MOOC and Continuing professional education
Last modified: 23.02.2024
PrintMassive Open Online Courses (MOOC)
Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) are online courses open to everyone. MOOCs are available via a Moodle-based online learning environment (DigiCampus).
MOOCs are based on the University of Eastern Finland’s study programmes, meaning that they are recognised as degree studies and Open University studies. Course materials and public exercises of MOOCs are available to everyone free of charge. However, students who wish to have their completed MOOCs and ECTS credits entered in their student register must enrol at the University of Eastern Finland’s Open University and pay the study fee for the course.
For students completing a degree at the University of Eastern Finland and persons who have been granted an alumni study right, the completed courses and ECTS credits will be entered in their study register free of charge.
Explore our offered MOOC courses.
Continuing professional education
Our continuing professional education courses are hands-on, flexible, research-based and planned in cooperation with the customer to meet the requirements of each industry. You can take individual continuing professional education courses or larger study modules.
Read more about continuing professional education.