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Search Results: practical-training

Webinar on 26 th of October about financial aid for practical trainings [article]

Webinar for international students about how university supports financial practical training and UEF Trainee programme. There will be new instructions about practical training supported by university, by 1.1.2024 So what does this mean for students? Please, see present instrutions here. Programme: 16.00-16.20 Practical training supported by the university as of 1.1.2024/Planner Outi Suorsa16.20-16.50 UEF Trainee […]

Methods of completing studies [page]

Education Regulations describe how studies can be completed, and units responsible for courses (in Peppi: course implementations) have the authority to define the ways of completing courses in their curricula, including evaluation of study attainments. Students can complete studies individually or in groups through a variety of written and oral methods, such as lectures and […]

International traineeship support from UEF faculties [page]

For traineeships based in Europe, Erasmus+ funding is primarily used for student grants. Erasmus+ traineeship grant is applied from International Mobility Services. If you have any questions related to Erasmus+ traineeship, please contact For traineeships outside of the EU and Erasmus+ programme, students may apply for traineeship support from their own faculty and department. […]