Studies at the University of Eastern Finland after graduation - alumni study right
Students that have completed their Bachelor’s degree, Master’s degree or postgraduate degree at the University of Eastern Finland have the right to complement their studies after graduation with the alumni study right.
Students entitled to the alumni study right:
- Students who have completed a Master’s degree on 1.8.2019 or thereafter.
- Students who have completed a Bachelor’s degree that does not grant them the right to complete a Master’s degree on 1.8.2019 or thereafter. Students who graduate from one of the following degree programmes only complete a Bachelor’s degree and may activate the alumni study right when they complete the Bachelor’s degree:
- Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Lifelong Learning and Sustainable Development
- Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Social Sciences
- Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Sustainable Forest Bioeconomy
- Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Information Technology
- Bachelor’s Degree in Pharmacy (farmaseutin koulutusohjelma, programme in Finnish)
- Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Early Childhood Teacher Education (varhaiskasvatuksen opettajan kandidaattikoulutus, programme in Finnish)
- Students who have completed a postgraduate degree i.e. their licentiate or doctoral degree on 1.1.2020 or thereafter.
Alumni study right is defined in the Education Regulations (15 §).
What can you study when you have alumni study right?
Students who have activated their alumni study right may study in the university in accordance with a minor subject study right or complete minor subject studies which the student has received the right to study during their degree studies. Check the list of minor subjects at the university. Any restrictions on education participation is specified in the curricula.
A student with a alumni study right is entitled to get an official transcript of academic records on the studies the student has completed.
What is alumni study right?
Alumni study right is a non-degree study right.
The study right is valid from the next day after the completion of a degree and it always terminates after the academic year on which the degree was completed and the following two academic years are over ending with spring semester. The alumni study right is thus valid for maximum of three years. For example, if a student has graduated on 31.10.2019, the alumni study right is valid from 1.11.2019 to 31.7.2022.
Students cannot apply for an extension to the alumni study right.
How can I apply for the alumni study right?
You can apply for the alumni study right with an electronic application form (opens in a new tab).
If you are unable to fill the electronic form, please contact the Student and Learning Services’ customer services (contact information at the bottom of the page).
Annual registration
Students having the alumni study right do not need to register annually, since the attendance is marked for the entire time that thealumni study right is valid.
UEF account, access rights
Students having the alumni study right have the same UEF-account that they had as a degree student. Respectively, they also have the same access rights.
Student union membership
Students having the alumni study right may join the student union, the membership is voluntary. However, students having the alumni study right are not entitled to the services of Finnish Student Health Services (YTHS) and as thus need not pay the healthcare fee for students in higher education to KELA (the Social Insurance Institution of Finland). Students having the alumni study right are also not entitled to student discounts on public transportation, student priced meals at the university canteens or Sykettä sport services. More information on the benefits offered by the student union membership.
If a student having the alumni study right wants to join the student union, please contact the Student and Learning Services’ Customer Service in order to receive payment information. You can do this when you activate your alumni study rightor later.
Frequently asked questions
Who is entitled to the alumni study right?
- Students, that have completed their PhD or Master’s degree, or a Bachelor’s degree with no right to complete a Master’s degree at the University of Eastern Finland (Study regulations 16 §)
- Students that are studying or have studied with a non-degree study right are not entitled to the alumni study right.
Can a student with a alumni study right apply for recognition of prior learning?
- Depends on the studies and the nature of recognition of prior learning.
- Inclusion? In most cases recognition of prior learning by inclusion is not possible.
- Substitution? Depends on the content of studies.
Can a student studying with a alumni study right do a traineeship abroad or study as an exchange student?
A student cannot do their traineeship abroad or study abroad as an exchange student with the alumni study right. Exchange programmes, networks and bilateral agreements of the University of Eastern Finland are only for degree students who wish to do their traineeship abroad or study as an exchange student.
Can a student with alumni study right take courses that are available for degree students, but are organised by another higher education institution (cross-institutional studies)?
Often yes, but there might be restrictions in the curriculum or in the cross-institutional studies agreement. Consult your UEF coordinator or amanuensis.
Can a student have a degree right and a alumni study right at the same time?
As a rule, no, but there might be some exceptions.
A course’s number of participants is limited, and it has quotas for different student groups. Is a student with the alumni study right always accepted to the course?
Check the limitations in participation in the course’s curriculum.
Can a student take courses of their former main subject, optional or not optional?
If the number of participants on the course is limited, then no. If there are no limitations, then yes.
Can I study languages with the alumni study right?
You can take courses in the Language Centre with the alumni study right. You have to choose among optional courses. You cannot take courses that are a part of a degree, because they are not a part of any minor subject.
For further information:
For further information on studies, contact your study coordinator or:
Faculty of Science and Forestry: Kaisa Laitinen
Philosophical Faculty: Riikka Myllys
Faculty of Health Sciences: Susanna Järvelin-Pasanen
Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies: Annikki Honkanen and Anne Korhonen
Language Centre: Lauri Tolkki and Satu Karhapää-Puhakka
Contact information is available also in the UEF Connect.
For further information on registration and applying for the study right contact the Student and Learning Services’ Customer Service: