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Search Results: feedback

Student guidelines on the practices of supported practical training [page]

It is important for your future employment that you perform the voluntary on-the-job training included in your studies. It would also be desirable that you direct your gaze outside your home country and use your opportunity to complete international practical training during your studies. Complete the practical training and insert it into your personal study […]

Forms and reporting for outgoing students [page]

General information about forms and reporting NB! On this page, you will find information for students who have already been selected for exchange studies or received a traineeship placement abroad. Instructions on how to apply for exchange and other information to read before you apply for exchange can be found on other pages, such as […]

Checklist for outgoing exchange students [page]

Checklist: before your exchange Start planning your exchange: Why do you want to go? What are your goals for the exchange? Where do you want to go? What do you want to study during your exchange? Your major, minor, the local language, something else? What language do you want to use when studying? English? Another […]

Around the world: ISEP Exchange and ISEP Direct [page]

ISEP exchange NB! The links in this article open up in a new tab. ISEP (International Student Exchange Program) is an international student exchange programme based on reciprocity, and it is administered from the United States. You can search for feedback from previous ISEP exchange students in the SoleMOVE application system. You will find instructions […]

Student sports services [page]

Exercise has a proven positive effect on maintaining physical and mental health. A fun exercise session during free time is the best possible way of promoting a feeling of togetherness and bringing the students and staff closer together. SYKETTÄ Sport Services offers a diverse and inexpensive sports calendar for students and staff members. Break exercise […]

UEF Career Services [page]

Career Services is there for you during the entire span of your studies in questions concerning your studies, career or the working life. We offer expert support, appointments for confidential discussion and job seeking advice. Check out our resources, join the courses, or book an appointment for discussion with a career counsellor! Career services for […]

FAQ: Frequently asked questions about student exchange [page]

This page covers frequently asked questions about student exchange. Questions have been grouped as follows: Why is student exchange a good idea? Studying abroad often gives a new and broader perspective to your own field of study and offers the chance to take courses not provided by your home university. The exchange period will improve […]

Student Tutoring for International Students [page]

All incoming exchange students and Bachelor’s and Master’s degree students will be provided with a student tutor who helps the new students with practical matters and adjusting into the Finnish student life and culture. The tutor should be -a degree student in a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programme at UEF -interested in helping the new […]

More about Kamu [page]

Welcome to the Kamu! Kamu is a constantly developing web service for the students of the University of Eastern Finland. In Kamu web service, you can find instructions, tools and links to various services common for all our students. Kamu’s contents are divided into two parts to make it easier to find information. In Kamu’s […]