, all bachelor’s […]