University of Eastern Finland provides its staff and students with online trainings, which help to develop the most essential study and working-life skills.
“Keys to Well-being – 5 Steps towards Future Work Skills” online trainings are designed to improve self-management skills, which are increasingly important in the changing world of work and study. Transformation of work requires new skills and competences: time and self-management skills, resilience and adaptability, collaboration skills, new ways of thinking, taking care of well-being and finding meaning in our work.
The online trainings consist of short videos as well as in-depth trainings. The trainings can be accessed flexibly at any time that suits you. They are free of charge to UEF staff and students, and they are available until January 31, 2023. The trainings can be accessed by logging into Moodle with your UEF-account: Keys to Wellbeing – 5 Steps towards Future Work Skills
The trainings are based on research. The expert group of Academy of Brain, consisting of members such as Psychologist, PhD Ville Ojanen, Executive Coach Jarmo Manner, and Professor Minna Huotilainen, is responsible for the content of the trainings.
Welcome to develop future work skills!
Further information:
Anne Kauppinen, HR specialist, anne.kauppinen@uef.fi
Virva Pietarinen, HR specialist, virva.pietarinen@uef.fi
Heidi Honkanen, HR trainee, heidi.honkanen@uef.fi