Are open university courses free of charge for degree students?
The curriculum for degree students at the University of Eastern Finland and the open university students is usually the same. The methods of completing studies, however, may differ among different student groups: some method of completing studies may be limited to degree students only, whereas some method of completion may be designed specifically for open university students only. Study carefully the information of each course in Peppi so that you know which courses are suitable for you so that you know how to register for courses correctly! If the method of completion is not limited or allocated to a certain group of students, degree students can choose which courses they will take. In this case, participation in the open university courses is free of charge for degree students who have registered as being present.
If a student has registered as being absent in their degree studies, but during the absence they are studying at the open university, they pay the open university fees.
If degree students need to apply for a minor subject and participation is limited, degree students cannot register to open university studies to complete courses there, if they do not have the right to study obtained through the minor subject selection.
Additional information, please see: Instructions for the planning of teaching in the academic year 2022-2023 (in Heimo, log in with your UEF username and password, pdf).