Recognition of prior learning (RPL) on courses arranged by Student and Learning Services
In the case of courses arranged by Student and Learning Services, the person in charge of each course is responsible for the recognition of prior learning except for the course 1131000 Orientation to University Studies. Applications for recognition of this course are processed and decisions are made by the faculty that has granted the right to study at the University of Eastern Finland.
As a rule, prior competence older than five (5) years is not credited. The person in charge of a course may deviate from this rule if s/he considers the prior competence
corresponds to the learning outcomes set for the course.
The following courses arranged by Student and Learning Services are not eligible
for credit transfer. The reason for this is the integration of these courses into the implementation of the university’s orientation for new students:
- 1131010 Course for Peer Tutoring
- 1131023 Acting as a Peer Tutor
- 1131012 Acting as a Peer Tutor for International Master’s Degree Students
- 1131014 Acting as a Peer Tutor for International Exchange Students
- 1131015 Acting as a Senior Peer Tutor
In addition, the course 8031006 University Computing Skills is not eligible for credit transfer, as students can complete the course in the form of a competence demonstration.
Further information: Persons in charge of each course, also Tommi Haapaniemi who is in charge of the recognition of prior learning in Student and Learning Services, tel. 050 464 94 89 (