Viva Engage (formerly Yammer) is a communication platform for UEF students and employees. You can log into the service with your UEF username and password.
NB! The links open up in a new tab.
UEF vaihtoon lähtevät vaihto-opiskelijat // UEF Outgoing Exchange Students: information for outgoing exchange students as well as informal discussions and sharing experiences between those planning on student exchange and those who are currently/have already been on student exchange
UEF opiskelijat//UEF students: information about student-related international matters such as application periods for outgoing exchange students
Are you interested in summer courses and other short courses offered by UEF’s partner universities? Are you looking for an internship? Would you like to know about upcoming international events? You can browse available international short-course and internship options and get information on different international events.
Tohtorinkoulutus//Doctoral education: information on postgraduate events and seminars in English
UEF kv-tuutorit: bulletins for and informal discussions between tutors of international students
UEF Summer School/Summer schools abroad: information on Summer School for UEF students and staff; the UEF Summer School Facebook group will be utilised in the external marketing, and students from other universities attending the UEF Summer School will be informed about relevant matters via email and in the Facebook group