Education regulations
Last modified: 22.02.2024
Print1 January 2024
Pursuant to Section 14 of the Universities Act (558/2009), the Board of the University has, on 12 December 2023, approved these Education Regulations, which shall be applied in the university’s operations in addition to what is laid down in the acts and decrees, and in the University Regulations of the University of Eastern Finland.
I General
Section 1 Scope of the Education Regulation
These Education Regulations shall apply to the degrees completed at the University of Eastern Finland and to the studies included in them and, where applicable, to other education, including joint degrees. These Education Regulations shall also apply to entrance examinations where applicable.
The Vice Rector for Education shall decide on the general policies concerning Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees and postgraduate degrees after consulting the faculties. More detailed regulations concerning the degrees and the studies included in them, as well as the contents of the education shall be given in the faculties’ curricula. The faculties may also issue standing rules related to education. The university’s service centres shall provide more detailed provisions on their education and training.
These Education Regulations shall be the university’s degree regulations referred to in Section 41 of the Universities Act.
Section 2 Definitions
For the purposes of these Education Regulations:
- a student refers to a person who has a right to study at the university,
- a right to study refers to the right to complete a degree and other right to study,
- a degree programme refers to a degree programme, subject-based education and other training module for which a faculty grants a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree or a postgraduate degree,
- a faculty’s curriculum (Section 9 of the University Regulations) refers to the description of the educational mission of the faculty and its departments and units, which determines, among other things, which degree programmes can be completed in the faculty and in which languages the degrees can be completed,
- a degree programme’s curriculum refers to the entity composed of the degree structure and the learning outcomes, contents, methods of completion and assessment methods of the degree and its parts as separately decided by the Vice Rector for Education (the curriculum also includes a syllabus which is confirmed separately),
- a syllabus refers to the provision of teaching during an academic year or a longer period,
- an academic subject refers to an entity that is included in the curriculum of a faculty,
- a teacher in charge is the teacher assigned to the position in the syllabus, and
- a study attainment refers to a course completed by the student, the scope of which is defined as credits. The form of the study attainment may be an exam, a learning assignment, an essay, seminar work, lectures, exercises and laboratory work, practical training and their different combinations, or other methods of completion specified in the curriculum as well as a combination of these. A study attainment may consist of partial attainments. A study attainment may also refer to recognised studies or other demonstration of competence required by the curriculum (e.g., a maturity test, licentiate thesis or doctoral dissertation).
II Management of education and quality work
Section 3 Management of education
The Vice Rector for Education shall be responsible for the development and evaluation of teaching and guidance. To support development and evaluation, the Vice Rector for Education may set up committees.
The university shall have a steering group for education appointed by the rector whose task is to prepare and monitor the university’s strategic policies related to teaching, to discuss the university’s common policies on studies and teaching, and to promote and monitor the quality of teaching, guidance and learning.
The faculties shall have a dean responsible for education and a dean responsible for postgraduate education. The tasks can be performed by one or more persons. The faculties and the service centres shall have one or more committees appointed by the dean or the director whose task is to prepare matters related to the teaching and guidance of the faculty/unit. The Faculty Education Development Committee shall be chaired by the dean responsible for education.
On the basis of a proposal by the head responsible for education of a school or a department, the Faculty Councils shall confirm the admission criteria as well as the curricula and syllabi for the faculties’ teaching of the next academic year, in accordance with an annual schedule approved by the Vice Rector for Education.
The schools and the departments shall have a head responsible for education and a head responsible for postgraduate education. The tasks can be performed by one or more persons. The schools and the departments shall decide how the coordination and development of Finnish-language and other-language education will be organised.
The steering group for education and committees must have student representation.
The doctoral programmes shall have a director and a steering group. A specific task of a doctoral programme’s steering group shall be to organise studies in the discipline and in the field of research, and to develop researcher training in its field, to prepare the admission criteria and curricula of the doctoral programme for the Faculty Council, and to be responsible for the evaluation of applications received to the doctoral programme. The director of a doctoral programme shall make a proposal to the dean on the persons to be admitted as postgraduate students, and on their supervisors.
Section 4 Responsibilities in the quality management of education
The university shall be responsible for the overall quality of education and its resources. The faculties shall be responsible for the quality of the degrees they award, and for ensuring that the agreed results are achieved and that the resources the faculties have received for education are appropriately allocated and prioritised. The heads of the schools and the departments shall be responsible for the quality of teaching in their unit.
A teacher in charge shall be responsible for ensuring the quality of the course material and assignments to ensure the learning outcomes specified in the curriculum, and for the assessment of learning. A teacher shall be responsible for the quality of the teaching and the development of teaching methods. A student shall be responsible for learning, the quality of their study attainments and the progress of their studies.
Section 5 Evaluation of education
The university’s education shall be evaluated periodically. The Vice Rector for Education shall decide on the implementation of the evaluation.
III Degree programmes and other education
Section 6 Establishment and termination of a degree programme
After hearing the faculties, the UEF Board shall decide on proposals of change to the educational responsibilities to be submitted to the ministry.
Within the framework of the educational responsibilities, the Faculty Councils shall decide on the establishment and termination of major subjects. Section 7b of the Universities Act contains provisions on discontinuing degree programmes and the related transfer of education. If a degree programme is discontinued, the faculties must provide students with the right to study in said degree programme with an opportunity to complete their studies, taking into account the target times for completing the degrees and the possibility to receive an extension for completing the degree. If the teaching of another subject is discontinued, the faculties must provide minor subject students who have started their studies in said subject with an opportunity to complete their studies within a reasonable timeframe. In both cases, the Faculty Councils shall decide on the transitional provisions. The right to study associated with a discontinued degree programme shall end after the end of the transition period.
In case a transition period change of a degree structure or a subject affects open university education or commissioned education organised in accordance with section 9 of the Universities Act, the possibility of studying for students in the Open University or in commissioned education shall be arranged during the transition phase in accordance with the current curriculum and transition provisions.
Section 7 Tuition fees and scholarship system
Section 10 of the Universities Act contains provisions on the collection of tuition fees. The Vice Rector for Education shall decide on the university’s scholarship system and related policies, the amount of tuition fees per programme, and the granting of scholarships.
Section 8 Teaching collaboration
According to Section 7a of the Universities Act, a university may carry out teaching in accordance with its educational responsibility independently or in cooperation with another higher education institution or acquire it from another higher education institution. Teaching collaboration is agreed upon in separate agreements between higher education institutions.
Section 9 Non-degree education and commissioned education
Section 7c of the Universities Act contains provisions on professional specialisation programmes and Section 9 on commissioned education. The Faculty Councils shall decide on the professional specialisation programmes and commissioned education organised by the faculty, the curricula of the programmes, the admission criteria and the number of students admitted to them. The dean shall admit the students to the programmes.
The university shall organise teaching in modules included in the degrees in accordance with the faculties’ curricula as open university education. The university shall also organise continuing education. Fees may be charged for open university education and continuing education if permitted by provisions of law (Government Decree on fees for university services 1082/2009).
The university shall organise specialist training programmes in medicine and dentistry as well as specialist training in general practice, which are postgraduate professional training programmes not leading to a university degree.
Non-degree studies shall be organised at the university.
IV Study rights
Section 10 Right to study
A student must have the right to study required for the study attainment. Only students who are registered as present in the university’s student register and have the right to study required for the study attainment may participate in its completion.
The right to study may be revoked if it turns out that, when applying for the right to study, an applicant has provided incorrect or incomplete information that may have had an impact on the outcome of the student admissions.
The study rights related to professional specialisation programmes, open university education, continuing education, non-degree studies, commissioned education and teaching collaboration are limited in terms of content and time.
Participants in continuing education shall be admitted in the order of registration. If necessary, an admissions process can be arranged. In this case, the dean of the faculty organising the education shall decide on the student admissions, and the Faculty Council on the criteria to be followed.
Admission criteria for studies provided as open university education may be specified in the curriculum. In this case, the decision on the admission to the study module shall be made by the director of the Centre for Continuous Learning on the basis of a statement from the head responsible for education of the department or the school. Otherwise, participants in open university education shall be admitted in the order of registration.
In teaching carried out as teaching collaboration, a student is subject to the administrative authority of the higher education institution providing teaching. When the right to study is based on a national agreement on teaching collaboration or the organisation of teaching, no decision is made on the right to study, but the right to study is registered on the basis of the agreement on cooperation between higher education institutions.
For a justified reason, the faculties and the Language Centre may grant separate study rights for studies provided by their unit. The right to study applies to certain studies and is valid for a limited period of time. Fees may be charged for separate study rights if the provisions so permit.
Except for the UEF Summer School, separate study rights shall be granted by the deans of the faculties or the director of the Language Centre. The Vice Rector for Education shall decide on the fees charged for the Summer School education and on the admission of students. The Faculty Councils shall approve the admission criteria for separate study rights, with the exception of cases that do not include student admissions in accordance with the Universities Act. The provisions of the Education Regulations shall apply to students with separate study rights as applicable.
Section 11 Changing a degree programme and a faculty
As part of the admission criteria, the Faculty Councils shall decide on the principles on the basis of which a student can change degree programmes in the faculty, and on the principles on the basis of which a student from another faculty can transfer to the faculty to complete a degree.
Section 12 Teacher’s pedagogical studies
The Philosophical Faculty shall organise pedagogical studies that lead to a teacher’s qualification, decide on the admission criteria for these students (incl. subject-specific intake) and grant the study rights.
The Faculty of Health Sciences shall organise teacher training in health sciences for students majoring in nursing science.
Section 13 Rights to minor subject studies
Minor subjects may be studied freely at the university with the exception of fields which require an aptitude or proficiency test for student admission, or which have other justified reasons for restricting the right to study minor subjects. Any restrictions on the right to study minor subjects shall be laid down in the curriculum.
Section 14 Limiting the right to study
A student may only hold one right to study in the same major or similar subject leading to the same Bachelor’s or Master’s degree at a time, or a right to study at the University of Eastern Finland leading to a similar level of scientific or professional postgraduate degree.
A new right to study with the corresponding content cannot be granted for the completion of such an aforementioned degree or training in the same field of education or similar subject which the applicant has already completed in the national higher education system, unless otherwise determined by the admission criteria of the faculty.
Section 15 Termination of a right to study, waiver of a right to study, and forfeiture of a student place
Under Section 38 of the Universities Act, a student shall forfeit the student place offered to them, unless they accept it in a manner specified by the university.
The right to complete a degree shall terminate when the degree for which the right has been granted has been completed.
A student who, at the University of Eastern Finland, has completed a postgraduate degree, a Master’s degree or a Bachelor’s degree that does not grant them the right to complete a Master’s degree, shall have the right to complement their studies free of charge during the academic year of completing their degree and during the following two academic years by registering as a student (alumni study right). The alumni study right allows a student to complete studies organised by the University of Eastern Finland in accordance with the free minor subject right, or to complete minor subject studies for which they have obtained a minor subject right during the completion of their degree, or to complete other studies that are freely available.
A student may waive the right to study by notifying the university in writing. In this case, the right to study is marked as terminated on the day of the notification.
In situations specified in these regulations, the right to study cannot be restored.
Section 16 Loss of right to study
According to Section 43 of the Universities Act, a student shall lose their right to study if they, after accepting their student place, have neglected their registration at the university in accordance with Section 21 of these Education Regulations, or the annual registration. An undergraduate student shall lose their right to study if they have not completed the degree within the time limit laid down in the Universities Act or within an extension granted, or if they have not been granted an extension to complete the degree. A student may apply for an extension for completing a degree in accordance with Section 42 of the Universities Act. The Vice Rector for Education shall decide on more detailed provisions concerning the extension of the right to study.
If a student who has lost their right to study later wants to start or continue their studies, they must apply for the right to be re-admitted through Student and Learning Services. If one year or longer has passed since the student’s previous registration, Student and Learning Services shall hear the faculty before reinstating the right to study. If the right to study is not reinstated, the dean shall decide on the matter. The right to study shall not be reinstated if the student has completed a corresponding degree at another university.
A transfer student who accepts a new right to study shall lose the right to study on which the transfer is based. A student’s right to study lost through a transfer application procedure cannot
be reinstated.
Section 17 Revocation of the right to study and request for an extract from the criminal record
Provisions on the revocation of the right to study are laid down in Section 43a of the Universities Act, related access to information in Section 43b, and the reinstatement of the right to study in Section 43c. Section 2 of the Government Decree on Universities (770/2009) specifies the qualifications to which the sections on the revocation of the right to study apply.
The Vice Rector for Education shall issue separate guidelines for revoking the right to study and for requesting an extract from the criminal record.
V Organisation of teaching and planning of studies
Section 18 Curricula and syllabus
The faculties’ curricula shall specify which degrees can be completed in the faculty and in which languages the degrees can be completed. The faculties’ curricula shall contain the curricula of the degree programmes and the common regulations for all degree programmes. Students and teachers must comply with the curricula.
A curriculum, which is a competence-based tool for teaching, study planning and guidance, shall be drawn up for each degree programme. The faculties, schools and departments shall develop and evaluate the curricula regularly. This development shall be based on feedback and statistics on teaching, learning, guidance and degrees.
The curriculum of a degree programme must indicate the following:
- the scientific and professional objectives of the education,
- the degree structure (including the courses and their scopes), learning outcomes, contents, methods of completion and assessment of the degree and its parts,
- the names of the degrees, study modules and courses in Finnish and English,
- the course descriptions in the language of instruction of the course,
- a plan for the guidance of major and minor subject students and the arrangement of guidance
- the regulations concerning studies and degrees, such as the grounds for recognition of prior learning, the expiration of studies, the number of attempts to complete and repeat studies, the organisation of exams, and any transitional provisions.
The Faculty Councils shall confirm the curricula and syllabi in accordance with a schedule confirmed by the Vice Rector for Education. The curricula or parts of them may be confirmed for several academic years at a time. After hearing the faculties, the Vice Rector for Education shall decide on the curricula periods and their common guidelines.
By the end of October each year, the Vice Rector for Education shall provide more detailed instructions on curricula and syllabi, which include common guidelines and regulations on studies. The Vice Rector for Education shall confirm the curricula for joint teaching in the faculties for the next academic year by the end of February.
The Centre for Continuous Learning shall confirm the Open University’s action plan for the next academic year on the basis of decisions made by the faculties. All open university education organised by the university itself, or together with partner institutions, shall be included in the plan.
Where applicable, the aforementioned shall also be observed in education that does not lead to a degree.
Section 19 Provision of teaching and courses
The faculties shall organise teaching and study guidance so that it is possible to complete the degrees through full-time study within the target time laid down in the Universities Act, in the appropriate order and without interruption. Teaching shall be organised in accordance with the approved curricula. In individual cases and for a particularly weighty reason, a teacher in charge of a course may grant an exception to the method of completion defined in the curriculum.
The university’s academic year shall be divided into four teaching periods. Teaching may also be provided during the summer. Teaching shall be implemented as courses. The curricula for continuing education shall be implemented as appropriate curriculum structures.
The scope of a course shall be indicated in credits, with the exception of the maturity test, the doctoral dissertation and the licentiate thesis. A course shall consist of at least one credit, with the exception of the maturity test. A course may consist of smaller partial attainments. The learning outcomes and the appointed teacher in charge shall be indicated in the course description. The course description shall indicate the language of instruction. If the language of instruction is other than Finnish, the course description shall indicate the language in which a student can take the exam or complete some other attainment related to the course.
Section 20 Publicity of teaching
Teaching shall be public. The education provider may restrict publicity only for justified reasons and in exceptional cases, such as practical training or when publicity endangers the achievement of learning outcomes. Organising teaching as distance learning may limit the realisation of publicity. Publicity may also be restricted in training organised on business grounds.
Section 21 Student registration
The Vice Rector for Education shall decide on the registration of students admitted to the university, and on the registration of students as being present or absent each academic year.
Section 22 Practical training included in studies
The faculties’ curricula shall be drawn up in such a way that the undergraduate studies include the possibility of a practical training period completed in Finland or abroad, either as a compulsory or optional part of the studies.
Section 23 Guidance
Students completing a higher education degree shall receive guidance at all stages of their studies. The Faculty Councils shall decide on the principles of study guidance, which include a student’s and a supervisor’s rights and obligations as well as instructions for drawing up, approving and updating a personal study plan. The principles of guidance may be part of the curriculum or the university-level overall guidance plan, which shall be approved by the Vice Rector for Education.
Students shall prepare a personal study plan for completing studies leading to a degree and update it if necessary. The study plan shall correspond to the curriculum of the degree programme.
Postgraduate students shall receive guidance in both research and doctoral studies. At least two supervisors shall be appointed for a postgraduate student, one of whom is the principal supervisor and one of whom must belong to the university’s staff.
The progress of the studies of a student completing a Bachelor’s, a Master’s or a postgraduate degree shall be monitored.
The university shall promote the dual career of top athletes.
Section 24 Scientific postgraduate education
The university shall have a doctoral school whose task is to organise transferable skills studies for students on doctoral programmes and to prepare common operating principles for doctoral programmes. Scientific postgraduate education shall be organised in doctoral programmes. Doctoral programmes may be a faculty’s own programmes, joint doctoral programmes across the faculties, national or international programmes.
Section 25 Individual arrangements in studies
Students may be provided with individual study arrangements for completing their studies, for example, on the basis of health or disability. It must also be possible to achieve the learning outcomes set for the course using methods that differ from those stated in the curriculum.
A student must request that the granted individual arrangements related to the organisation of teaching be implemented no later than 10 days before the study attainment.
Section 26 Language of degrees and instruction
At the University of Eastern Finland, the language of instruction and the language of degrees shall be Finnish. The Faculty Councils may also decide on the use of another language as the language of a degree in connection with the adoption of the curriculum, taking into account the implementation of the Finnish-language responsibility for education. The majority of the compulsory part of a degree programme must be provided in the language of the degree. In a Finnish-language programme, a student has the right to use Finnish or another language in accordance with the curriculum in both written and oral attainments.
The language of instruction of a course is the language in which most of the teaching is organised.
As a rule, the thesis included in the Bachelor’s or Master’s degree is written in the language of the degree of the degree programme or the language specified in the curriculum. Decisions on the right to use another language in the thesis shall be made by the head responsible for education of the department or the school. The language of the licentiate thesis and the doctoral dissertation is Finnish, English or another language approved by the dean responsible for postgraduate education.
Section 27 Ethical and responsible studies
Teachers and students shall act ethically and follow good scientific practice. The faculties shall be responsible for ensuring that the ethical principles of teaching, studying and research are known.
Section 28 Student fraud and disruptive behaviour
Disruptive behaviour refers, for example, to situations when a student interferes with teaching, acts violently or threateningly, acts fraudulently or otherwise violates the university’s order. A situation in which a student bullies or discriminates against another student or a staff member is considered a violation of the university’s order.
Fraud is a deliberate, fraudulent act or method done through neglect or with the purpose of misdirection that is intended to give a false impression of one’s or another’s competence. A study attainment and an answer to an entrance examination may be rejected if a student has committed fraud or an offence when completing it.
A teacher or a supervisor may immediately order a student to leave the space if the student is subject to a strong suspicion of fraud or if the student disturbs the event, acts violently or threateningly, or endangers another person’s life or health. This also applies to the entrance examination.
A student may be banned from attending teaching for a maximum of three working days if there is a risk that the safety of another person will be affected by the student’s violent or threatening behaviour, or if the teaching or related activities become unreasonably difficult due to the student’s disturbing behaviour.
In relation to disruptive behaviour and student fraud, a student may be subjected to disciplinary measures in accordance with Section 45 of the Universities Act, which include a written warning and temporary dismissal. Students who are suspected of fraud or disruptive behaviour must be given an opportunity to be heard. Fraud can be investigated, for example, by means of a plagiarism detection system and video surveillance. The dean shall decide on the follow-up measures. The dean may, at their discretion, report fraud to the rector for the purposes of disciplinary action under Section 45 of the Universities Act.
The Vice Rector for Education shall issue instructions and regulations for dealing with fraud and disruptive behaviour.
VI Study attainments and evaluation of competence
Section 29 Retention of study attainments
Study attainments shall be retained for at least six months from the publication of the results. Documents related to education and studies shall be retained in accordance with the university’s information management plan, taking into account legislation on the processing of personal data and the university’s instructions.
Section 30 Study attainments and opportunities to complete them
Students may complete their study attainments alone, in pairs or in groups in writing, orally or in other ways specified in the curriculum or by the teacher. If the curriculum does not include a decision on completing a course or a study attainment remotely, the teaching shall take place on campus. The obligation to be present related to completing the course shall be laid down in the curriculum.
In order to complete a course, a student must be enrolled in the course. If it is not possible to include all enrolled students in the teaching group, students shall be admitted on equal grounds. Students for whom the course is compulsory in accordance with the right to study leading to a degree and the related curriculum shall be given priority in the group. If it is still not possible to include all these students in the teaching group, students shall be admitted to the group on equal grounds. More detailed provisions on the criteria for admission to teaching groups and other enrolment practices may be given in the curriculum and in a decision by the head responsible for education of the school or the department.
Written or other learning assignments to be evaluated related to teaching must be submitted at the end of the course or at a time specified by the teacher. A student must be given reasonable time to prepare for and complete the study attainment.
A sufficient number of opportunities to complete the study attainment must be reserved for a student by taking into account the target times set for the degrees. A student shall have the right to raise the grade of a passed study attainment and to re-take a failed study attainment at least once. Taking this into account, the number of times the grade has been raised and the number of times the course has been re-taken may be limited in the curriculum. Raising a course grade and re-taking the course is achieved by re-taking the entire course or completing a partial study attainment. Raising grades and re-taking courses take place at the beginning of a course in a manner specified in writing by the teacher in charge of the course. A graded and approved thesis cannot be re-taken or its grade raised.
If the possibility of completing a course specified in the curriculum is cancelled unpredictably, or the time of the course has to be changed for a compelling reason or the cancellation is affected by both aforementioned reasons, students must be guaranteed the opportunity to complete the study attainment in question in an appropriate manner that safeguards equality.
Electronic communication related to the completion of the course shall be implemented in the manner specified in the curriculum or as indicated in writing by the teacher at the beginning of the course. Bilateral electronic communication between a student and a teacher shall be carried out through the e-mail address provided by the university. Electronic communications shall be implemented in accordance with the provisions of the Act on Information Management in Public Administration (906/2019) and the regulations and instructions issued by the university.
Section 31 Examinations and their organisation
The dates, duration and form of exams shall be decided in the curricula. An exam related to teaching must be organised at least twice a year from the beginning of the teaching. Provisions on registering for and leaving the exam are laid down in the curriculum or in the learning environment of the course in writing as determined by the teacher in charge of the course before the beginning of the course.
An exam may be supervised in real time or through recording, taking into account the privacy of students. Only the equipment needed to complete the exam may be used in the exam.
Students completing an exam shall be listed. If necessary, a student’s participation and identity may be verified by combining information from access control, video surveillance and the examination system. If necessary, a student taking an exam must verify their identity.
If the date and time of an exam have to be postponed for compelling reasons, the exam must be reorganised at a later date and all those who have registered for the exam must be informed of it. If possible, the postponement must be announced two weeks before the exam.
Section 32 Scales and grades used in the assessment of study attainments
The numerical scale 0–5 shall be used in the assessment of study attainments, including Bachelor’s and Master’s theses and theses written for a minor subject. Grades have the following meaning: 5 = excellent, 4 = very good, 3 = good, 2 = satisfactory, 1 = sufficient and 0 = fail. Study attainments may be graded on a scale of Pass – Fail. The minimum requirements for passing shall be laid down in the curriculum.
Approved licentiate theses and doctoral dissertations shall be evaluated as pass with distinction, pass, or fail.
The scale for evaluating the proficiency in the second national language shall be fail, satisfactory or good, as laid down in the Act on the Knowledge of Languages Required of Personnel in Public Bodies (424/2003) and the Government Decree on the Demonstration of Proficiency in the Finnish and Swedish Languages in Civil Service (481/2003).
Section 33 Assessment of courses
The teacher in charge shall be responsible for the assessment of the study attainment. If there are several implementations of the course, the teacher who was responsible for the implementation shall be responsible for the assessment.
The assessment of a study attainment shall be based on the course description confirmed in the curriculum. Learning outcomes must be set for each course. The assessment of learning shall focus on the learning outcomes specified in the curriculum, and the grade shall be given on the basis of the assessment scale laid down in the curriculum. A student demonstrates their learning through study attainments. The time allowed for completing a study attainment must be proportional to the level and extent of the required attainment. Study attainments or parts thereof must be completed and submitted within the set deadline.
If a student has retaken a study attainment and received different grades for the same study attainment, the highest grade shall be the one recorded.
Section 34 Publication and registration of study attainment results
Course assessment results shall be published no later than three (3) weeks after the completion of the course by entering the grades in the university’s student and study register. For a special reason, the teacher in charge of the course may extend the deadline for one (1) week. Students who have enrolled in teaching must be immediately informed of the extension and its grounds. The dean or the head responsible for education of the department or the school that is in charge of teaching may extend the deadline for publishing the results on the basis of particularly weighty reasons. Students who have enrolled in teaching must be immediately informed of the extension and its grounds.
The deadline for publishing the results of electronic examinations shall be calculated from the 15th day of the month in which the examination was taken if the examination was taken before the 15th day. The deadline for publishing the results of examinations that took place on or after the 15th day of the month shall be calculated from the first day of the following month.
Information on both passed and failed study attainments shall be entered in the student and study register. The distribution of grades and the number of failed attempts can be seen on the electronic platform. A student shall receive a notification of the study attainment once it is recorded in the student and study register to the e-mail address provided by the university.
The assessment criteria for a study attainment shall be public. A student shall have the right to be informed of the application of the assessment criteria by contacting the teacher who completed the assessment of the course. They shall be given the opportunity to view the graded written or otherwise recorded study attainment. A student shall have the right to receive a copy of their study attainments free of charge.
The deadlines do not include periods during which teaching is not provided in accordance with the decision of the Vice Rector for Education, nor the period between 15 June and 15 August.
Section 35 Examination and assessment of theses
The form of the thesis for advanced studies shall be decided by the principal supervisor within the limits specified in the curriculum. The thesis for advanced studies shall be completed independently. The thesis may be completed in pairs or by participating in a larger research project if the curriculum allows this. In a joint work or research project of two or more students, it must be possible to demonstrate each student’s contribution so that it can be assessed. A thesis for advanced studies may be accepted as a thesis in two different majors (a so-called double Master’s thesis). Decisions on the prerequisites shall be made by the Faculty Council as part of the curriculum.
Two examiners shall be appointed for the thesis for advanced studies, one of whom, as a rule, must be the student’s supervisor. The examiners must give their written statement on the thesis and a proposal for a grade within one month of the appointment of the examiners. The deadlines do not include periods during which teaching is not provided in accordance with the decision of the Vice Rector for Education, nor the period between 15 June and 15 August. The author of the thesis for advanced studies must be given an opportunity to submit a rejoinder before the decision on the assessment of the thesis is made. A student is notified of the decision electronically.
Theses for advanced studies shall be public theses, and they shall be published in the library’s electronic publication system with the student’s consent.
The originality of Bachelor’s and Master’s theses is examined using the electronic plagiarism detection system chosen by the university. A student is responsible for the originality, content and compliance with good scientific practice of their thesis.
Section 36 Examination and evaluation of a licentiate thesis and a doctoral dissertation
The dean of the faculty shall appoint two examiners to examine a licentiate thesis. Two preliminary examiners shall be appointed by the dean of the faculty for the preliminary examination of a doctoral dissertation. The examiners of a licentiate thesis and the preliminary examiners of a doctoral dissertation must give their written statement within two months of the date on which the thesis was sent to the examiners. If necessary, the dean may grant an extension.
A licentiate thesis and a doctoral dissertation shall be public theses. A doctoral dissertation shall be made publicly available on the university’s network as an electronic version no later than seven (7) days before the public examination of the thesis, or as a printed version in the university library, if no electronic version of the doctoral dissertation is available.
A doctoral dissertation shall be examined at a public examination. The dean of the faculty shall appoint at least one opponent, who must be a person outside the University of Eastern Finland and who, at a minimum, is required to hold the title of docent or be a person with equivalent scientific competence. For the public examination, the dean of the faculty shall appoint a custos to represent the university.
After the public examination, the opponent(s) shall issue a written statement on the dissertation and its defence within two (2) weeks. Any remarks presented in the public examination shall be submitted in writing to the faculty within two weeks of the public examination. The faculty may provide more detailed instructions on other statements to be issued.
The opponent or a member of the Faculty Council who is entitled to make decisions on the study attainment in question may submit a written request for the dissertation to be rejected with justifications.
The originality of licentiate theses and doctoral dissertations is examined using the electronic plagiarism detection system chosen by the university. A student is responsible for the originality, content and compliance with good scientific practice of their thesis.
Section 37 Interrupting the thesis assessment process
When a student receives a notification of the examiners’ statement and grade proposal, the student can interrupt the assessment process of the thesis once (except for the Bachelor’s thesis). Postgraduate students can interrupt the assessment process once. The interruption shall be requested in writing.
A student may submit their thesis for reassessment after rewriting the thesis, taking into account the content and formal observations of the thesis supervisor responsible for the thesis for advanced studies, the examiner of the licentiate thesis or the preliminary examiner of the doctoral dissertation. If the thesis is not accepted for assessment, the related decision shall be open to appeal.
Section 38 Recognition of study attainments and other prior competence
Both prior studies and other prior competence may be recognised and transferred toward studies and a degree completed at the university. Recognition requires that the studies or other prior competence to be transferred meet the learning outcomes set for the degree and its parts.
VII Certificates and registration of study attainments
Section 39 Certificates
Once a student has completed their studies in accordance with their personal study plan, they must submit an application for the degree in accordance with the university’s instructions. The faculty shall provide the student with a digital degree certificate and, at the student’s request, a paper copy of the degree certificate. A Diploma Supplement, which is intended for international use, is issued as an appendix to the degree certificates. It provides sufficient information about the university as well as the studies and study attainments referred to in the degree certificate and their status in the education system.
The university may also issue other certificates, such as certificates of professional qualification.
Section 40 Registration of study attainments
The date of an exam or the date on which a study attainment was submitted for examination shall be the completion date of the study attainment. The completion date of theses (excluding the Bachelor’s thesis) shall be the date of the decision on grading the thesis. If a study attainment has several parts, the date of the final part shall be the completion date of the study attainment.
Section 41 Correcting inaccurate study attainment data
The data subject shall have the right to obtain from the controller without undue delay the rectification of inaccurate study attainment data entries in the study register (Article 16 of the EU General Data Protection Regulation, EU 2016/679). A student shall demand the correction of an inaccurate register entry they have observed immediately in writing from the unit that carried out the assessment.
VIII Rectification procedures
Section 42 Rectification procedure on student admissions and on admissions to major subjects or specialisation studies
A person who has applied for admission may request a rectification of the student admission decision from the dean of the faculty within fourteen (14) days of the publication of the results.
A student dissatisfied with the decision on a major subject or specialisation studies within their degree programme may request a rectification of the decision from the dean of the faculty within fourteen (14) days of receiving a notification of the decision.
Section 43 Rectification procedure on forfeiture of the right to complete a degree
A student may lodge a rectification request with the University’s Board of Appeal to seek redress for a decision on forfeiture of the right to study within fourteen (14) days of receiving a notification of the decision. The decision issued by the Board of Appeal may be appealed to the Administrative Court within 30 days of receiving notification of the decision. The decision of the Administrative Court is not subject to appeal.
Section 44 Rectification procedure on the assessment of study attainments
A student dissatisfied with the assessment of a study attainment other than a doctoral dissertation, licentiate thesis and equivalent final project included in the advanced studies may lodge a rectification request orally or in writing with the person responsible for the assessment of the course within fourteen (14) days of receiving a notification of the results of the assessment and the application of the assessment criteria. The assessment of a study attainment refers to the overall assessment of a course.
If the teacher is not available at the time of lodging a rectification request, the rectification request intended for the teacher must be submitted to the university’s registry office.
The teacher in charge must respond to the rectification request within fourteen (14) days of it being submitted. If the teacher does not rectify the assessment as requested by the student, the teacher who completed the assessment must make a written decision on the matter. The student may request rectification of this decision from the University’s Board of Appeal within fourteen (14) days of receiving a notification of the decision. A rectification request addressed to the Board of Appeal must be submitted to the university’s registry office.
A student dissatisfied with the assessment of a doctoral dissertation, a licentiate thesis or a thesis for advanced studies may lodge a rectification request with the Board of Appeal within fourteen (14) days of receiving a notification of the assessment of their study attainment.
A decision of the Board of Appeal is not subject to appeal.
Section 45 Rectification procedure on decisions on the recognition of prior learning
A student may lodge a rectification request orally or in writing if they are dissatisfied with the decision on the recognition of studies completed elsewhere or prior competence demonstrated in some other manner as part of a degree or study attainment. A rectification request is lodged with the party that made the decision within fourteen (14) days of receiving a notification of the decision.
A rectification of a decision made on a rectification request by a student may be appealed to the University’s Board of Appeal within fourteen (14) days of receiving a notification of the decision. A decision of the Board of Appeal is not subject to appeal.
Section 46 Appeals against decisions revoking the right to study
A decision on the revocation of the right to study referred to in Section 43a of the Universities Act can be appealed to the national Students’ Legal Protection Board within fourteen (14) days of receiving a notification of the decision.
Section 47 Appeal to the Administrative Court
A decision made by the university in an administrative matter other than that specified in this chapter and a decision issued on a rectification request by a student may be appealed to the Administrative Court.
A decision made by the Board of Appeal in the rectification procedure on the assessment of a study attainment and the recognition of prior learning is not subject to appeal.
IX Entry into force
Section 47 Provisions on entry into force
These regulations shall enter into force on 1 January 2024. Chapters I, II, III, IV, V, VII, VIII shall apply from 1 January 2024, however, sections 14 and 15 shall apply from 1 August 2024 and sections 18 and 26 shall apply from 1 August 2025 at the latest. Chapter VI shall apply from 1 August 2025 at the latest. Sections concerning the duties of the Vice Rector for Education shall apply from 1 January 2025.
These Education Regulation repeal the Degree Regulations approved by the UEF Board on 21
June 2022.