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Search Results: events

Use Your Vote in the European Elections 2019! [article]

This spring is a good time to make a difference. We have already voted in the Finnish Parliamentary Elections, and now we have a chance to set the course of the European Parliament for the next five years! What Elections? The European Parliament is one of the legislative organs of the European Union. EU citizens […]

Welcome to ISYY’s 9th Annual Jubilee on 16 March 2019 in Kuopio! [article]

Welcome to celebrate the 9th Annual Jubilee of the Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland (ISYY)! The Annual Jubilee is held on Saturday 16 March 2019 in Sokos Hotel Puijonsarvi in Kuopio. Programme The greeting reception starts at 4:30 pm on Saturday 16 March at VB Photographic Centre (Kuninkaankatu 14–16). Please reserve your […]

ISYY’s Independence Day Torch Parades in Joensuu and Kuopio on 6.12.2018 [article]

The traditional Independence Day Torch Parades of the Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland (ISYY) will be held in Joensuu and Kuopio on 6.12.2018. The Torch Parades are one of the oldest and most respected traditions of the Student Union and ISYY warmly welcomes all students to participate in them. Detailed information on […]

Pay parking introduced to the University of Eastern Finland campuses [article]

Pay parking will be introduced to the Joensuu and Kuopio campuses of the University of Eastern Finland as of 1 September 2018. Pay parking will be enforced from September to May on weekdays between 7 am to 4 pm. At other times, parking on the university campuses is free of charge. Read more:

University glossary [page]

Academic quarter? Demo? Faculty? For the definitions of these and many other words and concepts related to university life, see this vocabulary. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W Y  A Absent student is a student who has not paid […]

International matters in Viva Engage [page]

Viva Engage (formerly Yammer) is a communication platform for UEF students and employees. You can log into the service with your UEF username and password. NB! The links open up in a new tab. UEF vaihtoon lähtevät vaihto-opiskelijat // UEF Outgoing Exchange Students: information for outgoing exchange students as well as informal discussions and sharing […]

Checklist for outgoing exchange students [page]

Checklist: before your exchange Start planning your exchange: Why do you want to go? What are your goals for the exchange? Where do you want to go? What do you want to study during your exchange? Your major, minor, the local language, something else? What language do you want to use when studying? English? Another […]

Around the world: Bilateral exchange [page]

University of Eastern Finland has bilateral co-operation agreements with universities from various countries. Bilateral student exchange aims at reciprocity, which is why all universities may not be available for applications every year. The available universities will be listed in the call for applications that will be published at the beginning of the application period. Remember […]

Safety and security [page]

The crime rate is low in Finland in comparison to most other European countries. Visitors have little need to fear for their personal safety or their property. Nevertheless, reasonable caution with personal belongings is always recommended as a precaution. Incoming international students are reminded to take into consideration that although Finland is a safe, tolerant […]