Association of doctoral researchers (ItäVä)
Doctoral researchers at the UEF have their own association called ItäVä that operates on both campuses.
Peer mentoring
In peer mentoring, people working on the same issue (in this case doctoral researchers) share their experiences and knowledge in a small group. There is no experienced mentor and a novice actor in peer mentoring but equal colleagues support each other. You can participate in the peer mentoring activity (either as a mentor or as a mentee) at any phase of your doctoral studies. A trained peer mentor works in a dual role: as a mentor and a group member. Peer mentoring has been found to be rewarding for both mentors and mentees and to support work well-being, a sense of inclusion, and professional growth
The groups with 6-7 members will meet approximately once a month during the term to discuss (research or doctoral studies related) topics that participants find important. The aim is to organise groups both in campus cities and online as well as in Finnish and in English.
eer mentors will be trained in the fall and peer mentoring groups will start in the spring. The training consists of three meetings (a’ 3 h) conducted online. Peer mentoring is not a paid job, but you get valuable experience, personal satisfaction, and 2 credits.
By filling in a form, you can pre-registerd as a
The pre-registration is not binding but when the activities are about to start, you will be contacted and asked to fill in an actual registration form.