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Search Results: events

Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland (ISYY) [page]

ISYY is here to advocate UEF students’ rights ant to provide services! The Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland (opens in a new tab), ISYY, is UEF students’ advocacy and service organisation. All Bachelor’s and Master’s degree students of UEF despite their study field are automatically required to join ISYY according to the […]

Student sports services [page]

Exercise has a proven positive effect on maintaining physical and mental health. A fun exercise session during free time is the best possible way of promoting a feeling of togetherness and bringing the students and staff closer together. SYKETTÄ Sport Services offers a diverse and inexpensive sports calendar for students and staff members. Break exercise […]

Campus pastors [page]

What is a campus pastor? Campus pastors are assigned by the Church on campuses for students and staff. They act in the university community as experts in communality and the growth, changes, and learning of personal life. Activities of the campus pastor The campus pastors offer individual guidance by offering verbal aid for personal growth […]

JobTeaser portal [page]

Jobs, internships and appointments to UEF career counsellors in JobTeaser Job and internship offers for students and recent graduates can be found in the JobTeaser webservice. Students and staff members log into the JobTeaser UEF platform using their UEF credentials. You can continue using the service after graduation. JobTeaser is used in over 700 universities […]

Student Union membership fees [page]

ISYY, the Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland (opens in a new tab), looks after the students’ rights and interests. ISYY operates on both the Joensuu and Kuopio campus. On this page you can find information on the following subjects: Bachelor’s and master’s degree students’ fees Under the student union act, all bachelor’s […]

Registration as being absent [page]

Each student must register as being present or absent for each one of their active study rights in the Oili registration service annually within the registration period. NOTE! Remember to register as being present or absent for each one of your active study rights! You can find the registration instructions here: Registration instructions for new […]