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Search Results: credit

Student in higher education, check that you meet the minimum credit requirements for financial aid [article]

Students in higher education should check the number of credits they earned in the previous academic year. Past financial aid payments can be returned voluntarily until 11 September 2020. Students in higher education who receive financial aid must earn at least 5 credits per month of financial aid and at least 20 credits per academic […]

Credits and grades [page]

Credits The Finnish national credit allocation and accumulation system is equivalent to the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS). This means that credits (opintopiste) are the same as those in the ECTS. One year of full-time studies requires about 1600 hours of work and corresponds to 60 credits (30 credits per semester). Lectures, exercises, seminars, […]

Short-term exchanges outside of Europe [page]

Bachelor, Master and Doctoral students (without a working contract at UEF) at the University of Eastern Finland can also apply for and participate in shorter exchanges in destinations outside of Europe. These include, for example, various summer and winter schools as well as other short and intensive courses. In practice, a short exchange means participation […]

Nordlys network short-term exchanges [page]

Students at the University of Eastern Finland may participate in short-term courses organised by Nordlys network partner universities. These courses may be free of charge or may have tuition or participation fees, depending on the organiser. Some courses may require a nomination from the home university before students can apply: if the course you are […]

Erasmus+ short-term exchanges [page]

The Erasmus+ programme also enables mobility grants for short-term exchanges (blended intensive programmes, BIP) and for blended short-term traineeship mobilities. Blended intensive programmes, or BIP courses, are individual courses organized by UEF’s Erasmus partner universities, which students can apply for and participate in during the academic year. A student can apply for a grant through UEF, […]

Havuja#!@%&! Bootcamp acceleration program for business ideas will be held again in May! [article]

Havuja Bootcamp is the 1st stage of the Havuja business accelerator program by Business Center North Savo. Bootcamp is meant for anyone who has an initial business idea and would like to work on it. Participants get to develop their business idea in four intensive 3h workshops with the help of experts from Business Center […]

Student tutors needed for next autumn semester! Would you like to be a student tutor? [article]

If you study in a Bachelor’s or a Master’s degree programme at the University of Eastern Finland and you are interested in helping the new students, you can apply as a student tutor. The student tutor helps the new students to have a smooth start for their studies. All the new students have a student […]

Virtual Studies [page]

Are you interested in making your studies more international, but going abroad for an exchange for a semester of full year does not feel like an option for you? Students also have the opportunity to internationalize their degree without traveling! UEF students have a variety of options for participating in different virtual courses and complete […]

Education regulations [page]

1 January 2024Pursuant to Section 14 of the Universities Act (558/2009), the Board of the University has, on 12 December 2023, approved these Education Regulations, which shall be applied in the university’s operations in addition to what is laid down in the acts and decrees, and in the University Regulations of the University of Eastern […]

UEF’s printing service has been changed during the summer [article]

Printing fees will return starting on 1.8.2023. You will receive 9 euros of free printing credit (virtual credit) on 16.9. the latest if you are registered as a present degree or exchange student for the semester. The 9 euros of virtual credit will be renewed every 16.9. or 16.1. if you are registered as present […]