An adventurous mind, joy of discovery, meaningful work, and passion for research! Competing for funding and dealing with insecurity and part-time contracts.
The University of Eastern Finland’s Young Researchers’ Evening on 17 March at 5–6 pm will focus on the ups and downs of the research career and academic career development.
At the event, the Young Researcher Awards will be presented in recognition of an outstanding doctoral dissertation completed at the end of the early stage researcher career phase, followed by speeches by the awardees.
The event will be hosted by Communications Specialist Risto Löf. The awards will be presented by Rector Jukka Mönkkönen, and Human Resources Director Jouni Kekäle will talk about the development of research careers.
Welcome to follow and participate in the event! The event will be partly in English.
The event is free of charge and open to everyone interested.
For further information, please contact Producer Anne Heikkinen, telephone +358 50 563 5798, email