Career plan
It is useful to start career planning at the beginning of doctoral studies for a number of reasons. It will help you develop your learning goals, proactively acquire knowledge and skills, discover how to utilise your knowledge in variable setting, and build confidence in yourself and your career opportunities.
URA-T is a Moodle-based tool that allows you to draw up a career plan and reflect on your skills and career development at different stages of your doctoral research. It consists of four stages: 1) becoming a researcher, 2) growing as a researcher, 3) maturing as a researcher, and 4) becoming an independent researcher. You can use the tool independently or together with your supervisor, e.g. as part of an annual career discussion. The first stage is perfectly suited to the process of drafting your PSP.
Courses in career planning and job searching
To support career planning and enhance job searching skills of doctoral researchers, UEF Doctoral School organises two courses on an annual basis:
- Career planning portfolio for doctoral researchers, which focuses on identifying one’s strengths, development needs, interests, values, and goals, and identifying different career options –
- Tools for job searching for doctoral researchers, which focuses on job searching and preparing application documents
Other courses
You can acquire working life skills on transferable skills courses organised by the UEF Doctoral School (e.g. leadership, project management) or other courses (e.g. entrepreneurship).
Other services
- is a self-assessment tool designed to support you in your career planning and study path.
- Jobteaser is a career and recruitment portal used at the UEF. More information about the Jobteaser portal in Kamu Student Handbook.