The national Career monitoring survey is still going on! The target group of the survey in 2018 is those who have completed a Master Degree or in 2020 Doctoral Degree. The University of Eastern Finland approaches those who belong to the target group by letter or e-mail. So, if you have received a mail from university, please respond to survey! It is very important for the university of Eastern Finland. The survey is open until 11 December 2023, but we hope you could respond as soon as possible.
Career monitoring collects information about graduates’ job placement and career. Answers are also collected about satisfaction with the degree and which factors have helped to find employment. Respondents can also give their tips on what skills are needed in working life right now. In addition, the Career monitoring survey for masters, is part of the university’s funding model. So the answers really matter! The Töissä.fi- service is based on career tracking material. Answers from previous years can be viewed from the Vipunen service of the Finnish National Board of Education.