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EXAM system accessibility statement [page]

University of Eastern Finland EXAM system accessibility statement This accessibility statement applies to the EXAM system, and it was created on 25 June 2020. The accessibility statement was updated on 7.4.2021. This accessibility statement applies to the EXAM system and not the contents, for example the attachments of a single exam. Accessibility means that as many […]

Accessibility Statement [page]

Kamu – Web service Website The University of Eastern Finland wishes to guarantee the accessibility of its websites in accordance with the law about digital services (306/2019) (in Finnish). This accessibility statement applies to the website Kamu – databanl at provided by and its subsidiary pages. The website was first published on the […]

Nordlys network short-term exchanges [page]

Students at the University of Eastern Finland may participate in short-term courses organised by Nordlys network partner universities. These courses may be free of charge or may have tuition or participation fees, depending on the organiser. Some courses may require a nomination from the home university before students can apply: if the course you are […]

Next UEF info session will be held on 8 May 2024 [article]

Welcome to a UEF info session on Wednesday, 8 May 2024, starting at 10:00. The topics of the info session include the financial statements for 2023, the economic outlook, and other current matters. The university’s Rector, Academic Rector, Director of Administration, and Chief Financial Officer will be present at the event. Please sign in and […]

Education regulations [page]

1 January 2024Pursuant to Section 14 of the Universities Act (558/2009), the Board of the University has, on 12 December 2023, approved these Education Regulations, which shall be applied in the university’s operations in addition to what is laid down in the acts and decrees, and in the University Regulations of the University of Eastern […]

Accessibility in studies [page]

Accessibility Accessibility refers to implementing a physical, mental, and social environment where everyone, regardless of their personal capabilities, can act and interact equally with others. At the university, accessibility affects all students and staff members, but it is especially important to those members of the university community who have a disability, who are ageing, or […]

Philosophical Faculty’s requirements and evaluation of a doctoral dissertation [page]

An eligible doctoral dissertation may be a monograph or a collection of research articles. A collection of research articles refers to an entity consisting of the following parts: 1) a sufficient number of scientific publications or manuscripts, which examine the same set of problems. The number of articles required is determined by the Philosophical Faculty. […]

Faculty of Health Sciences’ instructions on requirements and examination of a doctoral dissertation [page]

Requirements for Doctoral Dissertation The doctoral dissertation shall demonstrate that the doctoral researcher has in-depth knowledge of their field of research, related disciplines and the general theory of science. Moreover, the dissertation shall demonstrate the author’s skills in applying scientific research methods independently and critically in their field of research and their skills in producing […]